The myths, truth, and just plane LOL of marijuana growing


Active Member
I would gladly entertain a "logical arguement" as to as to how these "plenty of people" use topping to "increase yeild"

Think of it this way, if you cut off 5% of your plants total mass in veg, have you not just lost 5% come flower time (consider no time for plant to heal) and if you do give time to heal, it takes much longer to grow out 2 side branches after having disrupted the plants natural processes (hormones, flow of sugars) which in itself is shock. So please, I'd love to hear something in favor of this idea...
Of course you know you are preaching to the choir here.. not to mention most of all, for me, even if it helped a bit (which I do not believe it does) I don't know if I could do it.. I develop a bit of a relationship with my silly plants.. I joke around all th time, but it is true.. my wife has two cats she always has to take care of.. she loves those darn cats.. I feel pretty much the same way about my plants.. I take them out for walks (pull them out for inspections and maintenance) I feed and water them. I put them to bed, I wake them up. I pay attention to how they feel etc etc.. very much like having a pet.. for me..

Sometimes even taking side clones pains me.. *L*


New Member
well to be honest i i just flipped my plants to
flower i have tons of bud sites on top so will soon see whats what and myths myths :))

but as for LST havnt done it but the pic is 23 days veg i will post pics of day 27 plants are smokin hot



New Member
Okay so I'll take it we are all in agreeance with topping now? And maxwell, I feel the same about my plants. I love them to death.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i no longer top as i favor lst. at first it was to increase yeilds but now it is for height requirements. i'm no longer sure that topping ever increased my yeilds. i think that topping may help increase yeilds if it is combined with a slightly longer veg to offset any "repair time". also topping results in 2 large top colas whereas lst results in more colas but they are smaller in girth. i now combine a bit of supercropping with my lst. when i run out of places to tie branches i bend the ones that stick up and thw whole auxin thing continues just like if i had tied it. in fact, supercropped branches develop a little "knob" where they were bent and it actually strengthens the branch once it hardens off during flower. i 'm subbed to this thread, though. i like it. i hope it stays civil.


New Member
Anyone even READ my links? lmao...

And I hope it stays civil too. It was starting to go in the troll cave but I'm trying to not go there because trolling = solving nothing and only serves to flex your internet muscles (pretty lame)


Active Member
80 MG, I certainly am not trying to patronize you.. heck, I love this thread.. I have been having a ball this morning.. it's snowing outside and dreary.. I've been having fun here.. I hope you don't think I would do it at your expense.


I certainly tried to say that in 'in my situation' topping would be counter productive.

I haven't looked at the studies you have provided, but I will assume it is a cat growing under a HID, without employing any training techniques.. or in other words, he is growing it STRAIT UP .,. so yes, in that situation, seeing how light dies exponentially every few inches (or whatever the calculation may be.. it is quick) .. his TOP growth is going to be where it is at.. he may even trim off the bottom parts of the plant to support top growth..

In this case indeed topping and having two sites as close to the light will yield much more than one top with a few lower not as close to the light tops.


A guy in a small place (in my case using CFL) wants to have EVERY bud site at the same level (or about as can be) so ALL the buds hit the light equally. The advantages to topping in this situation have now been negated and you lose an extra budding site.


Now this is only the world according to me.. everyones mileage may vary.. I'm more concerned you perceiving I have some how made fun of your own opinion, or patronized you, when I certainly have not meant to, and have enjoyed conversing with you immensely.



New Member
80 MG, I certainly am not trying to patronize you.. heck, I love this thread.. I have been having a ball this morning.. it's snowing outside and dreary.. I've been having fun here.. I hope you don't think I would do it at your expense.


I certainly tried to say that in 'in my situation' topping would be counter productive.

I haven't looked at the studies you have provided, but I will assume it is a cat growing under a HID, without employing any training techniques.. or in other words, he is growing it STRAIT UP .,. so yes, in that situation, seeing how light dies exponentially every few inches (or whatever the calculation may be.. it is quick) .. his TOP growth is going to be where it is at.. he may even trim off the bottom parts of the plant to support top growth..

In this case indeed topping and having two sites as close to the light will yield much more than one top with a few lower not as close to the light tops.


A guy in a small place (in my case using CFL) wants to have EVERY bud site at the same level (or about as can be) so ALL the buds hit the light equally. The advantages to topping in this situation have now been negated and you lose an extra budding site.


Now this is only the world according to me.. everyones mileage may vary.. I'm more concerned you perceiving I have some how made fun of your own opinion, or patronized you, when I certainly have not meant to, and have enjoyed conversing with you immensely.

Nah you werent that other dude was a bit. Did you check out the links I left? (page 2)


Active Member
well to be honest i i just flipped my plants to
flower i have tons of bud sites on top so will soon see whats what and myths myths :))

but as for LST havnt done it but the pic is 23 days veg
LST in your situation would be an all day job~! *G*

You are doing fine whatever your doing.


Active Member
80 MG.. I just perused the sites to confirm what I suspected was the case.. and in that case it is likely correct..

They are growing under a HID and strait up.. so the more tops you can get closer to the light the better.. in the one case Two tops..


In the CFL and even HID less than say 400 watts (in my opinion) training the plant so EVERY branch is close to the light is essential.. in my case trying to get EVERY branch as close to the light as possible. Cutting off a branch (especially the top one) negates some of that.. not to mention speed is of the essence, a topped plant in my case will take a week or two longer to get back on full track afterwards.. and that is quarter of a flowering cycle ..

