First grow in closet using CFL and bagseed.


Hello RIU, I'm attempting my very first grow and decided to post its progress to hopefully get advice and opinions from you guys. The initial plan was to simply view as many other first grow threads as possible and use them as a guide as I go along, but I finally decided it would be better to have my own. This very fist post might end up being ridiculously and unnecessarily long, and if so, I'm sorry.

Gonna thank Widow for the How To Grow Marijuana thread for motivating me to actually attempt growing. :D

I've been thinking a lot about how much I dislike paying $50 a week on to keep stocked as I just started college a semester ago, and I soon will be limited on funds. Thought it might be nice to be able to supply myself and my fams in the downstairs apartment.

I'm already nine days into vegging. In the past month, I have been doing a lot of reading up on growing and different ways to go about it.

= 6 bagseeds in clear party cups so I can observe rootage. 1 of the seeds, I believe, is a different strain than the other five.
= 4 26 watt 6500k CFL bulbs
= Miracle-Gro Potting Mix with Micromax
= Pics included lol
= Temp is 70-72 at lowest, usually 75 or not much higher
= Don't have a measure on humidity but doesn't feel any greater than perhaps 30%
= 23-24 hours of light, lights 1-2 inches from plants at odd placements lol

The first two days of vegging, I was not yet in the closet and in an area with only two of the lights and a temp of about 65 in there, but it didn't show any harm to me. Also, until late in day seven, I had the lights spaced out to about four inches... stoner.

I only plan to fully flower and complete maybe three plants. I have the extras because I know I'm a newbie and there is room for error. Just in case, y'know? Perhaps I'll maintain four all the way into sexing to increase chances of more fems.

Trying to keep a clean area, I have been wiping down every single surface with quality cleaning spray and a microfiber cloth every other day. I clean many houses as a job so I felt like cleanliness would help future bugs situations if the environment is always controlled.

I recognize how loony the placement of everything is from the pictures, but it's the best I've been able to think of myself right now. I'm fixing to put in a small clip-on fan that will blow above the plant area but not on it because I assume it's not safe to have a fan blowing right onto light bulbs.

The area is so open like it is because I don't know what I could do about venting and keeping fresh air. The door stays shut unless I'm in it, so I just leave it open when I'm in for some freshness and heat regulating. Even at peak day brightness during the summer, the closet can be pitch black with a stuffing of the bottom, so darkness on the 12/12 switch won't be an issue.

I've been watering with tap water that has sat out for a couple of days and stays in a dark area. I always open the stock containers twice a day and shake them around a little to get fresh air because I think I read it helps. My moisture meter works by a 1 through 4 scale and I only water when it's between 1 and 1.5. I also take the PH of the water in my sprayer or dripper that I'll be using down to the 6.2-6.6 range using PH UP/DOWN and a drop tester.

Speaking of PH, I know and lot of people don't like to use Miracle-Gro but when my seeds germinated, I was 100% baked all day and unprepared so, when it was all Wal-Mart had, it was all I had. However, when I bought PH soil tester just to always have one from now on, it revealed the soil has a PH of 7, which is better than say a 5 or 5.5, right? No problems with it so far.

The soil in the cups is getting dense and I think that means building excesses at the bottom, so I think perhaps later in the day, I will get new cups and transplant with fresher soil. Also, could I go get some perlite and do a mix of the two for better safety? When I move to pots, they will be 10.5" and no bigger unless recommended, so what would work best then?

Nutes, yeah. I really want to try to go as simple on this as possible. I don't really care if using what I use will increase the amount of time until harvesting or if the yield ends up smaller, as long as the plants can remain healthy and safe. On day eight I decided to do a 1:25 molasses mix into my water and used it only once. Just an experiment; I hope it doesn't hurt.
The Miracle-Gro lists 0.21 - 0.07 - 0.14,
0.21% total nitrogen, 0.07% available phosphate
0.14% soluble potash
0.10% (water soluble) Iron

I'm thinking of using the urine nutrient method if it's recommended enough here. I don't feel like ordering online, and all the stores within a reasonable location don't have good nutes for shit, so what I came home with was this...
=Scotts All Purpose Flower & Vegetable Continuous Release Plants Food
10-10-10, 10% nitrogen, phosphate, potash, 2% sulfur.
=Also got same brand and type food but called Rose & Bloom. 12-4-8
If in the three week mark I insert 1/4 the recommended dose from perhaps the one higher in nitrogen, would that at least help a little, or do nothing but hurt?

Lastly, for now, would FIMing be safe with my first grow and with nutes like I've discussed?

If you've read all of this and give some input, thanks!! I'm excited about this journey and even if all the plants die I'll keep going at it until I figure out something that works.

In the day 7 pics the lights hadn't been placed at the correct difference yet.
In pic day7 the plant farthest right is leaning. I found its roots weren't developing good like the others but after a root solution was applied there was drastic improvement overnight and now it has become one of the perkiest of the six. :D




Well-Known Member
looking good mate +rep for the effort and hope it all goes well for u keep us updated how ur grow is getting on.



Noticed the leaf doing a dip after waking up late. Checked moisture and I think everything had been very dry for a while. Watered up and hoping no real harm done.

Also, a little view of some roots.



Well-Known Member

Noticed the leaf doing a dip after waking up late. Checked moisture and I think everything had been very dry for a while. Watered up and hoping no real harm done.

Also, a little view of some roots.
i'd wrap they cups in black paper or something to avoid the roots burning or drying out from the light.


