"Auto-Flower's MORTAL COMBAT" - let the game begin.


Well-Known Member
Good looking grow there Barbie. Watching this thread is giving me a serious desire to try a few of these little auto plants! Might have to go back on to the "Tude and start looking at what they have over there.... or I guess I could wait for a couple of weeks and see which of these strains I like the look of the most... decisions, decisions!!
thanks allister! yah, they are a lot of fun to grow. and the smoke from them that i have seen so far exceeds my expectations.


Well-Known Member

Reefer-ee Memo

Surprise #2;

This is not a rule,, just a request.
As I think was mentioned early on, my intentions are to have a seperate pole for voting.
I would like for all of you to consider a single photo to represent you and your grow to be sent to me in a "PM" so that I may include them all in one link when I do the pole. NOT NOW! (LOL) Later when you're near finished or a couple days before the competition closes.
You are not required to submit as a rule. But I will grab one that seems good to me if you don't.
This is to help rattle your creative juices a bit.
The photo should be your campagne platform for getting voted as top contender. The photo may be all that the voter sees for basing their favorite. Up to you to shine with one photo, or make them interested enough to go looking for your series of postings. As stated earlier, "Make people want to vote for you and your plant." No movies. No words. Just 1 picture to my mailbox by PMs.
I hope this catches most of you early enough to make plans to best utilize this vote gathering incentive.
Remember though, your plant NEEDS to be recognizable as being the contestant entered. And please don't go too vulgar. Also, the photo must be of one used in your updates on this thread.
Sorry Teflon, I never expected a 4 week finish to even be possible.

Before someone decides to go nuts with Photo Shop, often times, less is more. This is not a photo contest. It's entirely about what you have done with your plant. Have some fun with it. :clap:

Examples of what I've in mind -
If your plant comes out looking like a ash tray you may want to include a roach in the branches, sitting on a table in a country setting sort of thing. (dumb example I know - LOL)

Good luck and enjoy.

I have been and will try to continue keeping tabs on the post numbers of updates that pertain to each individual contestant. My intent is to include them as a caption of sorts with each of your individual picture submitted. I hope that will make it easier and more likely for voters to actually go back and see a contestant's grow while helping to eliminate some clutter for those looking.

Point of interest - We have at present 137 post on this thread and 2669 "views." Could be a few potential voters watching. ;-) :clap:
Hate to be a pain with these. But in all fairness I want to try and be sure everyone is aware of it.
Thank you,


Active Member
Has anyone noticed the start of bud sites yet, I mean noticing the change at the nodes? I getting rather worried, I have plenty of pre-flowers, just anxious of finding out if it’s Ak47 or not.

What’s everyone’s nutrient levels so far? I’ve been on flowering nuts for the past week and have just increased it just too 0.9 E.c, though I’ve noticed a massive difference with a daily foliar feeding, but will have to stop soon once buds form.

Ok so here is my update, day 31

Serious seeds Auto AK

Well after turning my self inside out over the fact that I snapped her head off, I’m proud to confirm she’s going to be all alright! Still got some time to go before a full recovery, however the worst is over and the seriously dead droopy leafs have filled out and the stem is on the road to recovery, funny thing is I have only got half a stem

I forgot to mention las update I removed a good 2 handfuls of leafs in the centre, allowing the inner buds sites more light, seamed to of worked, but now due to the accident, ill have to leave her alone if I’m ever to see a good yield.

Moved closer to the bulb again, will raise again when I can find something more suitable to lift with.

Pictures of before and after,Day 28

Picture after leaf removal, quite bare eh? Old twisted tree springs to mind
Todays pictures day 31
Day 28 the day I snapped her head off

Picture of today, wound now healed; though hope to see this swell more in the next couple of days.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone noticed the start of bud sites yet, I mean noticing the change at the nodes? I getting rather worried, I have plenty of pre-flowers, just anxious of finding out if it’s Ak47 or not.

What’s everyone’s nutrient levels so far? I’ve been on flowering nuts for the past week and have just increased it just too 0.9 E.c, though I’ve noticed a massive difference with a daily foliar feeding, but will have to stop soon once buds form.

