I do not like John McCain

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New Member
yeah. fuck the polls. most of america is too asleep to even know their house is on fire.

here's a war we cant win or afford and a crashing economy and there are people supporting a guy who wants perpetual war.


Well-Known Member
For a man who went thru what he did in Nam....Im amazed at his about face on what is considered torture and what isnt.

I guess a promised backing by the GOP can do that to a fella.


Well-Known Member
dont know about you but im doin great, everyone around me seems to be doing great too.

your painting a pretty depressing picture


Well-Known Member
man this torture stuff is funny, if u aint diein and u aint phsically injuring them it aint torture when you are dealing with a tier "A" value target meaning somone having information on enemy attack plans and current operations against your wives mothers and children,

dont worry guys we can do it without harming your little babies its ok the terrorists will be ok you can send them fan mail later

by the way the topic is "Water Boarding" im sure they prolly drug them too before the festivities begin:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
no i mean i put netherlands on there but just to throw off the ones who wish to imprison us

shhhhhh dont tell anyone i think i hear somthin:shock:


Well-Known Member
The president CAN do something about the drug war- tell the DEA/FBI to stop enforcing these laws. Pardon everyone they arrest. The prez. damn well can make an impact! Pres. Bush gave them the OK to go after the "legal medicine" in California.

If the reaction from the "higher ups" was different, I strongly believe more states would be likely to decriminalize/legalize

Btw, you better believe if Ron Paul was president he'd be screaming foul the whole time they tried to enforce those laws...

As far as RP "not having a chance", since when was this a horse race and your vote depending on "who will prolly win"? Even if RP doesnt get the Rep. nom. is appears very apparently that he will run third party.


Well-Known Member
The president CAN do something about the drug war- tell the DEA/FBI to stop enforcing these laws. Pardon everyone they arrest. The prez. damn well can make an impact! Pres. Bush gave them the OK to go after the "legal medicine" in California.

If the reaction from the "higher ups" was different, I strongly believe more states would be likely to decriminalize/legalize

Btw, you better believe if Ron Paul was president he'd be screaming foul the whole time they tried to enforce those laws...

As far as RP "not having a chance", since when was this a horse race and your vote depending on "who will prolly win"? Even if RP doesnt get the Rep. nom. is appears very apparently that he will run third party.
milf where have you been this whole time?! haha anyway so you think hell make the switch huh? hes been pretty firm about his choice as a republican i think mainly because hes been voted in as republican in the house 10 times. but i think the people will love if he had a better oportunity and to be the third


New Member
no i mean i put netherlands on there but just to throw off the ones who wish to imprison us

shhhhhh dont tell anyone i think i hear somthin:shock:
john mccain wishes to imprison you for mj. he doesn't even accept that it is a ligitimate drug, as in medical mj.

YouTube - Sen. John McCain meets a medical marijuana patient--Sept. 30

fuck this guy.

"thank you for your courage in the war. but you are either decieved by the media propaganda or knowingly supporting the political parties profiting from mj prohibition."


New Member
I guess you guys haven't figured out that Panda is a warmongering fascist. Just do a little reading of his previous posts and you'll see, he has a brain the size of a dinosaur, and the same mentality, John McCain for president, yeah right. John McCain is a past war hero, I'll give him that, but his conception of the military and war is right out of 1941, Bomb them back to the stone age. In an increasingly complex world, we need increasingly complex strategies to disinvolve ourselves from war, and JM doesn't fit the mold.


Well-Known Member
milf where have you been this whole time?! haha anyway so you think hell make the switch huh? hes been pretty firm about his choice as a republican i think mainly because hes been voted in as republican in the house 10 times. but i think the people will love if he had a better oportunity and to be the third
Hey.. yea.. sry haven't been in this thread yet.. I love talking about politics- you boys in here just tend to not know how to shut up and appreciate each others ideas- don't need to agree, but why can't we just all show each other some human respect? get's a little outta hand in here sometimes, and well, anyone that knows me should know I'm always trying to promote peace in here and avoid arguments..

Anyways, I'm a firm believer he will switch over to independent. He's NEVER said he "will not" run third party. He's always said "I have no plans to do so at this time." He's playing the politician word game. Then again he has to- if he admitted he was going to move forward in this election with or without the Republican party, they'd give him more of a white wash than now. Ron Paul also said recently in an email sent to supporters that he will continue on as long as he had money and supporters. If he still has money at the end of the Rep. primaries- then what? :mrgreen: We move forward.

