So of all the ways to make extracts or tinctures or iso hash, BHO, Cold Water, Turning Kief into Hash, Shoe Hash, Rub Hash. My understanding would be to.
1. decarboxylate the pot before doing any extract, hash or tincture since doing this will increase the THC levels from 2-4x's the original amount? (again I am not 100% sure if this actually works but it seems to get me pretty medicated.)
2. Use an ISO wash (in 2-3 stages) (1-2 min shake time is for aprox quarter oz of pot) (more pot more shaking)
a. Fill ISO over pot shake for 1-2 mins then wash.
b. Fill ISO over same pot shake 1-2 mins let sit 1-3 hours
c. Fill ISO over same pot shake 1-2 mins let sit 6-12 hours
I have been doing this and having pretty good results.
I am wondering of all the ways to convert pot.
Which one is proven to be the best method and by best I mean which method will remove the MOST thc from the pot and where do you get this information. I have tried to figure it out by looking online and I am not getting any proof one way results in more thc extraction then the other.