Ok so here is my update, day 31

Serious seeds Auto AK

Well after turning my self inside out over the fact that I snapped her head off, I’m proud to confirm she’s going to be all alright! Still got some time to go before a full recovery, however the worst is over and the seriously dead droopy leafs have filled out and the stem is on the road to recovery, funny thing is I have only got half a stem

I forgot to mention las update I removed a good 2 handfuls of leafs in the centre, allowing the inner buds sites more light, seamed to of worked, but now due to the accident, ill have to leave her alone if I’m ever to see a good yield.

dude thats crazy!


Active Member
Day 35 pic update/Pollen harvest

My pollen donor (#7) began dropping pollen 2 days ago. Couldn't resist snapping a shot of his top. The pruple in it looks great.

I snipped the earliest sacks, crushed them in my fingers and fondled #2's tops. They began poping in earnest today, so I chopped him and collected most of the sacks into a small tupperware container. For the next few days, every time I check on her, I will be applying pollen to every location I can get to.

I have abandoned my plans to train #2 to follow the perimiter of her pot. I should have realized that I would not have had the veg time to do this. I am just gonna stick with keeping her tied over now.

I have 7 tops poking through the canopy with a couple more hidden in the foliage. I may have to do some pruning to expose them to the light and get them to stretch up. I am mildly concerned about the lighter color on all their leaves and if it worsens, a reservoir change will be in order, but for now, I am just gonna watch and see.

~edit~ Pardon the sloppy cropping job on a couple of the photos.



Well-Known Member
Here is week 5 update....

Lights: 2-26w (2700K) CFLs, 150w HPS, 1-24w 6400K
Nutrients: Flowering nutes 1/3 recommended amount & making it rain
Soil: Ocean Forest Fox Farm



Pics taken 2-05-11:

Joni is growing pretty well where I FIMed her. By making it rain, she needs watering sometimes everyday. I'm up to feeding her 1/3 of the recommended nutrients. I increase the amount weekly. Check her out....................



Active Member
Day 35 pic update/Pollen harvest

My pollen donor (#7) began dropping pollen 2 days ago. Couldn't resist snapping a shot of his top. The pruple in it looks great.

I snipped the earliest sacks, crushed them in my fingers and fondled #2's tops. They began poping in earnest today, so I chopped him and collected most of the sacks into a small tupperware container. For the next few days, every time I check on her, I will be applying pollen to every location I can get to.

I have abandoned my plans to train #2 to follow the perimiter of her pot. I should have realized that I would not have had the veg time to do this. I am just gonna stick with keeping her tied over now.

I have 7 tops poking through the canopy with a couple more hidden in the foliage. I may have to do some pruning to expose them to the light and get them to stretch up. I am mildly concerned about the lighter color on all their leaves and if it worsens, a reservoir change will be in order, but for now, I am just gonna watch and see.

~edit~ Pardon the sloppy cropping job on a couple of the photos.
I'm really liking that photo fella, so what is an male, awesome photo, looks like some weird alien plant you find on plant Bong. for me best picture so far, shame its not your contender


Active Member
Chief looks like your is first to bud! still no sign yet for me, anyone else got bud?

Oh when you say "let it rain" you mean foliar feed?


Well-Known Member
just started getting some white hairs. very tiny and and slow. she still vegging it looks like though, so i am going to slow down on the LST and see if that gets her to start budding up better.


Active Member
Chief looks like your is first to bud! still no sign yet for me, anyone else got bud?

I got some finally starting to form up. I still wouldnt classify them as buds yet, but they are starting to shape up. And thanks for the compliments on the male. I am hoping to get some of that color in his little ones. Hopefully #2 displays some color as well. I think my temps have a lot to do with the pronounced coloring on him. I am getting a low of 58 and a high of 75.


Active Member
Realized something was missing from my last pic update.. bud pics and a side view. I do believe she is showing signs of pregnancy. Her hairs have started to curl and change color. Gonna pollinate one more time tomorrow, then dispose of the pollen.




