UTA's indoor organics, and waterfarmin' closet: Blue Widow, Querkle, Qleaner, OGK


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I guess it'll be while till the attitude re-stock the 18 probably... although I'm sure you could find the 18 x skunk...

I just ordered all my nutrients for the new year, maybe I'll get a couple more things, but for now I'm set with the CannaBio line, and I also got some DM reverse in case I get any herms...

I pretty much finished building my scrog today, but my drill died just now so I figured I'd take a smoke break while it charges. I also kind of want to make it so that it's two pieces that can be detached for separate plants... And i think considering the size of the Blackberry and how much she is going to stretch, I might have to rig up both HPS lights because she is going to take up A LOT of space..

It's actually kind of a problem that's tripping me out.. I hope i have room for her.


Well-Known Member
Nice Up, I'll have to give those Canna nutes a look at the dro store if they stock em.

Looking forward to seeing the scrog :) I'll be building mine soon hopefully in the next couple weeks, what did you use for the screen?

You will for sure be happy with the og 18.Alot of fuely lemon pine sole funk
Good to hear!
Yeah im mad my og 18 went hermie.She was looking so good too.
Ouch! Sorry to hear that homie!!
Its cool i plan on trying it again soon.as i like the way she was looking real good and the structure of her growth was one of the best i grew.Such a shame she turned herm on me but at least i got some good girls now.


Well-Known Member
I took these last night:

I also suppercropped the SBC pretty heavily, and BBS got some as well after I took the pic...


Just about ready to flower... gotta give the room a good disinfectant cleaning before hand... the light is also a lot lower right now...

@SmeLLy: I used some fencing I had left over from when I fenced in my veggie garden. It's good sturdy stuff, and the dimensions are 2x4in which seems to work well. Again this is my first experience with a scrog... I got it at home depot and there's tons of stuff you can buy there, I see various things either in the garden section or the lumber/building materials section...

If you want something organic and OMRI then the Canna bio line is for you, it's made of fermented plant extracts which I think is fucking awesome...


Well-Known Member
So, the scrog has been sitting outside the tent for a while, I'm waiting to get my panda film to set it up in the flowering area. I also figure, that I'm going to flower the SBC and the BBS first by themselves, as to see what kind of stretch these girls have... I don't think the cough will be too bad, but the bbs isn't even recommended indoors, which is an huge oversight of mine, this seed was a gift so I juts popped it and didn't do proper research, oh well.

I also plan on getting a light mover soon, which would help A LOT.

Hope everyone out there had a nice New Years Day, cheers bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
So here we are, day 2 of 12/12. Placing the plants under the screen gave me a lot of room, I have the two vegan girls in there, along with three other BBS clones in small pots and a couple party cups. I'm keeping them in small pots as an experiment, they are nearly rootbound, and I want to see if I can keep up with them. It's better than trashing them, I really didn't expect all the clones I took to take, but they did.

I'll also be taking clones from the Blue Widow, the Cat. K, OGK, and possibly the Headband.

Extremely rootbound SBC, although the roots look very healthy.



BBS clones on the right, and some party cups, one is a Silver Jack seedling, and another smaller BBS clone (this pheno branches like crazy so it's great for clones, let's see how she flowers)

Temps are at 80, and I've gotta get a new hygrometer.


Well-Known Member
Been cleanin' out the parts of the scrog that don't get light, and I've been taking clones of the other girls. I took my first batch of Blue Widow clones and we'll see how they do, also took some Cat. K. clones and I know those take forever to root...

I might also stick the BW in the scrog later tonight.

It's so cold here I can barely type, I don't have central a/c, so no heater... it's all good, temps are like 74 in the grow room right now haha..

The biocanna stuff is working really great, I read somewhere that if the fertilizer is plant based it's taken up quicker, as opposed to if it were animal based. I'm looking forward to using this BioBoost, I'm going to spray down the bigger plants, and leave a few clones w/o it just to see how it adds to the final product.


Well-Known Member
So I did stick the BW into 12/12 last night, I still have room for one more under the scrog, I'll probably add the supplemental HPS when I add the next plant(s) in the flower room. I'm also considering trashing two of the badseeds I have... they are both sativa dom, and I already have two sativas going...

Clones are surviving the cold temps alright.

Either way, the screen is filling up very nicely, and I have high hopes for the SBC


Looking good man. We are going to harvest our BBS tomorrow. I'm interested to see if yours stretches as much as ours did. We have gotten some HUGE colas, they are at least 2 feet tall and fairly fat, although they are quite loose buds but they really are HUGE.


Well-Known Member
Who's the breeder? I read that this strain stretches a bunch, hopefully it turns out well... the BBS and the BW both are really stinky in veg, although the BBS is almost like an intoxicating skunk/apple smell (does that even make sense)... haha I love it, it's hard to describe but I know it's going to be a stinker


Who's the breeder? I read that this strain stretches a bunch, hopefully it turns out well... the BBS and the BW both are really stinky in veg, although the BBS is almost like an intoxicating skunk/apple smell (does that even make sense)... haha I love it, it's hard to describe but I know it's going to be a stinker
Escobar is the breeder but they are available from Sannie


Well-Known Member
Escobar is the breeder but they are available from Sannie
Oh, well then I'm not sure then.. Mine is by sativa seeds, personally, not trying to hate, but I wouldn't buy anything Nirvana. It was a gift and I popped it on a whim. I don't know if I want to keep her around, I'll just have to see how the bud turns out.
Oh, well then I'm not sure then.. Mine is by sativa seeds, personally, not trying to hate, but I wouldn't buy anything Nirvana. It was a gift and I popped it on a whim. I don't know if I want to keep her around, I'll just have to see how the bud turns out.
I honestly thought you got it from sannies..lmao