8 Plants 1 Pot

Think this out thoroughly

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Brick Top

New Member
If you honestly believe that all of those plants are going to die, I respect that. but I doubt you do and most of you are just being typical losers

A number of messages back you had mentioned that your plants were wilting. Check out problem number 6 of the root-bound condition.

Get ready buddy ... because the 'multiple plants in a tiny picnic basket with hardly any soil in it fun times' are already beginning! It is only a matter of time until you lose more plants. You will be lucky if one survives long enough to have a tiny harvest of Ghetto Gold.

What is Root-Bound?

Root-bound is where the roots of your plant outgrow the container they are contained in.

The following symptoms may be observed if you allow your plants to become root-bound:

1. Stunted Growth.

2. Stretching.

3. Smaller and slower bud production.

4. Needs watering too often.

5. Easy to burn with low % nutrient solution mixtures.

6. Wilting.

Tight roots negatively and permanently affect growth. No plant will do well when it's pot-bound. If plants did better growing under root-bound conditions, it would seem that Mother Nature would have arranged for cannabis plants in nature, where they evolved to grow, with their roots in tight little cones or cubes, yet we never see that occur.

Think a minute about what growth is. Growth is simply a measure of the increase in a plant's biomass, how much bigger it has become (the weight of the sum of it's parts), and is the actual measure of how 'well' a plant is doing.

It is common knowledge that tight roots restrict growth, reduce the amount of extension, and reduce the potential for an increase in mass,
so even if you THINK your plants are doing well, the truth is tight roots are stressful and plants would rather have plenty of room for their roots to grow so they could grow as Mother Nature intended.

Tight roots not only alters the plant's growth habits but the stress of tight roots can and will cause other physiological responses. Again, this is happening because of stress, and is the plants unhappy response to being forced to grow in the worst growing conditions I have ever seen. All that and more is what you are facing and what WILL happen in your Leaning Tower of Pisa multiple plants in a tiny picnic basket with a couple inches of soil in it under a chandelier with a few weak CFL's in it grow.


Active Member
A number of messages back you had mentioned that your plants were wilting. Check out problem number 6 of the root-bound condition.

Get ready buddy ... because the 'multiple plants in a tiny picnic basket with hardly any soil in it fun times' are already beginning! It is only a matter of time until you lose more plants. You will be lucky if one survives long enough to have a tiny harvest of Ghetto Gold.

What is Root-Bound?

Root-bound is where the roots of your plant outgrow the container they are contained in.

The following symptoms may be observed if you allow your plants to become root-bound:

1. Stunted Growth.

2. Stretching.

3. Smaller and slower bud production.

4. Needs watering too often.

5. Easy to burn with low % nutrient solution mixtures.

6. Wilting.

Tight roots negatively and permanently affect growth. No plant will do well when it's pot-bound. If plants did better growing under root-bound conditions, it would seem that Mother Nature would have arranged for cannabis plants in nature, where they evolved to grow, with their roots in tight little cones or cubes, yet we never see that occur.

Think a minute about what growth is. Growth is simply a measure of the increase in a plant's biomass, how much bigger it has become (the weight of the sum of it's parts), and is the actual measure of how 'well' a plant is doing.

It is common knowledge that tight roots restrict growth, reduce the amount of extension, and reduce the potential for an increase in mass,
so even if you THINK your plants are doing well, the truth is tight roots are stressful and plants would rather have plenty of room for their roots to grow so they could grow as Mother Nature intended.

Tight roots not only alters the plant's growth habits but the stress of tight roots can and will cause other physiological responses. Again, this is happening because of stress, and is the plants unhappy response to being forced to grow in the worst growing conditions I have ever seen. All that and more is what you are facing and what WILL happen in your Leaning Tower of Pisa multiple plants in a tiny picnic basket with a couple inches of soil in it under a chandelier with a few weak CFL's in it grow.
Thus why he is Brick Top not bottom, Bravo !!!!! + Rep


Well-Known Member

rootbound that, keep praying for failure.

you are saying nothing still.... bring another question to the table, everything you've thrown out there has been proven to have worked against. you are hardheaded. sorry for trying to grow plants. but it's been done with lesser and my plants look better than a lot of others.

I don't know how my conditions are worse. you are speaking out of ignorance and being a bitch.
I have a journal of a guy growing a 3ft plant with a few yellow cfls in the corner of his room. I'm way more supplied than he is with my 46 watts of Daylight and 23watts of Soft.

many people have even come in here showing off their grows to help you shut up about these things. but you are still going.

blahblahblah, just hop on the wagon and think of ways beneficial to make a success of this. I'm baffled at all the idiots that just hop on thinking that I don't know what I'm talking about. when I talk about FACTS.

Next time you post. get to the point, and don't bring in old timer lullabies and sayings. Just say what is possible, and what isn't... it's basic

Brick Top

New Member
rootbound that, keep praying for failure.

you are saying nothing still.... bring another question to the table, everything you've thrown out there has been proven to have worked against. you are hardheaded. sorry for trying to grow plants. but it's been done with lesser and my plants look better than a lot of others.