I can't stress enough.. in my situation.. when you top, you don't GAIN two new branches, you just promote the two that were under it and they are the new top. In my case, I have lost a top.. a primary branch..


Well-Known Member
You should all get back to the myths LOL

Topping is not a myth, it has its advantages and disadvantages like any of the training techniques that folks use

under low light conditions it will and does increase yields, in high humidity areas of the world it reduces the possibility of bud mold

the stress caused is minimal and the recovery time is very quick

it DOES NOT eliminate a bud site, but rather adds one as for every cut you make to one top you will get 2 to replace it

getting back to the myths how about,,,,,,,


High P in flower?

Low N in flower?


Active Member
it DOES NOT eliminate a bud site, but rather adds one as for every cut you make to one top you will get 2 to replace it
I have never had two new shoots come from my top.. I have only had the two existing branches under become the new top?


New Member
Okay well since (not to be rude) no one is really presenting anything agianst topping (as i did in favor for) I'm going to move on untill someone does let's move on

"Male plants and stems don't get you high" - Bullshit! Male plants will not get you "stoned" and to some people who are veteran smokers may not really feel anything but males do contain some THC and if smoked will attach to the receptors in your brain. Stems also do contain some trichromes on them. There not very pleasent to smoke (niether is males) but you can have a "Scrap" jar and save al lthese items up and mixed with feamles and bud scraps make some brownies =]

"LST produces higher yields" - Very true. Think of it as weight training with humans. Too much stress will kill or severly injure you, but a little stress will make you big and strong.

"Piss does contain nutirients good for plants" - Even though it is gross, if your plant is nute deprived and you are that broke, you can give it a little piss. You should dilute it though. Piss contains high levels of nitrogen and urena....but if you can...please just buy the nutes lolll.

Theres more but im kind of in a daze atm...ill add more. please people add what you think here!


Well-Known Member
I have never had two new shoots come from my top.. I have only had the two existing branches under become the new top?
That is correct, but once you remove the one top those two become the new tops, it also causes the lower branches to come up to the canopy (rather than remaining lower) the botany term that explains what is happening in the plant is called apical dominance, it is all about the plant completeing its purpose in life, consider that in the wild a deer could munch off the top (cause it is hungry, or wants to get stoned) the plant recovers from this attack in a manner that fulfills its purpose in the best way possible


New Member
You should all get back to the myths LOL

Topping is not a myth, it has its advantages and disadvantages like any of the training techniques that folks use

under low light conditions it will and does increase yields, in high humidity areas of the world it reduces the possibility of bud mold

the stress caused is minimal and the recovery time is very quick

it DOES NOT eliminate a bud site, but rather adds one as for every cut you make to one top you will get 2 to replace it

getting back to the myths how about,,,,,,,


High P in flower?

Low N in flower?
I waswondering how long it was going to take for someone else with some common sense to come to my aid! +rep

And maxwell. It's all good, now you know =]


Active Member
I have tossed mail plants away before that were MORE potent (well, it was different.. more psychoactive and hardly any body) than the female's I nurtured through an entire flowering cycle..

Certainly not the rule by any measure.. but males can be potent lil suckers.

At least that's my story..


Active Member
That is correct, but once you remove the one top those two become the new tops, it also causes the lower branches to come up to the canopy (rather than remaining lower) the botany term that explains what is happening in the plant is called apical dominance, it is all about the plant completeing its purpose in life, consider that in the wild a deer could munch off the top (cause it is hungry, or wants to get stoned) the plant recovers from this attack in a manner that fulfills its purpose in the best way possible
You might of started in this conversation a bit late..

I am using LST on a very low scale level (a bit over a dried z a plant, cfl, less than 15 inches tall.. all my branches/flowers are about the same. (about 30 days in 12 on this photo of a cross section, but you get the idea)

In my case, I cut a top off.. I lose a top.. there are no lower branches.. they are all upper branches.. (well, relatively.. there is always some popcorn)


New Member
I have tossed mail plants away before that were MORE potent (well, it was different.. more psychoactive and hardly any body) than the female's I nurtured through an entire flowering cycle..

Certainly not the rule by any measure.. but males can be potent lil suckers.

At least that's my story..
That's why I have a scrap jar and am witing to harvest my ak47 next week to use the scraps for some brownies =]

I also love how HererBorealis challenged me to get some info on topping, and once I did simply left lmfaooo


Active Member
That's why I have a scrap jar and am witing to harvest my ak47 next week to use the scraps for some brownies =]

I also love how HererBorealis challenged me to get some info on topping, and once I did simply left lmfaooo
That's the thing, there is no ONE info.. as mentioned by the sites you provided, there are 'differentials' and topping works in some situations much better than it would in others.. in my situation.. well.. I already said it.. should I say it again.. well.. .

Nope.. you heard me out.. it's all good.. *S*


New Member
You might of started in this conversation a bit late..

I am using LST on a very low scale level (a bit over a dried z a plant, cfl, less than 15 inches tall.. all my branches/flowers are about the same. (about 30 days in 12 on this photo of a cross section, but you get the idea)

In my case, I cut a top off.. I lose a top.. there are no lower branches.. they are all upper branches.. (well, relatively.. there is always some popcorn)
i am very impressed with ur cfl grow well done m8