BioBizz Bloom


I have just bought some nutes called BioBizz-Bio bloom. I was just wondering if anybody has ever used this stuff and how good it is. It says use 3ml of nutes per litre of water and to use it everytime you water. Is that right??


Well-Known Member
Correct. Every time you water. That's assuming you've learned the patience required for proper watering.
Personally I use Bio-Bloom, Top-max and Bio-Heaven all in the same watering mix....But I vary according to plant maturity....1ml/ltr up to 5ml/ need to flush with Bio-Bizz..............


Cheers mate, i just mixed up 6ml to 2 litres im about a week into flowering and the 2 litres went between 3 plants


Well-Known Member
think you are supposed to use part bio veg with it, doesnt work good on own.
Yep, correct....I use Bio-Gro and Fish Mix during veg switching gradually to bloom, Topmax and heaven for flowering ....although I do still add a bit of veg nutes in with my blooming mix.....


Well-Known Member
IMHO...Bio-Bizz is the grows I've had in the 4 yrs I've been supplying my own bud......Topmax + bio-bloom + bio-heaven is magic. FishMix is the shit for veg but don't get it on
BTW: Topmax IS Bio-Bizz.....


Well-Known Member
is iT advisable to use Heaven and Grow together or no point, burnny burnny?
I sometimes put a ml or 2 or 3 in my topmax + bloom mix....sometimes I don't....I have several strains going right now...just finished 4 lowryder 2 that were the largest yeild for a lowryder strain in the 4 yrs I've grown them. I also add some Blue Mt. Organic Super Tonic....all of it has really increased my yeilds...