First Grow in Boom Box with Bag Seed


looking good mate, what one of my friends did with his grow box, was get a tiny pc fan and put it so it blew on the plant, made better air circulation.. never grown in something that small so wouldnt know but yeah :) looking good


Well-Known Member
looking good mate, what one of my friends did with his grow box, was get a tiny pc fan and put it so it blew on the plant, made better air circulation.. never grown in something that small so wouldnt know but yeah :) looking good
Thanks man. I have a moderately big PC fan up top for exhaust and then aluminum foil and tape all around so that it's air tight. Its got a passive intake pointed toward to the floor. It works great and I can feel it sucking in cold air from the floor and blowing the hot air out the top. The temp is usually ambient + 1F. It's actually kinda too good. Because it's ambient + 1F, I usually have to keep the room at like 76F-78F to keep the temp right and I use the room quite a bit.


nice man, thats sounds like a good set up, how strong is the stem? and have you got any co2 in there? like a diy generator?


Well-Known Member
nice man, thats sounds like a good set up, how strong is the stem? and have you got any co2 in there? like a diy generator?
Thanks. Since it's my first grow, idk what qualifies as a "strong" stem but it looks nice and healthy. And no I don't have any CO2 in there. I asked around on another thread and I was told I didn't really need CO2 with my setup.


Well-Known Member
Yah......... She's looking awesome. Nice set of second leaves showing up. Like hella nice and hella strong. Makes me smile :-)))

I've also decided to name her Sasha. Cuz She looks sexy and it's probably some shitty mexican strain of weed. So Mexican + Sexy = Sasha
I'm gonna name the late bloomer Retardo Rico (not trying to offend anyone). Cuz It's growing pretty crappily and it's probably a guy lol.

Day 10: Sasha Lookin Sweet

Day 10: Retardo Rico Looking Pitiful


Well-Known Member
Sasha looks great! LOL, love the new names. Told ya she just needed to grow. Rico looks like he might need some TLC (tender loving care)... Don't water him again until he is dry... What type of light is he getting? Is he in the grow box with Sasha?
Thanks! I've been thinking about the names all day. Rico is probably going to die. I don't have much hope for him. He's under one 60W incandescent. I really hate his situation, but I don't have anywhere else to put him... Sasha is in her own grow box and she's 10 days from sprout.


Active Member
LOL- So how many grows you got going on? LOL- I have 4 bag seed, 1 white widow and the 1 chron all going right now... But cool man! Nicely done... post a pic of the white widow later? Sub'd to this one too

p.s. (: I thought she looked a little big for what I assumed was since last night!!! LOL :)


Well-Known Member
LOL- So how many grows you got going on? LOL- I have 4 bag seed, 1 white widow and the 1 chron all going right now... But cool man! Nicely done... post a pic of the white widow later? Sub'd to this one too

p.s. (: I thought she looked a little big for what I assumed was since last night!!! LOL :)
Haha sorry for the confusion. I got 3 plants under 2 grows. This thread is for my bag seed(s). I started it with one sprout (Sasha). Turns out on day 3 (I think), I got a second sprout I didn't plant on (Retardo Rico a.k.a. Late Bloomer). I transplanted Rico to a separate cup and have him under a dinky little 60W incandescent. I'm expecting that he'll die soon. Sasha is my main focus. Unless Sasha shows to be a guy and Rico is still viable, I'll kill Sasha and transplant Rico into the grow box. So that's my plan.

My other thread that we've been talking on is all fem'd white widow (Angel) all the time. Angel is the only girl on that thread.

btw. I'm still new to the stoner culture. Does chron = chronic = unknown but nice strain?


Active Member
Yes... it was from some random chronic my buddy had... he saved me the seed, and being the stoner that he is, couldn't remember if it had a name. LOL, but it's growing pretty retarded...

One side has only half as much development then the other... shes growing all funky. LOL


Well-Known Member
Yes... it was from some random chronic my buddy had... he saved me the seed, and being the stoner that he is, couldn't remember if it had a name. LOL, but it's growing pretty retarded...
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One side has only half as much development then the other... shes growing all funky. LOL
Wutchu talkin bout? She's looking nice IMO. Maybe the development is light exposure only on one side? Is it evenly watered? Not trying to insult your intelligence but just checking the basics.

You know why your chron is so much bushier and darker green than mine? Does that all have to do with like strain and satvia/indica mix?


Active Member
Could be the soil as far as the color- I use Fox Farm Ocean Forest... btw, I am not insulted... she has been like that since sprout. I turn my plants 1/4 turn every 3 hours or so to get them evenly lit... LOL... always have.


Well-Known Member
Could be the soil as far as the color- I use Fox Farm Ocean Forest... btw, I am not insulted... she has been like that since sprout. I turn my plants 1/4 turn every 3 hours or so to get them evenly lit... LOL... always have.
True. I guess straight Miracle Grow isn't top-of-the-line... :-).

Oh wow. Well I guess that constitutes as even lighting!

EDIT: BTW I'm getting though all 40-odd pages of your grow. It's taken me a bit but I started today and I'm through like page 15 and it's been quite a read. Can't see why you would want to go hydro though. It always seemed a bit too complicated for me. Just plant, soil, water, light. That's the way I like it.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. I'm thinking about either investing in some more CFLs to put closer to the plant or to spend a bunch and switch everything over to one HPS grow box and move all my fluros to provide side lighting. I'll probably end up switching after this grow. Or starting a different grow with the hps... idk man.. I'll just see how it goes...


Well-Known Member
So I transplanted Rico in with Sasha and I hope he'll start getting healthier. Sasha is getting exponentially bigger which is kinda awesome...

Note: First two transplant pics were taken kinda earlier than usual and the last 2 pics were taken like 8 hours later than usual.

Day 12: Rico Pre-transplant

Day 12: Rico Post-transplant with Sasha

Day 12: Sasha still being sexy

Day 12: Rico getting some fluids and some light. Hopefully will be getting better soon


Thanks man. I'm thinking about either investing in some more CFLs to put closer to the plant or to spend a bunch and switch everything over to one HPS grow box and move all my fluros to provide side lighting. I'll probably end up switching after this grow. Or starting a different grow with the hps... idk man.. I'll just see how it goes...

just ride it out for now man, see what the yeild is like...