Barack INSANE NObama is the Antichirst! And I AM YOUR God/Christ! Merry Xmass!


New Member
since god is off doing godly god things u know he has his own hustle im sure he wont mind us thread jacking
i mean he said he will provide so maybe he did with this thread so we can kick the bobo


King Tut
I volunteer as much as I can. I do much more 1 on 1. Such as passing a J to someone on the street or buying a meal or a blanket. I've got several community service ideas that would be self sufficient once the start-up capital has been established. I'm all about helping anyone I can because I never know when I'll need a hand and I also think that if we all focused on helping others we wouldn't have nearly as much time to focus on hurting each other.


New Member
did i see a post of yours where charities turned down donations because your group was pro mj

I volunteer as much as I can. I do much more 1 on 1. Such as passing a J to someone on the street or buying a meal or a blanket. I've got several community service ideas that would be self sufficient once the start-up capital has been established. I'm all about helping anyone I can because I never know when I'll need a hand and I also think that if we all focused on helping others we wouldn't have nearly as much time to focus on hurting each other.


King Tut
did i see a post of yours where charities turned down donations because your group was pro mj
Yes, a local homeless shelter. It was such a shame, but we have been brainstorming on ways to help the less fortunate and bypassing the middle-man to make our dollars spread further.


New Member
i seen it bro plus rep and merry christmas
why dont u guys start you own thing find a small church
and thanks for doing more for mankind then the op what has he done?

Yes, a local homeless shelter. It was such a shame, but we have been brainstorming on ways to help the less fortunate and bypassing the middle-man to make our dollars spread further.

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Love your threads bro LOL..


King Tut
i seen it bro plus rep and merry christmas
why dont u guys start you own thing find a small church
and thanks for doing more for mankind then the op what has he done?
We're looking at several ways of distributing donations throughout the community. We were recently informed by the county that we(along with all dispensaries in the county) would be fined for violation of a local land-use act if we continue to operate. A fine of $100 first day, $200 second day, etc to an annual cap of $10K. So, we're thinking of not only raising the $10K, but blowing that amount out of the water and then distributing throughout the community. I've spoken to a couple of pastors that are open minded enough to at least approach their congregations regarding the issue. I've been doing a LOT of talking to leaders on my own and have begun running ideas through our dispensary owner. IDK, it seems there are some people that would turn away a helping hand even though they are starving and others that will surely be blessed for the help they give even though it hurts.


King Tut
Oh yeah, as for the OP. IDk if it was his intent, but he has stimulated a good conversation that could turn into a movement. God has blessed us.