8 Plants 1 Pot

Think this out thoroughly

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Well-Known Member
"heck, i'd be gay if I wasn't straight" basic science at it's finest

why do you have 213 messages about my sexuality? what kind of discussion is going on there!! :D

lol, cherry kool-aid. concord is repping the low budget grow to the fullest. red kool-aid Stand Up!

and yeah newdude, all love is welcome. leave that shit there. post it again if you want! haha, prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr (sometimes I make bird noises to interact with my squadron)

Brick Top

New Member
I have 219 PM's from other members of this forum, most call you an ignorant homosexual teenager, but some are more constructive and just call you a moron.
I have had to clear my PM inbox a number of times due to similar PMs I have received.


Well-Known Member

Brick Top

New Member
This should you give you an idea, there was a mass coming-out-of-the-closet this morning.

(You shouldn't have showed them your tits !)

BTW, I was the guy with 9 plants in one pot not 4.

I thought Elvis had left the building, but here you are!

I was given a heads up about the Brick Top thread earlier and made a short statement basically saying I appreciate the thought behind it but I wish it had never been created.

Still it will give people a chance to rip me a new one if they want so maybe some people will enjoy it.


Well-Known Member
I got some news "FAGGOTS" I just hit up lowes and got a y splitter and daylight cfls for like $12 or some bullshit like that. They didn't have any outlet plug-in fuckity thingies even the virgin who was trying to assist me couldn't find it. So I'm still going to be using the ceiling, 2 softs and 2 daylights if this Y splitter connects, I'm no electric scientist but I heard it's supposed to work. and I used about $6.19 on Gas and I was rally driving the whip all the way to town and back. there were a few people driving around on some motor-sleds around town... the highways were clear but a little icy in the daytime, on the way back it was like that night time picture I showed you but all was well... I used the rest of my money on two bottles of cough syrup because I might've caught a cold putting in $6 of gas in the freezing weather.

I'm about to eat a good meal and maybe a grapefruit and then I'm going to electrician this bitch up and talk to you guys or some shit


Well-Known Member
HAHAHHAHA IT WORKS! and the shaping of the 4 is perfect now. criss cross blue and red. I almost went blind turning on the light. fuck you :D


Well-Known Member
I just thought of a brilliant idea..... I could add a bunch of these Y connectors to my ceiling, fuck a floor. It takes away from the "Leaning Tower of Treesa"

is there a limited amount of watts I can use? or could I just hook up 15 bulbs in circles up there? without blowing fuses or w/e would happen to break if I were to put to many bulbs up there? BrickTOp, I need ya, chap


Well-Known Member
:confused: umm yeah, Elvis is dead, I'm not :dunce:

They're called power bars, like most people plug their computer and monitor etc. in.
You have to have the right spliters to plug into them though.
The only type of splitters they had were the Y ones that connected to the bulb spots. and I grabbed the last one....
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