I have just nearly came to tears. I have grown 3 Arjans Haze #1 for 8 week veg in huge pots and prunes to make some monster bushy plants, I even tried a spot of super cropping and these plants turned into monsers. I am in the 3rd week of flower. 3 Beautiful plants looking dark and healthy. In the mean time a kandy kush feminised was growing. I have been away for a few weeks and entrusted this grow to a friend, only to come back to find that the Kandy Kush was a male not a hermy, and its spilled all its nasty pollen over my female plants. Any idea what the offspring is going to be like? and any ideas on which cliff to jump off? RRRAAAA!!! I may just leave them to seed.
All posts are fictional.
All posts are fictional.