Well-Known Member
Hey MarcusTweed, Making It Rain is about watering your plant 2 times the size of the pot. If the plant is in a 2 gallon pot, then I water using 4 gallons of water to flush it. When the top 3-4 inches of the soil is dry, then I feed my plant but no flushing. Once it's almost dry again I make it rain. You don't want the plant to get bone dry before the next watering. Most people thinks this process is over watering, but over watering is when you water your plant without giving it time to dry before watering it again. I FIMed my plant and I can see some areas where I'm going to get 3-4 colas.
Chief looks like your is first to bud! still no sign yet for me, anyone else got bud?

Oh when you say "let it rain" you mean foliar feed?


Well-Known Member
My little girl is doing ok. I burnt her a tad bit trying to fatten her up but she is growing good still. She already has a couple hairs turning orange and looks like she is about to fatten up soon. I had her out tonight but didn't get a pic. I will put up a pic in a day or two.


Active Member
Hey MarcusTweed, Making It Rain is about watering your plant 2 times the size of the pot. If the plant is in a 2 gallon pot, then I water using 4 gallons of water to flush it. When the top 3-4 inches of the soil is dry, then I feed my plant but no flushing. Once it's almost dry again I make it rain. You don't want the plant to get bone dry before the next watering. Most people thinks this process is over watering, but over watering is when you water your plant without giving it time to dry before watering it again. I FIMed my plant and I can see some areas where I'm going to get 3-4 colas.
Oh I get it, Doh. I do a simulair thing with my soil grows, I water enough so that I can cheak the run off ph and ec and also for the plant to take back up if needed , I water once a day (soil) with 2 litres of water making sure run off e.c stays the same, its a great way of finding out what nutes a plant takes in.

My Dwc is slightly differant, just recently my AK has been drinking water like no tomorrow, almost 2 litres a day, ever since i raised the ec to .9, I believe I have found the "sweet pot"???? however i have noticed the roots have turned slight orange/browm but feel it could just be the colour of the res water.

Anyway, each day i take a look at my Ak, the more stressed I become, no sign what so ever of flowering! it is past 30 days where all my autos except the bubblioucs have got buds, this will be another non auto out of 12 auto i have done. I'm sticking to oringal breeders pack for now on, these pick and mix seeds have f%$ked me about for the last time. think its about the 5th seed I'v had wrong so far. not a happy camper. So in the next ten days if she dont bud shes getting the chop and I'l have to withdraw from the comp yet again!

Anyhow here are some pictures of the snapped branch.....


Also I've got another trick up mt sleaves, Im dying to find out if it works.....but its a secrete


Well-Known Member
Oh I get it, Doh. I do a simulair thing with my soil grows, I water enough so that I can cheak the run off ph and ec and also for the plant to take back up if needed , I water once a day (soil) with 2 litres of water making sure run off e.c stays the same, its a great way of finding out what nutes a plant takes in.

My Dwc is slightly differant, just recently my AK has been drinking water like no tomorrow, almost 2 litres a day, ever since i raised the ec to .9, I believe I have found the "sweet pot"???? however i have noticed the roots have turned slight orange/browm but feel it could just be the colour of the res water.

Anyway, each day i take a look at my Ak, the more stressed I become, no sign what so ever of flowering! it is past 30 days where all my autos except the bubblioucs have got buds, this will be another non auto out of 12 auto i have done. I'm sticking to oringal breeders pack for now on, these pick and mix seeds have f%$ked me about for the last time. think its about the 5th seed I'v had wrong so far. not a happy camper. So in the next ten days if she dont bud shes getting the chop and I'l have to withdraw from the comp yet again!

Anyhow here are some pictures of the snapped branch.....

View attachment 1427770View attachment 1427771View attachment 1427772View attachment 1427773

Also I've got another trick up mt sleaves, Im dying to find out if it works.....but its a secrete
don't be too hasty in pulling out man. hang in there and let the plant do her thing. she may surprise you.