Please help - any idea what these white spots on my leaves are?



Some factors:
They were fed some Bio Buzz Grow earlier this week. I treated my water with PH down the last time they were watered (about a day ago), I may have used too much as the PH as about 5. I've noticed a recent jump in humidity by 6-8%.

Thanks for any help you can give!


Well-Known Member

Some factors:
They were fed some Bio Buzz Grow earlier this week. I treated my water with PH down the last time they were watered (about a day ago), I may have used too much as the PH as about 5. I've noticed a recent jump in humidity by 6-8%.

Thanks for any help you can give!
not nute burn .. its almost 100% stink bugs thats exactly how they feed and what there feedng mark looks like. they come out when warm then after feeding go and hide in any warm tight crack or crevice.. look around youll probably find him or more nearby hiding ..


Thanks guys. I'm not sure if we get stink bugs in the UK though.

It's a soil grow, so I think the low PH might not've been a good idea.

The leaf in that picture is the worst affected, there're about 2 or three others with 1-3 smaller white marks on them.


Still no difference in the markings, they haven't gotten worse and there doesn't seem to be any new occurences elsewhere.

Going to water them tonight with untreated mineral water.


Well-Known Member
hey there please refer to this link to see the full list of uk bugs you have a ton of bugs out there.. most of these will feed in a similar manner..

im thinking sheild bug or squashbug.. it could be spidermites but you will see silky web like substance

also i would do somthing about that ph .. the marks in question did not come from ph problems though. ph problems will manifest differntly


Thanks man, I'll be keeping an eye out. I haven't seen any sort of web-like substance.

I know neem oil does it for spidermites, but what would you recommend for getting rid of other bigger bugs?

I'm going to have a good look at the plants after i post this, then remove them from the grow area and inspect any creases/cracks... god help the little bastard if I find him.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, I'll be keeping an eye out. I haven't seen any sort of web-like substance.

I know neem oil does it for spidermites, but what would you recommend for getting rid of other bigger bugs?

I'm going to have a good look at the plants after i post this, then remove them from the grow area and inspect any creases/cracks... god help the little bastard if I find him.
preventing them from getting in is the only real way.. they are very good at finding there way in .. they are fully armored and pierce the plant with a tiny needle like feeding tube so pesticides are almost useless since they pierce the plant and suck the juices from the inside (not that you would want pesticides on your smoke any how). :( .. find where he came from .. have a go with your favorite smashing device and seal your room up as best as possible..


Gave the plants and their pots a thorough inspection, nothing on the leaves, nothing under the leaves, nothing on the stems. I gave the surface soil a good going over as well... nothing.

I raked my arm over every inch of the mylar coated walls of my grow cabinet, fingered every crease and cranny. If he'd crawled under there he won't be crawling anywhere else anytime soon.

I haven't actually noticed any further damage or white spots appearing so he may not've stuck around after his first meal, either that or I unwittingly did him in with a previous watering or soil check.

There aren't any open windows in the room my box is in, and I don't think I've ever seen a bug (outside of the occassional spider) in that part of the house.

Anyway, I'm rambling and it doesn't seem like there's a great deal else I can do other than keeping an eye on things. Thanks for all of the advice.