Ron Paul loves this country- and like our founding leaders, he was pushed by his supporters to run for president in the first place. I firmly believe he will never turn his back on this country- or his supporters that realize he's the last hope we have left for a truly free America.

The Republican party has lost their way- if RP causes the demise of the party- so be it.. the Whig Party fell as well when the party split over the slave issue- well the Republican party is VERY split on the Iraq War. I think it's about time we knock down the "two party" system- they're both controlled by the same people..


Well-Known Member
Also, McCain has been flip flopping on issues throughout his campaign- tweaking his wording to fit where he's campaigning. While the media slams Romney for flip flopping, they turn a blind eye to McCain's flip flopping. Just without looking off the top of my head I can tell you McCain has flip flopped on immigration, the Iraq war, and his feelings on Bush's "tax cuts". Sry, that kills it for me- he backs an unneeded war saying we could be there for 100 years if need be- and then right before the Florida primary he's got a "pull out date" for Iraq? Give me a break.. even Romney cried foul over this.

As far as McCain's military record- I have respect for the man, no doubt. He has a very keen eye to what's going on with the military-industrial-congressional complex as well. However, he's not bringing the situation to light to the people? And backing the ways they are continuing the M.I.C. machine? McCain is in the movie "Why We Fight", and has a lot of knowledge and sees a lot of stuff wrong in the military complex- yet he says and does nothing..

Btw, as far as McCain being a POW and his military record- mad props. Yet, I'm not going to base my vote on his actions in an UNNEEDED WAR, that the government lied to the people to get us involved in the first place.... sounds all too familiar...


New Member
Hey.. yea.. sry haven't been in this thread yet.. I love talking about politics- you boys in here just tend to not know how to shut up and appreciate each others ideas- don't need to agree, but why can't we just all show each other some human respect? get's a little outta hand in here sometimes, and well, anyone that knows me should know I'm always trying to promote peace in here and avoid arguments..

Anyways, I'm a firm believer he will switch over to independent. He's NEVER said he "will not" run third party. He's always said "I have no plans to do so at this time." He's playing the politician word game. Then again he has to- if he admitted he was going to move forward in this election with or without the Republican party, they'd give him more of a white wash than now. Ron Paul also said recently in an email sent to supporters that he will continue on as long as he had money and supporters. If he still has money at the end of the Rep. primaries- then what? :mrgreen: We move forward.

Ron Paul loves this country- and like our founding leaders, he was pushed by his supporters to run for president in the first place. I firmly believe he will never turn his back on this country- or his supporters that realize he's the last hope we have left for a truly free America.

The Republican party has lost their way- if RP causes the demise of the party- so be it.. the Whig Party fell as well when the party split over the slave issue- well the Republican party is VERY split on the Iraq War. I think it's about time we knock down the "two party" system- they're both controlled by the same people..
Here's some questions for you. If Ron Paul became president, do you think he could get his agendas past congress? Do you think the Federal Reserve Bank would allow him to rescind their charter? Do you believe he could repeal the income tax? Do you think he would be allowed to bring all the troops home and start a real sincere foriegn policy that didn't support the corporations? Now with these things being his main claim to fame, oh yeah the legalize MJ thing for all us stoners, which is very minor in the grand scheme of things, do you not think that he would be assassinated very shortly after inauguration? Don't get me wrong, I believe he actually would try and achieve these admirable things and I support most of his agendas. I do not support his gross privatization policies however, as corporations have no conscience.


New Member
I guess you guys haven't figured out that Panda is a warmongering fascist. Just do a little reading of his previous posts and you'll see, he has a brain the size of a dinosaur, and the same mentality, John McCain for president, yeah right. John McCain is a past war hero, I'll give him that, but his conception of the military and war is right out of 1941, Bomb them back to the stone age. In an increasingly complex world, we need increasingly complex strategies to disinvolve ourselves from war, and JM doesn't fit the mold.
We are in agreement in this, med.

And i've often thought about how much Ron Paul could actually get away with out of the list of things he says and we all know should change. One at a time, I guess. Let's start with ending this for profit war.

