First grow in closet using CFL and bagseed.


hell yeah bro nicely done.... you should take care of those light leaks foam strips work awesome..check my thread-thats what i used for my cabinet.. you really want to make sure your plants are in complete darkness when sleeping... dont want a herm now
No doubt, and while the lights leak out, light can't leak in after lights out. Every day I seal up the closet and it stays pitch black in there no matter what goes on outside. Checkin your thread after this post.


[Pictures are in order, from better plant, the one that was always in best condition of all six original plants, to the unexpected, oversized female.]

I have learned a lot about the propagation process in this grow, and I am content with how my first grow has gone, despite laziness. After focusing such reflective light on the main colas they expanded greatly. I was quite ignorant of how much light leaks reduce bud growth and will not allow this next time. My bud is sensimilla so far, and I am happy with that much. Also, after transferring to the much bigger pots, my best plant started to grow at the top again. The main cola is gonna blow up even more, I hope.

Can anyone give an estimate of how much I will harvest, wet or dry? I'm still not ready to flush as bud growth is still continuing, hairs aren't very red overall, and the triches are just getting around halfway cloudy. I want to do this as right as possible. I did happen to reduce lights to 10.5/13.5 and will soon drop to 10/14 unless advised otherwise. Not sure if this is actually good for the process.

Not the frostiest, but I think they're gonna be tasty. Every morning when I unseal the closet, it stinks like a motherfucker. Wakes me and my girlfriend right up for the rest of the day. Such a great get-out-of-bed motivator.



Hey guys, I harvested and each plant pulled around 95 grams wet, after trimming. The main colas were 25 and 30.4 grams. I left the smallest buds on the plants with their leaves and plan on making hash with them and the trim I've collected. Pics of drying in a few more days.
I love growing.