could anyone help me out? with pics

hey everybody,
ive finally gathered up enough balls to make an account here at this wonderful place in need of some help. my plants seem to have some kind of problem i just cant fix, ive tried flushing them out numerous times but nothing seems to be getting better. these are fairly old plants but are stunted from what my guess is due to some cold weather we recently had. also as you can see some leafs have yellow spots and others are curling. also the new growth doesnt seem to be growing all that well. im sorry for a long post i just wanna get this fixed so i dont gotta worry about it anymore. also im not sure about the pics i dont really know how to post them but here goes nothing.. thanks for any and all help.



Well-Known Member
what are you feeding them, how often, whats the amounts your feeding them. what medium are they in?. have you been ph'n your solutions?
wow thanks for such quick replies.
doowmd - thanks but i looked over what you posted and dont believe that thats the problem. but again thanks

wannaquickee - (ha yes i do!) i was feeding them just fox farms grow big at quarter strength after about a month then plain water for about 2 weeks then tried the nutes again but even less. and still back to doing just plain water for now tho..oh yea sorry i was feeding them whenever i thought the soil looked dry about a quarter inch down so id say every 3 -5 days. the soil is ff ocean forest. my water is a little low in ph around 5.8 but after i add the nute and water the plants the run off is 6.8 - 7.0. im fairly new to this whole thing so im sorry if this is a dumb question..


Well-Known Member
I can tell you if it was cold temps the stems of the leaves will turn purple. I had that happen and it stunted there growth for a while then it turned back to green a couple weeks after that and continued to grow.
cruzer - yes some of the stems are a little purple which lead me to believe the cause was cold weather. but then again what about the leafs. they have almost like nute burn but i dont see how that could be considering ive used half strength nutes and even quarter strength and still nothing gets better. but it definately hasnt got any worse since ive been using plain water. im just a little confused on whats happening. thanks for any help guys its most appreciated


Well-Known Member
IMO it is a combination of underwatering (plants are obviously dry in the pics) AND temps (the reason for the new growth stunt)
need a more regimented watering schedule and a heater.
doowmd - i just watered them before i took the pics, i just had to put some more soil on top cause it was getting a little low. and i got a heater the temps stay around 75 -80*f.


Well-Known Member
cruzer - yes some of the stems are a little purple which lead me to believe the cause was cold weather. but then again what about the leafs. they have almost like nute burn but i dont see how that could be considering ive used half strength nutes and even quarter strength and still nothing gets better. but it definately hasnt got any worse since ive been using plain water. im just a little confused on whats happening. thanks for any help guys its most appreciated
but you've said in 2 previous posts that it's gotten cold and that may have affected the growth.
And you supposedly "added dry soil on top of the soil you just watered" and that's why they look like they need water? lmao U know what dude forget it. You'll figure it out..........


Well-Known Member
Well, when a girl gets stressed like that it could be she is still recovering and if you just stay on water feed (cause its working) she will be ok in a week or so. The other thing I was thinking of is the soil. You didnt mention what you are using but if you got soil with time release nutes then every time you water you juice them. Ya know, what works for me sometimes is a bottom feed. I let the plant dry out and when I go to water I put the pot in a container and pour in one inch of water and let the soil wick it up. This way the water that gets to the lower roots hasnt gone through all the soil and picked up a buncha nutes.
doowmd - i just went out and got the heater you can see it in one of the pics with the little fan in it ( which im no longer using i got bigger ones) and yes after i watered the plants i decided to put some soil on top cause it was looking like i lost some. i never said it looked like it needed water if i knew thats what it needed do you think id be on here asking for help? i realise the top dirt looks dry if thats what your referring too. thats the soil i just added...

cruzer - im using fox farm ocean forest.and was using the grow big with it but stopped due to the fact i dont know whats causing the problems. ill stick to just feeding them water until everything starts to look better.

if anyone else could help with some input itd be greatly appreciated thanks guys.