Active Member
Need to purchase lights for a 22"w x 48"l x 60"h closet. If I purchase 2 x 150w hps digital external ballasts lights on batwings. what kind of heat issues would I forsee. I plan on having a 6"clip fan at least circulating the air and supplying a breeze to sturdy the gals. And I was thinking about adding a 4" inline/ carbon filter for exhaust and smell. All air will be circulated within a 10 x 10 room with fresh air coming into it.
If the hps's won't work or be too hot, how about t5's vs. cfl's. I can fit a 4' x 6 tube t5 in the space required. or I would go with 300-350w max. on the cfl's
Comments or suggestions
oh yeah, gonna do a sog of autoflowers with the set-up I end up using.
thanks for any help!
If the hps's won't work or be too hot, how about t5's vs. cfl's. I can fit a 4' x 6 tube t5 in the space required. or I would go with 300-350w max. on the cfl's
Comments or suggestions
oh yeah, gonna do a sog of autoflowers with the set-up I end up using.
thanks for any help!