The rest, I suppose he will continue to use the monetary card as the main issue. A major recession is looming and he would be the candidate to help move america thru it using sound money principles. He could try to milk that for everything its worth. Even the war on drugs is a tremendous waste of resources. And once american understand the FED's role in this recession and taxation, they will follow him.

Having made that optimistic statement, I still worry they will try to cap his ass for talking peace and 'kill the bank'!


New Member
We are in agreement in this, med.

And i've often thought about how much Ron Paul could actually get away with out of the list of things he says and we all know should change. One at a time, I guess. Let's start with ending this for profit war.

The rest, I suppose he will continue to use the monetary card as the main issue. A major recession is looming and he would be the candidate to help move america thru it using sound money principles. He could try to milk that for everything its worth. Even the war on drugs is a tremendous waste of resources. And once american understand the FED's role in this recession and taxation, they will follow him.

Having made that optimistic statement, I still worry they will try to cap his ass for talking peace and 'kill the bank'!
Exactly! If he would lighten up on the privatization thing, I'd go balls out for him. I've seen what the private sector does with human resources, they trash them in favor of profits. There is a place in society for government and it's main function should be to take care of its people, provide basic needs and protections. In order to achieve this they need funds. The fairest type of funding I've seen yet is the progressive Income tax, the more you make the higher the percentage you pay. It worked before the Bush tax cuts and would work again after rescinding them. Also they need to remove the cap on SS funding. Why should a person that earns a million bucks a year be exempt on the last $904,000 of income, rediculous. If they removed the cap, SS would be solvent for decades. It would be solvent for ever if they left the SS funds alone and let them accrue interest instead of borrowing (Stealing) them for the general budget.


Well-Known Member
Here's some questions for you. If Ron Paul became president, do you think he could get his agendas past congress? Do you think the Federal Reserve Bank would allow him to rescind their charter? Do you believe he could repeal the income tax? Do you think he would be allowed to bring all the troops home and start a real sincere foriegn policy that didn't support the corporations? Now with these things being his main claim to fame, oh yeah the legalize marijuana thing for all us stoners, which is very minor in the grand scheme of things, do you not think that he would be assassinated very shortly after inauguration? Don't get me wrong, I believe he actually would try and achieve these admirable things and I support most of his agendas. I do not support his gross privatization policies however, as corporations have no conscience.
Hm. Do I think he could get his agendas past Congress, varies on which issue. Now, I don't think he'd have an easy time at all actually changing the laws themselves- he could make things different.

As far as the Federal Reserve- that one's going to be the tough one. We're most likely going to need to change up Congress before that happens. But I know for sure he would push Congress to step in, do their duty, and actually regulate and watch what the Federal Reserve is doing.

Could he personally end the income taxes on the record? No. But he sure as hell could pardon anyone arrested. Making the law ineffective. He could do the same with the marijuana issues and such- just pardon everyone. That would send a real clear message.

Could he bring home all the troops tomorrow- absolutely.

As far as his privatization policies- it's a very Libertarian view.
The simple explanation can be found here Official Website of the Libertarian National Committee
The fact is that the government is VERY bad at handling money- VERY bad. The "cost" of merely collecting the taxes and "distributing" the help is absolutely ridiculous. 2/3- yes 2/3 of every dollar collected by the government is spent TO COLLECT THAT MONEY. Private non-profit organizations have a better turn over rate from their donations to the amount of money actually handed out. Look at the American Red Cross- 92 cents of every dollar goes DIRECTLY to the programs and services they offer.

Here is an EXCELLENT article about the subject, and about how the poor and people who need help would actually get MORE with less regulation.

Also, while I agree that corporations are usually very greedy and underhanded- the fact is that in a free market society, if you don't like the service, if you don't like their ethics, if you don't like how they're handling their business YOU CAN GO ELSEWHERE. But when you have the government pretty much taking a monopoly and they're just as underhanded as the corporations (and run by the same people) what's the difference? Except for the fact that people will actually have choice and say in where they put their money.

Now.. the assassination question is a hard one for me to answer honestly... yes. I do believe they would try to assassinate him. David Rockefeller Sr. is ON TAPE saying "Ron Paul is not a problem at this time". Arrogant assholes. Also, sources have said that a Ron Paul assassination is "on the table" if he starts too much of a grass fire... I think there would be a bloody back lash though. Ron Paul has also been asked about this directly and he said that he "is very well aware of the danger he's in" and that "they have killed people for less".
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