Something is wrong. I need you experts!


Attached are several pictures of 3 separate plants. All growing in the same environment and planted on the same day. There is something going wrong and I have no idea what it is. I spend two days researching online only to confuse myself worse because of the the multiple problems that it "could" be. My only hope is that the pros can spot something from the pictures.

Please do not mention overwatering. Overwatering is NOT the issue here regardless of how it appears. If anything they are underwatered.

This is plant 1. The leaves are drooping and curling around the stem. Lower leaves are fading from green to yellow and tips / sides are brown. Upper leaves and new growth are purple on the tips and sides. Even the new life barely coming out of the top is purple on the sides and tips.



This is plant 2. Lowest leaves are straight but a very faded light yellow, almost brown but not crispy.

Leaves just above this are brown on the tips and sides.

Upper leaves and new growth are bright green and straight with purple on the sides / tips just like plant 1.



Well-Known Member
underwatered, needs nutrients, needs more light at 6500 kelvin color.

Your nodes are too tight, telling me your lighting is insufficient. The medium looks bone dry. The color indicates a lack of nitrogen, meaning no food.


This is plant 3. Plant 3 is by far in the worst shape.

All leaves are curling. Lower leaves are a very strange brown color and purple on the tips / sides

Upper leaves and new growth have the same purple on the sides / tips as plants 1 and 2 do.

*EDIT* Forgot to mention that today I saw this plants roots surfacing. (Pic 2) First time it has done this. And there is a shiny almost skin like substance coming off the stem. (Pic 1)



underwatered, needs nutrients, needs more light at 6500 kelvin color.

Your nodes are too tight, telling me your lighting is insufficient. The medium looks bone dry. The color indicates a lack of nitrogen, meaning no food.

Using a T5 with Red / Blue spectrums. (Came that way.) Has 3 6500K blues and 3 3000k red bulbs. Claiming 45,000 lumens. Is it the spectrum or just the T5 in general? I thought I had plenty of light for only 3 plants.

I watered just yesterday because previous people have warned me about overwatering and told me that was my issue so I was over-cautious not to overwater. Now I may have underwatered.

I haven't fed them anything sadly. No nutrients at all.


Well-Known Member
You've killed'em by some method and probably a comination of several. What's you soil....temps in cycles....etc....


You've killed'em by some method and probably a comination of several. What's you soil....temps in cycles....etc....
These plants have been through a ton of stress. (Repotted 3 times and grown in dirt from the outside for their first 2 weeks.) After that I picked up some miracle grow as it was the only soil being sold in my area (-20 degrees and 3 feet of snow).

Currently using 24 hours on. Should I go 18/6?

Temps are varied right now. Usually around a nice 80 with the door to the room open. As the outside temp has decreased I had to start closing the door to maintain a warm environment. The first night the temp in the room dropped to 40ish degrees for about 6 hours before I noticed. (I know... I'm bad.)

*Edit* Also you say they are dead. They are continuing to put out new grow. A complete set of nodes (2 sets of the "5 leafers") about every 2 days. So I didn't think they were completly dead. Maybe you meant they are on their way to death and there isn't anything I can do to save them. But they are definately not dead, yet! I think. :(


Either can cause this. A PH meter is an indoor growers best friend.
Oh I'm sure there are lots of gadgets that would be my best friend right now. Sadly, I'm on an extremely fixed budget. I know this can, will and probably already has affected my plants.

But they say "Live by doing." (I think someone says that, or something like it) Either way, I'm learning!


Well-Known Member
I would at the very least get rid of the 3 red spectrum bulbs. They are not needed right now. Just go with the 6500 K bulbs. Then I would check the soil ph and adjust if necessary. Also, make sure the temps are not above 80 degrees. If they have been stressed as much as you say I wouldn't do more than that. If the ph is okay I would flush once and then leave them for at least a week and see how they do. if they perk up, I would feed them with a very weak solution of whatever nutes you are using. Oh, yeah, prayer might help too. :)


Well-Known Member
Oh I'm sure there are lots of gadgets that would be my best friend right now. Sadly, I'm on an extremely fixed budget. I know this can, will and probably already has affected my plants.

But they say "Live by doing." (I think someone says that, or something like it) Either way, I'm learning!
I'd get some more seeds going.... or acquire some clones... Those have been around awhile and there is no telling how they'll end up.


Looks like the Stem is already wooded over :D
What exactly do ya mean? The stem from about halfway point to the top is purple and fuzzy. The rest of the stem from halfway point down into the dirt is hard and greenish brown.

I don't know what wooded over means and I don't know if I should say thank you, or OH NOES fix it fix it fix it. Sorry I'm a beginner. Thanks for your input!


I saw that too.... These plants have been around a long time. I doubt they have been under those t-5's for long. The growth is super stunted...
They are a month and a half old. I know they are badly stunted. They had a scary first month before I realized my setup wasn't going to cut it. They've been under the T5 for a good 2 or 3 weeks.


Speaking of seedlings.

Here is 4 young ones that started their life under the T5. If the three oldest plants don't survive I have these 4 to fall back on.

~1 and a half to 2 weeks old. Looking far better then their older sisters did 2 weeks in.



Well-Known Member
They are a month and a half old. I know they are badly stunted. They had a scary first month before I realized my setup wasn't going to cut it. They've been under the T5 for a good 2 or 3 weeks.
As I suspected, you recently added the T-5s. The light should help. I would go with mostly 6500k bulbs, maybe a 2700k or two to mix spectrum. Flush out medium real well and start feeding them. If it were me, I'd also have a PH meter, as it's not really a gadget, it is a necessary item if you are going to grow good weed. I would think about foliar feeding the plants with a weak nutrient, high in nitrogen. On plant #3, I'd make a shrine and light incense for it.


Looks like they are much older. like they were grown under your cell phones camera light for 2 months/.

I was hoping to avoid the truth but here is how their life started.

Hey I have bag seeds, lets germinate. Oh crap, they sprouted a tap root, now what?

Hey here is some soda cans, some dirt from the outside and a single CFL lamp in my living room. Good enough right?

2 weeks later. Uhhhhh. They don't look good. Repotted them into larger cans! I thought I was smart at the time. :(

2 weeks later. Uhhhhh. Everyone elses pictures of 1 month plants seem much larger. Something isn't right again.

And all this eventually led to the T5 setup.