OMG, any suggestions.

I have just nearly came to tears. I have grown 3 Arjans Haze #1 for 8 week veg in huge pots and prunes to make some monster bushy plants, I even tried a spot of super cropping and these plants turned into monsers. I am in the 3rd week of flower. 3 Beautiful plants looking dark and healthy. In the mean time a kandy kush feminised was growing. I have been away for a few weeks and entrusted this grow to a friend, only to come back to find that the Kandy Kush was a male not a hermy, and its spilled all its nasty pollen over my female plants. Any idea what the offspring is going to be like? and any ideas on which cliff to jump off? RRRAAAA!!! I may just leave them to seed.

All posts are fictional.


Active Member
Yo man, if it's not too far along use Reverse from Dutch Master. I can personally vouch for this, and have, and now have friends who can.


Well-Known Member
Yo man, if it's not too far along use Reverse from Dutch Master. I can personally vouch for this, and have, and now have friends who can.
Reverse will do nothing for the plants already pollenated. Not much of anything in this case. No hermis involved I dont think. I would just get ready to have a lifetime supply of seeds.......


Well-Known Member
never know man u might end up with some bad ass seeds outt tha deal life gies you lemons make lemonade least they were alive ive done the same entrusted a grow to one of my best friends went to a bullridin came home to dead dry plants all females i was pissed
lol, yea i suppose. They are badass Arjans Haze and the kandy kush was a bloody triffid. It was 2 foot tall when i went away came back three weeks later and it was seven foot with popped balls all over the place. Has anyone ever grown a kandykush/arjans haze#1 hybrid?

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
Heck man, just go with it at this point.

I mean you're dealing with good genes, so I'm sure that the offspring will be great.

And you won't have to order seeds again for a while.


Well-Known Member
You've got a bunch of seeds now :-D. Accept it for what it is and be more careful next time. Think of it this way : Now you won't have to buy seeds for a long time, plus you'll have a nice range of phenotypes to choose from. You could shuck your buds to get all the seeds out and just smoke it as is, or make hash from it. You have options. It won't be the most potent ganj you have ever tasted, but it won't be the worst either. Hell, all the seed stock I have I don't want anymore and all the seed I want everyone else gets. If I were you I'd embrace this.
Right, i have a few seeds that i am willing to give away if anyone wants to try them. I only have a few im willing to give away. First come first serve. Its more the postage than the seeds as i have around 4000, i got sick counting when i got to 2200.



Active Member
those are great genetics! be psyched that it wasn't a hermie or you'd get some unstable offspring. regular seed is the shit! sorry bout the sinsimilla, but think of what you could have in the future... kandy kush (og kush x trainwreck) x arjan's haze #1. even to people who aren't a fan of greenhouse, a ogkushxtrainwreckxhaze combo is pretty appealing