red dwarf auto fem on CFLS


Well-Known Member
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heres todays pictures of the problems im having now, rapid yellowing, i got burned tips from over fertilizing, so i watered with plain water, and today the very top of RB1 is appearing done and the bottom looks like it has several days to go, what should i do!!!!
I think it's fine for the plant to turn somewhat yellowish once its about harvest time because it is taking all of the nutes(?) and shit out the leaves, could be wrong again though. Also, i don't think it would hurt to leave the top on for a couple days till the bottom is done, i would be scared mine would die if i snipped it >.<

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
yeah just give her a few days there nothing that wrong with it only feed water for flushing

1st pic looks cool +rep

ask fdd in harvesting section there pros in there


I think it's fine for the plant to turn somewhat yellowish once its about harvest time because it is taking all of the nutes(?) and shit out the leaves, could be wrong again though. Also, i don't think it would hurt to leave the top on for a couple days till the bottom is done, i would be scared mine would die if i snipped it >.<
yeah i am, you see the top leaves, the trichomes on them have almost just flattened completely, looks like they arent even there but under microscope u can see them, and they are milky, but the secondary growth is about 3 days behind it looks like.


Well-Known Member
Ah i see, well you should be good..hopefully I am really excited though for lucy because yesterday i saw her first brown hairs :p


Ah i see, well you should be good..hopefully I am really excited though for lucy because yesterday i saw her first brown hairs :p
yeah, im gonna let it go a couple more days max, hopefully the secondary bud ripens up, if not no biggie, my second plant is massive compared to the first and theres only a 12 day difference , so im good!


harvesting on monday, goodluck to everyones grows, im done on here. i will post about tastes and high quality if anyones interested in a few weeks, HAPPY TOKING


Well-Known Member
Hey h2! I read your whole thread and the grow is looking sweet man. Really interested on your results as I'm starting to grow autos in a few days. Let us see some pics of the harvest and keep us posted buddy. Good luck ;)


Hey h2! I read your whole thread and the grow is looking sweet man. Really interested on your results as I'm starting to grow autos in a few days. Let us see some pics of the harvest and keep us posted buddy. Good luck ;)
most definately~!