You should definetly check out what Kelvins the lights are, and i would use a 3-1 ratio on Veg and Flowering, meaning.. Use 3 5k-6.5k lights and 1 2.7k-3k light. Both spectrums have different qualities that produce different growth patterns. If im not mistaken, veg lighting has the tendency to make it tall and stretchy, while the flower lighting will bush it up a little. I might be wrong, but the spectrums do those things to your plants.
Having someone take care of the mother is a good thing, yet you dont get to see it as much, and you prolly will not beable to keep a mother in a party cup, the root mass alone will explode the cup, if it doesnt it will stunt up and die. You should go 3gal. minimum, which is what im doing, and maybe start a new mother when you are close to getting rid of an older mother due to root mass.
A basic, easy guide that i went to, is try to get 5k lumens per sq ft. optimal, 3.5k per sq ft. minimum, i wouldnt go below that, infact i would try to shoot for 5k minimum per sq ft. Find out how much each bulb produces and look on the internet somewhere for a light calculator to see how much light loss, if any, from the bulb to the bottom. in your case those totes should be good with no light loss since its not very tall.
Flowering you might want to start them small clones like i did, at week 5, these little 2-3 inch clones have grown 15-16 inches! thats a huge jump from when they went in. If you do run into height issues while flowering there is also the break method, not too familiar but i beleive is when u break the top slightly and bend it, but it will still flower. do the research on that.
Hope this helps and Good luck!