Active Member
When do you plan on transplanting those babies? If you need any help ask and I'll try the best I can. I TOTALLY understand wanting to grow your own rather than throwing out 50 a week. It was the same for me my first few years of college.


i'd wrap they cups in black paper or something to avoid the roots burning or drying out from the light.
D: Good idea, thanks.

When do you plan on transplanting those babies? If you need any help ask and I'll try the best I can. I TOTALLY understand wanting to grow your own rather than throwing out 50 a week. It was the same for me my first few years of college.
The primary guide I'm using transplants from cups to pots after 2 weeks. It's day ten now, so I'll just stick with it. Last night I tried transplanting into a new cup to make sure the roots at the bottom don't get a lockout from all the salts building up down there, and it was pretty cake. I cut straight a line from top to bottom and then gently around the circumference of the bottom so I could gently pull it out without the root ball falling out everywhere and it was pretty cake. Woke up ten hours later and it looked just fine, so I think I'll do the same to the other five cups. When I do transplant to pots, could I stick with my 10.5" throughout the rest of the grow?
And yeah, lol, money got tighter than expected after switching majors and shelling out almost all of my leftover grant money I'd be getting back on equipment & books.


Active Member
pfft, I'm on my 3rd major practically.. lol And if you don't think THAT is expensive.. it's just as time-consuming as it is expensive. yeah 10.5 is pretty good. A lot of people use 8" pots are even smaller depending on their light setup. I just wouldn't veg in a 10.5 for longer than 4 weeks though.


I actually think I'll move to 8" as well then. I don't really want the plants to go bigger than 1.5 to 2 feet, including the flowering swell, so any idea what size pots would be best to use throughout the process?

Update. Day 10 now
So at the end of day nine, I was really wishing I could already have a fan set up, but the only one I have would hurt the plants at its lowest speed. I remembered that in my car was one of those light reflecting shields for the windshield and had an idea. Rigged it up, left two small areas open for air to move horizontally through, put the fan on the other end of the closet, leveled to the shield and plants height, and turned it on low. Now the plants get a nice and slightly shaky breeze for a few seconds every rotation of the fan.
Lemme know if this was actually a bad idea, but after it was all done and today came, I could clearly see growth and improvement in the plants.

I did see what i think is a problem though one just a couple leafs of two plants (pic day9&10 009); zinc deficiency?

In the last picture is the plant that I moved to a new cup. It's the same one that is doing some leaning in the fourth pic but 10 or more hours later. No harm was done, I take?



Active Member
The fan will be fine.

I assume to mean 1.5 to 2 feet between the top of your pots and the bottom of your lights? Well if height is an issue, I recommend you look into training your plants (LST or ScrOG) and you will have no problem even with a 10" pot. I only have about 12 inches in my case and It's a 7 inch 1 gallon pot so I'm doing the LST method.


Alright... so I bought a ppm meter and a 4 set of dyna-gro nutrients. Start with half or a fourth of what the directions say, every other watering?


Are you planning on adding more lights? I would think that's a lot of plants for 4 bulbs. Maybe some Y's and double the amount of light when they get bigger.


Are you planning on adding more lights? I would think that's a lot of plants for 4 bulbs. Maybe some Y's and double the amount of light when they get bigger.
I'm gonna' try to make six lights work and I'm downsizing to the three best plants, probably tomorrow, now that I think about it.

Question bout my plants (5 now, got rid of one that wasn't developing roots)
Is the leaf curling a nutrient deficiency, stress from too little water, or just from being too close to the bulbs for too long? I don't think I'm overwatering.

Oh, and a pic of what I assume will have the best smoke if she makes it to the end. Pretty green.



Active Member
i was able to fit 6 fairly bushy plants in a rubbermaid with 4 lights, i grew them out till i could tell 2 of em were female, then I threw the undetermined rest into a flower chamber, 2 more were female, the other 2 males.

I wouldn't throw anymore out. out of 5, you never know how many will be male? ya know increase your odds and all

Good luck with your grow, I'm in the same boat as you, with the bagseed, and I don't even have the luxury of dealer to charge me crazy prices lol


Hey guys... I haven't posted in a while but it's day 27 now, I think. Been busy in RL... enough to have kept me from doing LST; is it too late to start now? Gonna switch to flower in two weeks, probably.

Had a few minor problems. First time nuting with the Dyna-Gro, one plant had its bottom leaves yellow and crisp up, but since then, I've been using less nutes less frequently. Also saw a white fly and bought some yellow sticky traps for any new ones that pop up later.

I notice the stem below the first node on all the plants is a lot thinner than the rest. Is this common or something to worry about when the plants get even bigger?



Well-Known Member
looking good man chaeck out my set up have 20 cfls going 100 watts each 5 fixtures & 3 wyes per fix so i can have 4 light off 1 built a 5'x3' closet for my grow


Well-Known Member
Looking great! Watch out for clear cups. Roots don't like to see the light. If you want to be able to check root development try clear puts inside of opaque party cups or wrap them in tin foil.

They look like they are enjoying the repot. Keep it up.


Hey, guys, so everytime I came on here to upload new pics and give updates, I got errors and couldn't, but now I can. I'm in flowering, now, and things have changed...

Down to two plants; I had two boys and two females, now I have two females. I also have 10 bulbs surrounding the females, and as far as I can tell, they are happy bitches. The last picture is one of the females... sorry, I'll put up newer pics later today.

The middle picture is one of the girls before I added the new lights.

