agreed.On second thought, after realizing it's the Winter Solstice, a full moon AND an eclipse...yeah, tonight's definitely a good night for the ritual.
it keeps the other cats away.lmao what would that accomplish?
I'm well aware of the mind.the mind is a scary thing poplars, it can make you see and hear things that arent really there. to me, thats scarier than ghosts.
for sure.i totally agree, not enough evidence either way to know for sure. but until i see a ghost or have a undeniable paranormal experience i wont believe its anything other than the mind, or rats, cats, the wind or whatever. i didnt mean to imply we knew everything, its way more than foolish to assume we do.
its not closed minded to not believe, its closed minded to completely dismiss it without looking at the evidence.where all the activity takes place, Sorry for the darkness I didn't feel like turning all the lights on in the house. The upstairs has by far been the worst for general creepy feelings. This place has history, theres alot more sections to the house that we don't go in alot. We are way more unbothered than bothered though, hard to explain. One thing I wouldn't DARE DO is use a ouija board here. That supposedly will open up a portal and invite anything in... including malevolent demons. Anyone who doesn't believe this stuff, you either are too close-minded or you just haven't had the experience yet, some people never do I guess. Once I spent the night on an island wayyy out away from civilation. It was a decrepit old cabin, musta been 200 years old, owned by a native indian tribe. Our boat engine failed so we paddled to it and spent the night...that's a whollle other story...
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er, aren't the previous owners dead???? hahaaadoes look like a creepy little house.....but you should ask the previous owners if they had any expierences
er, aren't the previous owners dead???? hahaaa
Hey Sr. Verde wasup man. Thanks for the props I just thought I would share this new experience in my life with my RIU FAM. The inscription says,yeah
Sick thread by the way, this shit is why I love the internet.
Props to fdd for asking for pics, I was reading through replies and was suprised nobody was asking!
You should get that dagger appraised, it could be worth something.. also what does the inscription say? I can't read it perfectly from the pic
hell yeah glad you're dealing with it that way... it looks like a badass place that will one day carry over very good vibes!Hey Sr. Verde wasup man. Thanks for the props I just thought I would share this new experience in my life with my RIU FAM. The inscription says,
Yeah lol they are dead. An elderly german or something couple just bought the house recently and rented it to us, they know nothing. One thing I may do is track down the daughter of the old woman who lived here, she may know something. Still haven't done the sage's been pretty quiet around here, maybe it/they know(s) of the potential banishing ceremony to come and just wanna mingle with us in peace now. No more fucking powertools or pictures falling off my walls while very securely placed... or it's on like donkey kong![]()
Haha yeah well aint gonna stress no ghosties shit I have way more important stuff to deal with... and we spread lot's of love and cheer in this house forsure, those types of vibes are always being spread by us but it's funny because that's usually when something falls or loud banging occurs hmmm they don't like merriment I guess hehehell yeah glad you're dealing with it that way... it looks like a badass place that will one day carry over very good vibes!