8 Plants 1 Pot

Think this out thoroughly

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Brick Top

New Member
I suppose it was hard to understand on the 1st post of the thread. that it wasn't taken serious or intentional,

It may appear that way since you went back and edited your first message, but just a handful of pages or so back you said you asked for; "Legitimate thoughts/facts." It still says that in your first message, and you went on to ask people to get on the bandwagon and help you with; "Legitimate thoughts/facts."

That is not something someone would say if they were just fooling around.

and my favorite part is when bricktop posted an E-BOok from amazon and told me to read it when it cost $ .... he got mad

Which one was a book that you had to purchase? Every link I provided you with for a book was an online book, one that you can read some or all of online for free.

What got me upset was your snide smarmy LIES claiming that the information found in those online books, and the other sites as well, were my; "theories" rather than the proven facts that they are.

You are a pathological liar. You are the type of person that would rather climb to the top of a very tall tree that was thick with thorns so you could then tell a lie rather than to remain on the ground and have to tell the truth.

You are seriously ill. You desperately need intense psychological treatment.

You know all about psychology though .. that was what you claimed to be majoring in, in college, but yet you were unable to spell psychology and butchered it so badly that my two and a half year old great nephew could have come closer to spelling psychology correctly than you did.

Of course though you LIED and claimed it was a simple typo.


Well-Known Member
How are you typing this much?!

keep talking out of your ass with shit that I countered many times *FACTUALLY*


Well-Known Member
don't be a loser, you always switch it up. have a good day, good luck waking up from your sleep, old man

there is a poll here to state your opinions. you don't have to talk out of your ass. you have still said nothing, you resort to personal attackings when you can't answer.
just suck it up. you're a failure.

Bricktop - rain/snow is toxic and you can't grow plants in a party cup, neither can you grow them with 3 lightbulbs, and... nobody has ever grown with many seeds in a spot before

I'm glad you guys support this dummy, the only people who are "IGNORANT" are all of you negative people that are just speaking out of rage and madness.... It's straight cash over here. come back with a personal attack, it's all you've ever had.

Bricktop - rain/snow is toxic and you can't grow plants in a party cup, neither can you grow them with 3 lightbulbs, and... nobody has ever grown with many seeds in a spot before
Bricktop - rain/snow is toxic and you can't grow plants in a party cup, neither can you grow them with 3 lightbulbs, and... nobody has ever grown with many seeds in a spot before
Bricktop - rain/snow is toxic and you can't grow plants in a party cup, neither can you grow them with 3 lightbulbs, and... nobody has ever grown with many seeds in a spot before


New Member
I didnt start reading this thread till like page 50. Did anyone else say you'z trollin' before I did? You should go back and read pages 1 to 49 and let me know. Also, don't tell me that you don't have the time for that, since shit like this is entertaining to you and you spend 18 hours a day here begging for someone to pat you on the back for doing something right-ish.


Well-Known Member
I understood that my grow was farfetched.

which is why I provided visual evidence. now I already said I could care less about any of you ugly people. I'm solemnly here for this experiment and experience and those that have learned from it. K.I.S.S

you guys severely damaged the thread with your idiocracy. I've been saying since day 1 to exit the premises. who's the loser dummies...? YOU ARE ! :D YAY please leave :D

Brick Top

New Member
How are you typing this much?!

keep talking out of your ass with shit that I countered many times *FACTUALLY*

There is ANOTHER LIE added to your list. You NEVER; "countered" anything; "factually," You only rejected facts and claimed them to only be theories and you pointed to absurdities that were not, or are not yet, 100% failures and attempted them to be factual proof of 100% success.

But if you want to get factual for the very first time in regards to what I have said and counter where I said you are totally clueless of how to answer my question ... go ahead ... now's your chance .. answer this question fully, correctly and factually ... list the various known monoterpenoids (C10H16) and monoterpenoids (C10H180) andmonoterpene phenols (C10H14O) and sesquiterpenoids (C15H24) and aliphatic esters and hetero compounds and phenylpropanes and aromatic acids and misc compounds in cannabis plants.

