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Well-Known Member
I got a question, I ordered from Attitude and finally rcd. my seeds (first timer). I had been tracking it all along and it was due today. Being the impatient one
I tracked it again later in the day and it said it delivered at 8:30am but I hadn't rcd. anything. I was going to go check the neighbors house when an unmarked
black Jeep pulled up, an un-uniformed person came to the door with my package... Does U.P.S. contract with private delivery company's or should I be worried?
It was a small order.


Well-Known Member
I got a question, I ordered from Attitude and finally rcd. my seeds (first timer). I had been tracking it all along and it was due today. Being the impatient one
I tracked it again later in the day and it said it delivered at 8:30am but I hadn't rcd. anything. I was going to go check the neighbors house when an unmarked
black Jeep pulled up, an un-uniformed person came to the door with my package... Does U.P.S. contract with private delivery company's or should I be worried?
It was a small order.
That is HIGHLY unusual. Didn't you ask who they were or anything?


Well-Known Member
I got a question, I ordered from Attitude and finally rcd. my seeds (first timer). I had been tracking it all along and it was due today. Being the impatient one
I tracked it again later in the day and it said it delivered at 8:30am but I hadn't rcd. anything. I was going to go check the neighbors house when an unmarked
black Jeep pulled up, an un-uniformed person came to the door with my package... Does U.P.S. contract with private delivery company's or should I be worried?
It was a small order.
Rule number one! And this is on every single guide to buying seeds online that I've ever seen... NEVER NEVER NEVER, order the seeds from the same address as you plan on growing them..


Well-Known Member
Well, I was a little shocked to see her with a package and my father in law was there with me joking
around and starting to open the package. The woman had me sign a U.P.S. slip though.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, Got a quick question on nutes in DWC.. This is my first run out of dirt so I'm not sure about simple things, so this will be an easy question..

This is my first water change, I was running 1/4 strength for the last 2 weeks, now I'm changing the water, they are pretty big and look like they are past the 1/4 nute stage.. Should I got straight to regular strength? or should I give them half for a while first then give them full next change?

I'm using GH Flora series, The strain is nuken, roots are atleast a foot long, They are under a 400w MH for veg, and I've included pics.. I'm just gonna do half for now just to play it safe, I was thinking of doing half now, then wait a week and do the other half then..


Thanks guys..


Well-Known Member
Rule number one! And this is on every single guide to buying seeds online that I've ever seen... NEVER NEVER NEVER, order the seeds from the same address as you plan on growing them..
When you get a P.O. box you gotta show your license with your home address on it anyway...


Well-Known Member
When you get a P.O. box you gotta show your license with your home address on it anyway...
Get it shipped to a friends house. Or to your work, or parents place.. Anywhere but you're address where you'll be growing.. I don't know about you, but all my mail goes to my parents house. My Drivers license and every single thing that's linked up to me is all my parents address.. Nobody knows where I live except my friends...


Well-Known Member
Don't have any parents left, I would worry about getting fired if work found out or if I had it shipped to my
sisters house. You have to sign for it so whoever signs for it is responsible. Any way you look at it unfortunately
it's a bit of a dangerous business...


Well-Known Member
True, but it's your name on the bill, she can always say she just received it for you, you can just say you're in between places.
Either way, it is way less risk than getting it shipped to the same house you're going to be growing in.

I don't know about your work, but at mine, people don't open mail with other people's name on it.
I get everything I order online shipped to my lab, cause chances are I will be there when they try to deliver it.
I have got over a dozen things delivered there just this month. (Christmas presents) Out of the possibly hundred things I've gotten delivered to my lab in the last 5 years, nothing was ever opened by another person. I guess it depends on your work though, if you work with a bunch of scum bags you might have to worry.. Also it's against the law for them to open your mail, so if they tried to fire cause of it, you could sue them and they wouldn't be able to fire you.

But I hear you, it's risky no matter where you get it delivered. Just way more risky getting it delivered to the place you'll be growing it..

I Don't have to worry cause I live in Vancouver, we have the Vancouver seed bank. I walk in and pay cash :)


Active Member
I have just received my mmj card. As a newbie which step i follow?
I like ak-47 most of all 420's. I like its smell and strain.
How i grow it...
My uncle use phototron a few years ago...


Well-Known Member
I have just received my mmj card. As a newbie which step i follow?
I like ak-47 most of all 420's. I like its smell and strain.
How i grow it...
My uncle use phototron a few years ago...
If you're new to growing, stick with dirt. It's the most forgiving. Get a ballast that runs MH and HPS. Get a couple T5's for clones/seeds.. And get to it!


Active Member
Dude it was jus temp delivery drivers cus the holidays they hire people to deliver cus there's such an increase but they not certf. To drive the trucks no worries dude
I would love some help! I have two big blues in a 4/4 space under 600hps first timer. good circulation and heat stays around 75 and 67when lights off. with humidity 35-40% They are three weeks into flower and 44 inches tall. I let them veg. for about 6 weeks. I cut back a few of the big leaves up top to let light to some buds that were not getting much. Other than that have not done much in the way of pruning. Anyone have an idea what kind of yield this strain provides? Also i have a purp in the same 4 by 4 space but is not that big (shorter veg. time). I am wanting to get rid of the purp next go around and get two more big blues but worried about room. Is it okay if the plants touch each other? Or is that not advised? Please, please help the new guy!!!!!


and when that's been answered, I have a rudimentary question; What is the optimum ph range for clones in soil(8g-force under a 250)


and when that's been answered, I have a rudimentary question; What is the optimum ph range for clones in soil(8g-force under a 250)
I had heard that getting help on here is a lot like fishing, you throw your question out there and someone will answer it. Well guys I have been fishing A LOT!! I LOVE IT!!!! But so far this pond sucks!


Well-Known Member
Jason, your plants can touch each other, as long as we are not talking smothering. The leaves do need good air flow so they can respirate. close enough to touch is OK. As for what you are going to yield, no one can answer that due to too many variables. That is probably why your question is not getting much action in the pond. It is a hard to impossible question to answer without just simply guessing. It is also Christmas time, so many of our members are traveling, visiting family and loved ones.

The ideal range for soil is 6-7, with many people shooting for 6.5

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
I just switched from growing in a large spare bedroom to growing in a closet. it is five and a half feet long three and a half wide and seven feet eight inches tall. I would like to continue using my 1000 watt HID lights rather than switching to a lower wattage. I plan to grow six to seven plants that will reach roughly five feet. Can anyone give me suggestions on ways to ventilate it well enough to run my 1000 watt set up. Also I live in a second floor apartment if that helps. Thank you for any help you guys can throw my way.