Big Budda's Chiesel


Well-Known Member
Nice walk down memory lane. Sweet stuff lad.
Aye, the good old one's! Now that im gonna up my game, along with genetic's, I can't wait to get going. Wasted alot of years playing about with crap seed's. Im thinking of Changing medium too. Thinking about coco, got a water farm thingy that ive been waiting for space to give a go. Got me some more shopping to do i think!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
some really fine lookin bud there man, i love the colour of the pistils in this shot man.

looks like it got a good representation of the nycd in it


Well-Known Member
yeah i agree with don nice colors if you had to describe the nycd what would it smell like dry taste like and burn like? i know i have had it being from ny but there are many strains passing for sour d. new jounal is up and active come show some love


Well-Known Member
Fuck Me man! Just Done a 20 min post and got told to re-fresh and log-in! Thats the second time!!!
Sorry for the delay with the last Q..
Im a day behind everything. Went for a steak-bake fi Greg's on Wed. Ended up in battlecruiser and done a session the Don Himself would be proud of!
Straight up Shishkaboy. The Deisel(purple-one)Smell in flower is changes from a Lime/Melon citrus, to a more berry-like smell/tast. Smokes really nice and smooth, exhaling from the nose every time to cath all the Flav. (after few weeks cure) of the best bit from both. Holden them back for the Festive's. But without takin anything away from such a beautifull plant, The green one is for-sure more Potent,( which was an early Spot from yourself Shish,) Even smoother and best way to describe it is Big Budda's description. Old meets New. Full body Skunk, even smoother and carries the berry-like Flav. in the after taste. I swear its drinking it! Much respect to the Budda' on this one.
Thats the shortend short version ;>)

For-sure i'll head over Shishkaboy. Thanks once again for the nice words DonGnT How's it mate! In that Pic this one had a Cal-Mag Prob. But came real nice!!!


Well-Known Member
Not forgetting the man DST, n all the Faith ;>)... gonna come n have a butcher's after a quick cuppa' and roll a Number.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
now then lad whats this you been on the sauce hahaha good drills lad! im a bit ill for it at the moment when i smoke and or drink with the cold it makes me a bit spaced tae feck hahaha

still aint stopping me... i whipped the cut onto the back of me veg light to try n simulate the heated prop, hopefully it should pull through!


Well-Known Member
No sweat bro! know you got me matey! sup anyhow lol? Yea man, had a good old time! since its been solid head-nip and now Chrimbo and gettin Prepared to do again all over! lol.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i hear that bro i tried my hardest to have a drink n a smoke yesterday and it just fucked me up and not in the good way. gonna take some more cuts this after man :)


Well-Known Member
Aye, giong to be good festive's! ffs the time I do the rounds with the Family 'game's a bogey!' Over, basically. Then its,oot wi the greens and all the other side of Fam. givving their look's n two bob's worth lol. I love to piss those cxxxs off hahaha.
Going to real busy over next week. Kid's and more kid's, not all mine before you think WOW.... How'm many like? lol. Big Fam mate ;>).
Hopefully the choc. buttons come through good with doing a few and cracking the Prop. But to even suggest otherwise would mean i was talking to someone else!

Peace Mate! Stay Safe.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahah aye i hate travelling for hours xmas day its a reet mare. busted out the prop this after, should be all good this time. heated prop never fails me

have a good one lad!


Ethan Cray

Hello, Here are some pics of my big buddah at 4 weeks int flowering. It was about 28 inches tall when I kicked it over to 12/12 and it grew to over 4 feet within about 2 weeks.

week 4 002.jpgweek 4 003.jpgweek 4 004.jpgweek 4 008.jpg


Well-Known Member
Just doing my round's, n thought I should do a post in me own thread! lol. Really busy gang, but all is lush n coulorfull!
Will be Kicking off a new thread in the New Year, and With a wee bit luck, going to be my best genetic's yet, with help from a couple of good old Gent's. You Know who you are! ;>)

Just doing my round's, n thought I should do a post in me own thread! lol. Really busy gang, but all is lush n coulorfull!
Will be Kicking off a new thread in the New Year, and With a wee bit luck, going to be my best genetic's yet, with help from a couple of good old Gent's. You Know who you are! ;>)

Can i get a snek peek on the new genetics?


Well-Known Member
hahahah reet lmao

belter on the nag lad! you put much on? i steer clear of the horses n dogs the form makes nee sense to me. dogs i have no fuckin clue how anyone bets on em i think you just pick 2 numbers an take yer chance haha
Hey, Don. Whats that you said? 'you stay clear from DOG'S lol WOOOOF! Good job your an expert when coming to the green DOG'S ;>)