Once again you replied to collection of facts, with a few jabs tossed in for my entertainment, with lies.

Just because you refuse to accept facts and attempt to redefine scientifically proven horticultural facts as being my; "theories" that will never alter the truth or the facts.

You have yet to say one single horticultural fact in your entire thread. Everything you have said has been what you think and what you feel and what you believe and what is; "sexy" to you.

I am absolutely convinced that the only thing you will ever be able to successfully grow is the yellow/green film on your few remaining rotting teeth.


Well-Known Member
So you are saying it's impossible to grow in a small area because of rootbound. Or are you saying it's impossible to grow multiple plants in an area.

It's funny how you've "supposedly" been doing this for many decades and I've been doing it for 1 month and apparently know more than you.

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
everything I do is right... I didn't know there was written science about it. I was just using basic instincts.

I don't use nonsensical things as I'm trying my best to get these plants at full potential. don't think I'm growing for no reason. this is my life and future on the line.

I'm sure most of you dislike me because of how serious I'm taking this. but that should be the reason you should be on my side and helping me.

ain't nothing but love over here. if you bring it back
I got your "love" hangin' and hard, you moronic piece of shit. I can't remember ever in my 71 years encountering a creature so self-centered, narcissistic, and ignorant all rolled into one really ugly package and called "tafbang"! And this silly creature seems to be convinced that it's God's gift to botany!!!
Dear Lord!! Was it your parents that made you this way???? Plagiarize someone's grow picture, (you didn't SAY it was yours, BUT you didn't say it wasn't either), so fucking typical of a sneaky assed creep like yourself.
IF this grow is your life, GOOD, cause it's just as doomed as you, to go nowhere, accomplish nothing, just a total waste of space.
Go to Wikipedia, look up "God's mistakes": Big ol' picture of tafbang & a picnic basket full of dead pot plants.
But hey, have a nice day...BB

& unsubbed, dr's orders, LOL

Brick Top

New Member
So you are saying it's impossible to grow in a small area because of rootbound. Or are you saying it's impossible to grow multiple plants in an area.
I am saying that in either case you face near countless problems and no matter how successful someone's results MIGHT seem to be to them, IF they get really lucky and their plant(s) survive, it is not worth the time, effort or accepting the risks, plus quality will be so low that it will make Ghetto Gold seem like Black Widow by comparison.

It's funny how you've "supposedly" been doing this for many decades and I've been doing it for 1 month and apparently know more than you.
You are either insane or a fool if you believe that to be true. Have you already forgotten how I asked you just a couple really simple basic questions that virtually every even just half experienced grower would easily know and you questioned me as to why what I was asking you was like "a NASA test?"

Ok ... you, ever so inaccurately claim, that you have been growing for one month and; "apparently know more than" I do.

OK .. prove it you pitiful punk, prove that you did not just LIE AGAIN when you inaccurately claimed you; "apparently know more than" I do .... list the various known monoterpenoids (C10H16) and monoterpenoids (C10H180) andmonoterpene phenols (C10H14O) and sesquiterpenoids (C15H24) and aliphatic esters and hetero compounds and phenylpropanes and aromatic acids and misc compounds in cannabis plants.

I will be waiting for your answer. If you know the answer it should not take you more than about a minute to a minute and a half, if you have trouble spelling them, to type them out after reading the question since earlier in the thread you said you can type 100 words per minute.


Well-Known Member
I've been stomping on you rats all month and it never ends. I could go for paragraphs on how you've been calling death and idiot ideas day after day. you get proved wrong, something new, proved wrong, something new, proved wrong, something new. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz grow up childrens
Nobody has been proved wrong until you pull a harvest off those.

Brick Top

New Member
day after day. you get proved wrong,
Taffy, the only thing that you have proven so far is that you are imbecilic enough to start out eight plants in a chandelier and then move them into a tiny picnic basket with a couple inches of soil in it that is on top of a stack of books that are on top of a stool that is on top of a table to keep your tiny picnic basket grow close to your only source of lighting, a chandelier with a few weak CFLs in it, in a room where the temperatures get down to 50 degrees and that you went from a vegetative light cycle to a flowering light cycle and then back to a vegetative light cycle because the flowering light cycle was' "not right" for your plants and that so far out of the eight plants you started with you have successfully managed to kill two of them off already.

Oh .. you also proved that you never had any interest whatsoever in accepting anyone's help, even though you asked for help, because you refused every single bit of advice, both good and bad, that was given.

Something else you have MORE THAN PROVEN is that you are the biggest troll asshole on RIU and the most ignorant rawest most clueless noobie grower that I have ever had the misfortune of every having had any sort of contact with in nearly 39 years of growing..

Those are the ONLY things you have proven so far.


