Using "too much" electricity


Active Member
So I've read several threads about what is consider too much electricity for a house, what the electric company would do etc... I'm well aware of the "just pay your bill on time" theory as well as having researched generators for "off the grid" growing. Well I don't want to shell out the money and time for generators. Not to mention hauling fuel, venting, soundproofing...ugh...

Now I've heard of the electric company sending people out to houses that were using mad amounts of electricity because they thought something was wrong like a busted meter. So here's my question; when signing up for electricity or whatever why not just tell the company you have an indoor garden and so to expect large amounts of electricity use? Indoor gardening is perfectly legal hobby and will address why you're using so much juice.

I've never been accused of being the sharpest light bulb in the drawer but it makes some sense to me.

PS: Sorry if this is in the wrong forum but it's about Indoor Growing and I figured this was the best bet.


Active Member
if u tell anyone u have an indoor garden someone will be out to check what ur growing, and it will probably not be the power company but instead the police....


Really depends on your power company more than anything believe it or not, many will turn a blind eye if you pay your bill on time. A lot of people have a lot of hobbies that use a lot of electricity, put a serious fish guy and a lady who loves her reptiles and a hot tub, any of us would have trouble touching their power consumption.


Well-Known Member
14 states now legal for med use, med gorw, and yepper, now even legal large electric bills.., hopefully yours be will soon...


Active Member
On a side note "shouldn't" privacy requirements keep them from giving your info to the police just because you were using a bunch of power? Seems like if they break the privacy policy without due cause (i.e. not paying your bill) then you would have a nifty lawsuit.


Active Member
Really depends on your power company more than anything believe it or not, many will turn a blind eye if you pay your bill on time. A lot of people have a lot of hobbies that use a lot of electricity, put a serious fish guy and a lady who loves her reptiles and a hot tub, any of us would have trouble touching their power consumption.
Knew a person who had a bunch of fish tanks and I heard her electric bill was pretty nuts. Reptiles though, aren't most of their lights florescent which don't use a ton?


Well-Known Member
I have a 1-600 watt, 4-4' t-5, 2 4"in line fans, 3 regular fans, 2-2'x2-t-5, and a 2-130 cfl this is between the flower cab and veg cab. I live in a 4 bedroom 2 bath double wide trailer. My total electric bill is between 160 and 180 a month. I have had no issues. Just pay your bill on time. No there is no lawsuit if the power company turns you in as there is no privacy requirements to stop them.


Active Member
I have a 1-600 watt, 4-4' t-5, 2 4"in line fans, 3 regular fans, 2-2'x2-t-5, and a 2-130 cfl this is between the flower cab and veg cab. I live in a 4 bedroom 2 bath double wide trailer. My total electric bill is between 160 and 180 a month. I have had no issues. Just pay your bill on time. No there is no lawsuit if the power company turns you in as there is no privacy requirements to stop them.
I'm glad things are working out well for you. I live in a place half the size of yours and am using over 2000 watts. If I was in a house with a basement I'd be pushing 6000+ watts.

I actually called a local electric company and asked for a copy of their privacy policy regarding the use of any of their users information. Anyway it was just a passing thought...


Active Member
So I've read several threads about what is consider too much electricity for a house, what the electric company would do etc... I'm well aware of the "just pay your bill on time" theory as well as having researched generators for "off the grid" growing. Well I don't want to shell out the money and time for generators. Not to mention hauling fuel, venting, soundproofing...ugh...

Now I've heard of the electric company sending people out to houses that were using mad amounts of electricity because they thought something was wrong like a busted meter. So here's my question; when signing up for electricity or whatever why not just tell the company you have an indoor garden and so to expect large amounts of electricity use? Indoor gardening is perfectly legal hobby and will address why you're using so much juice.

I've never been accused of being the sharpest light bulb in the drawer but it makes some sense to me.

PS: Sorry if this is in the wrong forum but it's about Indoor Growing and I figured this was the best bet.
Shhh...Your grow is supposed to be a secret. Drawing attention to it by telling friends and strangers (power company included) could lead to unpleasant situations (home invasions, police etc.) You know how the domino effect works, it's a secret but one person tells another person, so on and so on, and within a short period of time everybody knows your business. People break into known grow operations to steal equipment. I don't think it would be a good idea even if you have your paper work in order:leaf::leaf::leaf:


Active Member
Shhh...Your grow is supposed to be a secret. Drawing attention to it by telling friends and strangers (power company included) could lead to unpleasant situations (home invasions, police etc.) You know how the domino effect works, it's a secret but one person tells another person, so on and so on, and within a short period of time everybody knows your business. People break into known grow operations to steal equipment. I don't think it would be a good idea even if you have your paper work in order:leaf::leaf::leaf:
Oh I'm 1,000% O.C.D when it comes to security. As exciting as it is I don't tell ANYONE! Only people that know I grow are family. I just really REALLY don't want to have to buy generators, parallel them, hire an electrician to hook everything up right (who would NOT be in my house), build a soundproof room with exhaust, haul fuel, service the generators, etc...


Well-Known Member
Agreed I just pick up a space heater, they say power saving, 1000 watts. No worries if your hobby was welding you would use way more power than a grower
no worries you really should ask your neighbors what there power bill is couse im using 2400 watts in lights and i live in a two bed two bath trailor and my bill is like 180 witch i though was high but i asked my neighbor what his bill was and he told me 290 his trailor is old heat leaks out the wall like crazy some people like exteme temps hot or cold usualy the oppisite of the out side temp and usually in old people but really cool your jets add another thousand watt if ya want youll be good


Active Member
I wouldn't go telling them anything, but if they ask just tell them you have a bunch of fish aquariums, like 6 computers blah blah lol. If you pay your bill they'll never ask though. =)


Well-Known Member
privacy policies protect you from the company discussing your bill not the kw used. I knoiw I used to work for a water company and they had us watching for things used in meth production while on turn offs and service calls.


Well-Known Member
I was referring to just lighting but you're right.
what I mean is that you could have a couple heaters or ACs or a couple extra TVs, etc., and it would add up to more watts. Many people let things run all the time and no one thinks they are growing. Paranoia over the electric bill is not needed if you have even a couple 1000 watters, plus associated fans and such. Be paranoid about home invaders and your family and friends ripping you off or turning you in.


Active Member
what I mean is that you could have a couple heaters or ACs or a couple extra TVs, etc., and it would add up to more watts. Many people let things run all the time and no one thinks they are growing. Paranoia over the electric bill is not needed if you have even a couple 1000 watters, plus associated fans and such. Be paranoid about home invaders and your family and friends ripping you off or turning you in.
*lightbulb* I get what you're saying now :)