1000w Coco Multi-strain Medicinal Grow


Well-Known Member
It seems to be growing fine, I can't find any information on the strain as it seems clone only strains don't get the attention that they need. I don't buy seeds so I have to go by what the place tells me the flowering time is, what sort of Sativa/Indica ratios etc.. That's what the microscope is for, actually figuring out if the damn thing's ripe. From what I've read around the closest thing there is to this strain in seed form is called Cush, yes with the "C."

Doesn't seem very hard to grow at the moment, the most finicky think I have is the Hog but I've managed that strain pretty well.


Well-Known Member
I hear that too about the Cush being the other name - I also heard it was nute sensitive somewhat like SLH... but so far that's it.


Well-Known Member
I told you dude. Infested plants just aren't worth it. Live and learn :)

Sounds like everything is going to be okay though, and that is what is important.

If you're concerned about size flip them to flowering as soon as possible. I always wait like a week too long, my plants are smashed on the 1000w lamp right now, I have to drop the tables down by sawing a few inches off the legs to get the distance right now. You can see where it gets under lit because the light is just too damn close to the canopy. Don't run into this problem :)
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The more I think about it the more I want to just toss them in on Friday. That's only a week apart from the second set that I threw in there. It's going to be harvest, then 2 weeks for another harvest, then another week after that, fun shit.

Dude, you HAVE to tell me where you got those trellises at, tomato cages with a built in scrog top, top notch shit there man!


Well-Known Member
Here's a pic of the light feeder, it has very thin leaves and sizzles at the tips when I add the same nute concentration as I use on the other plants. For being an indica strain it has really small skinny leaves leading me to believe it's about a 60/40 I/S.


Also, has anyone else been having troubles with this site all day?

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Yeah, just as I replied to this thread the site went down on me. The Grow Through Plant Supports can be found at Home DePot in the Garden section.


Well-Known Member
Took 7 clones, 3 from the Hog and 4 from the Green Crack before I ship those 2 plants off to flower tomorrow. Killed 2 of the bagseed that were growing horizontal branches (hate that). Repotted the best looking seed (better be female) and one of the taller Kryptonites into 2 gallon buckets to get ready to be the next 2 in line for the room. Setup another reflector for the 2 taller vegging plants that were repotted. Also transplanted the Banana Kush from a party cup to a 1ltr. pot.

Running a little experiment with the Mycos and the Mycos Drops. The 2 plants I transplanted 1 has a bit of the granular Mycos in it and the other I ripped open one of the Mycos Drops (comes in little tea bags) and poured that in. On all of the transplants I have been using some Azos and Oregonizm XL to the transplant holes.

Watered all of the veg plants today with (per gallon):

CNS17 Grow: 13ml
Superthrive: 1ml
Azos: 1/2 tsp
Oregonizm XL: 1/2 tsp
Epsom Salt: 1/4 tsp

Watered the flowering plants yesterday with (per gallon):

CNS17 Bloom: 10ml
Hydroplex: 2ml
Molasses: 1tbs

Since the flowering plants are needing to be watered twice a week now I'm going to be feeding normally at the begging of the week and watering with molasses and 1/2 strength nutes in the middle of the week. I water with slight runoff with the molasses feeding and just enough to saturate with the heavy nute feeding. I'm keeping the Hydroplex the same throughout until late flowering where I will step it up 1 ml per week until leaching.



Well-Known Member
ohhh you use asos do you....how is it..just read great things about trying to get a lock on an actual user though..thanks


Well-Known Member
All of the transplants I did today had pretty phenomenal root masses built up. Azos is a nitrogen fixing bacteria, it feeds on the nitrogen in the air (air is about 80% nitrogen) in the media and processes it for the roots.


Well-Known Member
Took 7 clones, 3 from the Hog and 4 from the Green Crack before I ship those 2 plants off to flower tomorrow. Killed 2 of the bagseed that were growing horizontal branches (hate that). Repotted the best looking seed (better be female) and one of the taller Kryptonites into 2 gallon buckets to get ready to be the next 2 in line for the room. Setup another reflector for the 2 taller vegging plants that were repotted. Also transplanted the Banana Kush from a party cup to a 1ltr. pot.

Running a little experiment with the Mycos and the Mycos Drops. The 2 plants I transplanted 1 has a bit of the granular Mycos in it and the other I ripped open one of the Mycos Drops (comes in little tea bags) and poured that in. On all of the transplants I have been using some Azos and Oregonizm XL to the transplant holes.

Watered all of the veg plants today with (per gallon):

CNS17 Grow: 13ml
Superthrive: 1ml
Azos: 1/2 tsp
Oregonizm XL: 1/2 tsp
Epsom Salt: 1/4 tsp

Watered the flowering plants yesterday with (per gallon):

CNS17 Bloom: 10ml
Hydroplex: 2ml
Molasses: 1tbs

Since the flowering plants are needing to be watered twice a week now I'm going to be feeding normally at the begging of the week and watering with molasses and 1/2 strength nutes in the middle of the week. I water with slight runoff with the molasses feeding and just enough to saturate with the heavy nute feeding. I'm keeping the Hydroplex the same throughout until late flowering where I will step it up 1 ml per week until leaching.

hey t0rn... are you using epsom salt just because.....? or do you have problem?


Well-Known Member
T0rn: great to know that both the oregonism and azos do the job....what's your feelings on hygrowzyme..just curious.
Kiki: I think he uses it for the same reason I"m going to use lime from the start...makes it easier in teh long run..I'm assuming (and yes I know assuming makes an ass out of you and me :) ) but epsom salt is usually for mag problems...so his water is probably and nutes probably don't have enough mag and he realized that after this grow.


Well-Known Member
@420- Don't have any Hygrozyme at the moment but I do plan on getting an enzyme product like that in the future, probably after the first harvest.

@Kiki- Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate) is the ghetto way of buffering Magnesium in the media. I have a Calcium Carbonate foliar spray that I use for Calcium. The combination of the 2 gives me Cal/Mag. The spray was a free sample (6oz, gonna last a looong time), and Epsom Salt is like 2 bucks for a pretty big bag.

I only use it a couple times, once when transplanting and once after that. I'll use it again if the plants start to show a Mag deficiency but I don't use it every watering.

Coco is known to be a mag hog and plants sometimes tend to show mag deficiencies so I'm using it as a preventative. My base nute should have enough of it alone, I see so many people using Cal/Mag so I thought I'd follow along.


Well-Known Member
@420 - yes, i just used epsom salt to fix a mag def. on one of my girls... that's exactly why I asked the question... and it makes perfect sense.... and also - I'm using hygrozyme.... I didn't have it in the beginning... until goldenganja13 told me to get it - I'm so glad I did - it made a whopping difference in my gals..... I won't grow without now.

@t0rn - I understand completely.


Well-Known Member
I'll get some up tomorrow for you, I didn't have any rockwool cubes this go around so I used coco to clone with again, worked ok the first time.


Well-Known Member
I'll get some up tomorrow for you, I didn't have any rockwool cubes this go around so I used coco to clone with again, worked ok the first time.
that works - so post some pics when you have a chance.... I'll post more pics of my clones tonight too - they have graduated to solo cups!!


Well-Known Member
Shitty thing is, I sold my iPhone a few months back for some money and I don't have a good camera around here. I sort of rely on a friend of mine who comes by a couple times a week to drink and play darts/poker in the man cave for his camera to take photos.

Sucks being poor right now, but there will be nice upgrades after this first harvest.


Well-Known Member
Not by far though brother, when you flip the switch I'll be halfway through one cycle. Have you started cloning those ladies yet?