As I said before, if you do that, if you answer that one question fully, accurately and factually I will apologize to you in this thread and I will say that everything I said has been incorrect and that everything you have said has been 100% correct.

So here's your chance to get factual ... are you up to the challenge? Are you feeling lucky punk?

Brick Top

New Member
Do you actually believe that by repeatedly posting the picture of your little root-bound plants in a picnic basket with a few inches of soil in it that is on top of a stack of books that is on top of a stool that is on top of a table all under a chandelier with a few weak CFLs in it is proof of anything other than compared to you the Three Stooges would look like Stephen Hawking, Albert Einstein and Edward Teller .. or possibly you could make the third one Enrico Fermi?

Brick Top

New Member
What's up Laffy Taffy? You've been gone a while and that's totally unlike you. What are you up to? Are you desperately searching through Wiki trying to find the answer to my question of list the various known monoterpenoids (C10H16) and monoterpenoids (C10H180) andmonoterpene phenols (C10H14O) and sesquiterpenoids (C15H24) and aliphatic esters and hetero compounds and phenylpropanes and aromatic acids and misc compounds in cannabis plants.

Or have you given up and are instead crying yourself to sleep burying your head in your pillow screaming mommy, mommy, everyone knows I am a LYING imbecile! Get online and tell them all that your little arschloch is not a LYING imbecile!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I am a mentally sane human being, a humanist, an evolutionist, a man of reason.

you guys are still talking slow and childish.

Brick Top

New Member
OK crybaby, so you can stop crying and sleep better ... yet once again I will go out of my way and EDUCATE you.

The answer to my question of list the various known monoterpenoids (C10H16) and monoterpenoids (C10H180) andmonoterpene phenols (C10H14O) and sesquiterpenoids (C15H24) and aliphatic esters and hetero compounds and phenylpropanes and aromatic acids and misc compounds in cannabis plants is:

monoterpenoids (C10H16) alloaromadendrene (pb), camphene (pb), Δ3-carene (pb), limonene (pb), trans-linalool oxide (pb), myrcene (pb), β-myrcene, cis-epoxy-ocimene, trans-β-ocimene (pb), β-phellandrene (pb), α-pinene (pb), β-pinene (pb), sabicene hydrate, α-terpinene (pb), γ-terpinene (pb), terpinolene, epoxy-terpinolene

monoterpenoids (C10H180) linalool(pb), terpinene-4-ol (pb), α-terpineol (pb)

monoterpene phenols (C10H14O) para cymene-8-ol (pb)

sesquiterpenoids (C15H24) α-bergamotene, cis-α-bergamotene (pb), trans-α-bergamotene (pb),
β-bisabolene (pb).
β-bourbonene (pb), Δ-cadinene (pb), γ-cadinene (pb), caryophyllene oxide (pb), β-caryophyllene (pb), isocaryophyllene (pb), α-copaene (pb), curcumene, β-farnesene, trans-β-farnesene,
germacrene B (pb), α-guaiene (pb), α-humulene
epoxy humulene, α-muurolene (pb), γ-muurolene (pb), nerolidol, selina-3,7(11)-diene, α-selinene (pb), 7-epi-α-selinene
β-selinene (pb), γ-selinene (pb), β-sesquiphellandrene (pb), spathulenol (pb), α-ylangene (pb)

aliphatic esters hexyl butyrate (pb)

hetero compounds hexyl hexanoate (pb)

phenylpropanes trans-anethole (pb)

aromatic acids phtalic acid diethyl ester

misc compounds α,β-unsaturated ketone

Had you had even the slightest clue of what I was asking about you could have answered that question a couple hours ago rather than ducking it and avoiding it and ignoring it and trying doing the internet version of the rope-a-dope and letting me beat on you all that time. You could have avoided all the painful humiliating punishment you had no other option other than accept and absorb if you had not LIED and inaccurately claimed that you have learned more about growing in roughly one month than I have in nearly 39 years of growing.