Well-Known Member
Hey brick thought you took him under your wings..but it looks like he turned on you..may be he will learn you dont bite the hand that feeds you...

Brick Top

New Member
and if he does pull a harvest he will sure enough be hard to live with...
If he manages to get lucky enough to have one single plant survive and end up with one popcorn bud he will claim it to have been a complete and total major success.

In other words he will lie AGAIN to cover his ass.

He's lost two plants in less than a month. He has six plants remaining in a tiny picnic basket with a couple inches of soil in it and he has the entire flowering process yet to go .. including the stretch and the massive root-bound condition that has already begun ... so what do you think the odds are of him ending up with anything at all are?

The odds are less than the odds are that the Olsen twins will show up at my door tonight and beg me to let them move in with me and beg me if I would let them invite Keira Knightly and Paris Hilton over each weekend so they could join us every weekend for all weekend long group romps in bed.

Brick Top

New Member
Hey brick thought you took him under your wings..but it looks like he turned on you..may be he will learn you dont bite the hand that feeds you...
I got fed up with him and left the thread but I made the error earlier of checking back in for a few laughs and saw where he is still PMS'ing about me and lying about me like mad, so I decided I would stick around for a little while again and remind people that tafbang is more ignorant and more useless than a damp tuft of lice infested rectal pubic hair.


Well-Known Member
Is it impossible???? don't be a loser, you always switch it up. have a good day, good luck waking up from your sleep, old man

there is a poll here to state your opinions. you don't have to talk out of your ass. you have still said nothing, you resort to personal attackings when you can't answer.
just suck it up. you're a failure.

Bricktop - rain/snow is toxic and you can't grow plants in a party cup, neither can you grow them with 3 lightbulbs, and... nobody has ever grown with many seeds in a spot before

I'm glad you guys support this dummy, the only people who are "IGNORANT" are all of you negative people that are just speaking out of rage and madness.... It's straight cash over here. come back with a personal attack, it's all you've ever had.

Bricktop - rain/snow is toxic and you can't grow plants in a party cup, neither can you grow them with 3 lightbulbs, and... nobody has ever grown with many seeds in a spot before
Bricktop - rain/snow is toxic and you can't grow plants in a party cup, neither can you grow them with 3 lightbulbs, and... nobody has ever grown with many seeds in a spot before
Bricktop - rain/snow is toxic and you can't grow plants in a party cup, neither can you grow them with 3 lightbulbs, and... nobody has ever grown with many seeds in a spot before


Well-Known Member
No one ever said you couldn't grow in the conditions you set up, people just gave advice on how to make it grow better or how to give them a better chance at life, but you squandered that and made yourself some internet friends who don't care for you much.


Well-Known Member
Hey Taffy, Leaves don't breathe oxygen, they use Carbon Dioxide and exhale oxygen.


Soap bars don't do much for plants unless you are trying to get them clean...snicker...snicker.....snicker.

Oh and overwatered plants generally tend to look wilted.

If I recall... you are all dumb, I can prove this point all day.

good one. I must be psychic how I predicted you would resort to that comment because you're such a genius

Brick Top

New Member
Is it impossible???? don't be a loser, you always switch it up. have a good day, good luck waking up from your sleep, old man
There you go lying again and attempting to incorrectly redefine what I said and attempting to put words in my keyboard by using the word; "impossible."

I CLEARLY stated that you face near countless problems. In that tiny picnic basket with a couple inches of soil in it I can guarantee that your plant's roots are already fighting for space and nutrients and water. That is why you had wilting already. The root-bound condition is in it's early stages and there is absolutely NOTHING that you are either capable or willing to do to remedy that problem. I could and I could do it very easily, but not you. You lack the know how and even if I told you how to do it in perfect detail so you could do it without having any problems at all, you would reject the information just as you have rejected every single piece of good sound factual advice I and others offered you.

And even if you do get EXTREMELY LUCKY and have one plant survive until harvest your yield will be minuscule and it will not turn out to have been worth the time, effort or accepting the risks, plus the quality will be so low that it will make Ghetto Gold seem like Black Widow by comparison.

That is NOT saying impossible. That is only you were utterly insane to make your original attempt and make such big boastful claims so early and that at best you will end up with less yield and less quality than my cat could grow thanks to what he has learned standing around watching me with my plants for the last ten years and the fact that he possesses a higher IQ than you and has vastly greater cognitive powers ... and he could pull it off even though he doesn't have thumbs.


Well-Known Member
Just today, I got this.

Bricktop - rain/snow is toxic and you can't grow plants in a party cup, neither can you grow them with 3 lightbulbs, and... nobody has ever grown with many seeds in a spot before

No Drama the drama queen - Hey Taffy, Leaves don't breathe oxygen, they use Carbon Dioxide and exhale oxygen.


Soap bars don't do much for plants unless you are trying to get them clean...snicker...snicker.....snicker.

Oh and overwatered plants generally tend to look wilted.
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