Lowryder #1 First Grow


Active Member
I don't need a lecture about autos....I've been growing them for 3 years with 6 strains going now. Didn't use a "veg" stage....that is a pathetic statement....just how old are you....9?
I still say it'll die or yeild a extremely small amount due to your many errors.....
What a douche


Well-Known Member
I don't need a lecture about autos....I've been growing them for 3 years with 6 strains going now. Didn't use a "veg" stage....that is a pathetic statement....just how old are you....9?
I still say it'll die or yeild a extremely small amount due to your many errors.....
What is you're problem, Damn. Not one person besides you has criticized what i'm doing.


Active Member
Dude some people need to make themselves important.. and they do it in strange ways sometimes.. he's probably a young guy who thinks he's the shit because he can grow a few different strains in his apartment closet. I don't even know why people who aren't interested in helping other growers even join forums.. ecxept to spout off their accomplishments


Well-Known Member
Dude some people need to make themselves important.. and they do it in strange ways sometimes.. he's probably a young guy who thinks he's the shit because he can grow a few different strains in his apartment closet. I don't even know why people who aren't interested in helping other growers even join forums.. ecxept to spout off their accomplishments
Yeah you're probably right, i mean he randomly comes and trashes my thread saying my plant will die lmao, i don't get it.. but okay haha..


Well-Known Member
hey arch, you could make it rain using your case. I would start on her next watering, just give her 2 times her pot size. When the top 3-4 inches of the soil is dry, feed her nutes no flushing needed. Then start the process over:)
I have read that term before CHIEF "Make It Rain" but never had an explanation. Based on my cabinet size, do you think I can make it rain? Im curious how much height that method will give me. Thanks for the information.


Well-Known Member
This is why newbies hate to ask questions because of the harsh criticism some people give. Just because people don't use your suggestion doesn't mean that their plant will die. By the way, I used Fox Farm soil my last auto grow with no problems and harvested over 2 ounces. After the 3 week of growing, nutes can be introduced slowly.
After going back through this thread, I couldn't help but notice how you change things one minute to the next......therefore I wish lucy well cause I do believe you are going to over nute soon . First of all, you are using FFOF to grow an auto, then adding flower tabs.....you're gonna burn that shit up. I tell you misting is good, but someone else says they "heard" it was bad.....I have to wonder how you're keeping your humidity up without misting?????
Furthermore, your plant is rather small for age...it may be stunted already.


Well-Known Member
Thanks chief, appreciate it. I'm trying to learn oldreefer.. You had to start somewhere to didn't you? Sorry if you thought I offended you?


Well-Known Member
This is why newbies hate to ask questions because of the harsh criticism some people give. Just because people don't use your suggestion doesn't mean that their plant will die. By the way, I used Fox Farm soil my last auto grow with no problems and harvested over 2 ounces. After the 3 week of growing, nutes can be introduced slowly.
Ha..I wouldnt take this dude to seriously. The cant even make a signature with correct spelling...or that makes sense. Do your thing millyy and Ill tell you what I told myself at the start of this grow..."If you fuck it up, learn why and do it again" The worst case scenario is that you still learn something. This is a process but it isnt rocket science and eventually we will figure it out. The only thing auto growing about Oldreefer is the stick growing in his ass. Im not down with his whole negative vibe thing...why do some folks feel the need to drag ya down instead of help you up. Making helpful suggestions is way more productive that taking a dump on someone and putting negative energy out there. Swing on sister..I hope your little venture is a mammoth grow...hahahahahahahahahahahaha.



Active Member
This country isn't really as open-minded as we like to think. Im waiting for the first politician that smokes weed semiregularly and admits to it... some day


Well-Known Member
Dude some people need to make themselves important.. and they do it in strange ways sometimes.. he's probably a young guy who thinks he's the shit because he can grow a few different strains in his apartment closet. I don't even know why people who aren't interested in helping other growers even join forums.. ecxept to spout off their accomplishments
Well aren't you a professional profiler.....missed in every assumption.....all we have in this thread is post count whores.......


Well-Known Member
Ha..I wouldnt take this dude to seriously. The cant even make a signature with correct spelling...or that makes sense. Do your thing millyy and Ill tell you what I told myself at the start of this grow..."If you fuck it up, learn why and do it again" The worst case scenario is that you still learn something. This is a process but it isnt rocket science and eventually we will figure it out. The only thing auto growing about Oldreefer is the stick growing in his ass. Im not down with his whole negative vibe thing...why do some folks feel the need to drag ya down instead of help you up. Making helpful suggestions is way more productive that taking a dump on someone and putting negative energy out there. Swing on sister..I hope your little venture is a mammoth grow...hahahahahahahahahahahaha.

Actually, it's some who don't UNDERSTAND it.....comes with maturity..which none of you have......you youngsters is exactly whats wrong with riu and other forums....post count whores, punks who post multiple pics of the same plant in half of posts....punks like you are the reason very few answer NEWBIES....


Active Member
Haha the fact you aren't a young guy makes it even more ridiculous how much of a pompous asshole you are. I bet you're loads of fun to hang around. Now get back to degrading others to make yourself feel better you failed abortion..


Well-Known Member
Actually, it's some who don't UNDERSTAND it.....comes with maturity..which none of you have......you youngsters is exactly whats wrong with riu and other forums....post count whores, punks who post multiple pics of the same plant in half of posts....punks like you are the reason very few answer NEWBIES....
How did i post multiple pictures of the same plant in half the posts? They are all different days, i only posted pictures once a day. I stated that in the beginning of the thread, you should go read it before coming in here to talk shit. People like when other people post pictures of everyday growth, not just day 5, then day 27, then day 31 so on..

Thanks Arch, and Zenith... Don't worry about this guy, he says we are post count whores but therefore he is talking shit in this thread multiple times. Also, Oldreefer You still never answered my question, you had to learn somewhere didn't you?

Also, I will be posting more pictures for today! Lucy doesn't seem stunted to me, actually looks quite healthy grew a bit too.


Well-Known Member
DAY 13: Lucy grew a little bit, her leaves are getting bigger and bigger each day. I know i said im starting nutes on day 14 but i re read and saw it was 3 weeks and not 2, i will be starting Nutes on day 25 or so.

Also, Do you guys want me to keep uploading day by day pictures or wait a couple days...? It's helping me but that one guy said i upload the same pictures everyday...



Active Member
Hey millyy maybe you should look into what your ph levels are. I don't think its stunted, but maybe its a little off and therefore not absorbing the nutrients very effectively. Cause I think you have plenty of light.


Well-Known Member
Hey millyy maybe you should look into what your ph levels are. I don't think its stunted, but maybe its a little off and therefore not absorbing the nutrients very effectively. Cause I think you have plenty of light.
You could be right Zenith, i wouldn't have thought it was anything wrong though until you guys said it looked a bit small for age, It's green and im using bottled water. I'll give it another couple days and if nothing seems to happen significantly I'll check in with the pH.

Do you think it could be my light schedule? Maybe it doesn't have enough sleep time.. I'm currently doing 20/4. I would be doign 18/6 if i knew Lucy would be fine with 6 hours of coldness, It's a bit cold sometimes >.<