And before you LIE AGAIN and inaccurately claim that I Googled until I found the information above, I copied it from a book about cannabis plants that a friend let me borrow and I stored it in Word format on a disc so all I had to do was open the file and C&P the information that I already had and that I had read many times before.

What halfwits like yourself totally fail to understand is growing cannabis, and ever reaching a point where you are good at it, takes FAR MORE than tossing a few bagseeds into a picnic basket with a couple inches of dirt in it that is on top of a stack of books that is on top of a stool that is on top of a table and all under a chandelier with a few weak CFLs in it and using melted snow to water it with and putting a bar of soap in the picnic basket to perk up your little plants.

You have to fully understand plants, not just cannabis plants, but plants in general. Then you have to fully understand the specifics of cannabis plants and what their distinct and unique functions are and what does what and where it does it and why it does it and when it does it and what it creates that then creates something else that then combined with other things becomes something else, etc. etc. etc.

The information above, the answer to my question, is part of the many different things that you so totally incorrectly like to LIE about and inaccurately attempt to redefine as being my; "theories." But the information above has nothing whatsoever to do with any theory. The above is scientifically proven facts discovered through true scientific research .. and not just things that seem; "sexy."

If you grow for the rest of your life and if you live to be 100 years old you will never learn half the amount of knowledge that I know. Hell, over my nearly 39 years of growing I have forgotten more about growing than you could ever learn!

Now why don't you pack your things and move on to some other site, a site where the members will all have Romper Room IQ's so you will almost be equal to them in intelligence?

Find a site where the members express themselves monosyllabically so you will have at least half a chance of being able to understand them and if they try really hard to think down to your level they might even be able to understand you. You would fit in at a site like that vastly better than you could ever fit in here.

I said before that I was through with this thread and I really meant it, but your LIES about me drew me back in. Well now that I have slapped you across the face one last time, now that I have spit in your eye one last time, now that I have kicked your ass one last time ... I am gone, I am through with you, I can no longer stomach an ignorant LYING little arschloch like you for another second.

So now you will be free again to LIE and LIE and LIE about me all you want so you can create all the new false realities about me that you will need too to try to attempt to regain even the slightest bit of credibility in this thread.

From hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee. Ye damned LYING little arschloch. My work here is done. I have killed Moby Prick. I have killed the great white LYING WHOPPER TELLING TROLL bullshit artist.

I feel good .... damn good in fact. I've done a good thing and I am proud of it!


Well-Known Member
i just saw the new pictures you got up taf, what the fuck are doing? are you fuckin mental ? are you a fuckin dousche bag ? does posting shit like that help you cope when your dad beats your mom and then has make-up sex with her in the opposing room as yours and you can hear everything as if you were in the same room due to the fact of your paper thin walls in your skank ass mobile home ? i understand, not really. i hope the bar of soap is a metaphor that hopefully means you are soon about to wash your hands from growing weed alltogether, because yea....... all i will say is , what bricktop said. thanks for all that typing brick, i would be typing more. the soap could be in there as insect repellant due to the fact that tafbang is on the computer all the time and he dont help his mom clean up the house and it has bugs in it now, now he has to figure a cheap way to keep them bugs off...... i like the metaphor story better though


Well-Known Member
tafbang, did your dad touch your no no spot when you were growing up because in his mind you were the girl he always wanted ? i absolutely must get to the bottom of how someone can evolve into something such as yourself. because if i ever have kids and they ever show me them traits, ill fuckin take em out rabbit huntin and they will never come home. i would kill you if you were my child, after i gave ya a good beatin which would last for your whole life up until the time i took you out hunting.


Well-Known Member
you should get some snow water, get it melted, bout a cup or two, then crush that bar of soap up as good as you can and mix it up nice, then pour it all over your basket. it'll bring sexy back. after that follow each base of every stem with a shot of jack daniels, to warm em up since you live in a cold area, then they will grow good, scouts honor
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