Moldy Bud Already Harvested Now What?

poon cup

Well Sadly my main cola on my favorite plant had a little mold on the inside. This Cola was the size of my fist im so sad. I tried to clip off pieces without mold for smoking but alas i dont trust it.

Is there anything i can do with it like turn it into hash? oven dry and smoke? Make into butter(cant see mold in butter being good)

Im thinking hash will still work?


Well-Known Member
That sucks .......I would be very reserved at using moldy weed for anything.....some people (me included) are very allergic to mold and have severe is certainly "use at oyur own risk"....


Well-Known Member
can make alcohol hash oil or butane hash oil out of it. either of those processes should neutralize the mold.


Well-Known Member
Toss it. Don't even think twice about trying to put it to good use. My buddy and I had to toss out a huge cola because it had mold. The other 4 plants were completely fine. It was white and powdery like. Had a second harvest in the same tent, so it wasn't spider mites I don't think.


this maybe off topic....but if your plant had spider it safe to smoke the finished product?????


Active Member
You can spray greencure on them while they are growing to control the problem you can spray greencure the day before harvest.


Well-Known Member
this maybe off topic....but if your plant had spider it safe to smoke the finished product?????
Ya of course most of them should leave when the product starts to dry as the enviroment changes. But the few that are stuck in there you can smoke em it be like smoking a ant :-D


Well-Known Member
cut all the mold off that you can, freeze the weed in your freezer to super frozen to kill all the mold. then make some hash :D perfection


Well-Known Member
Most people will never have a problem smoking or injesting mold - depending on the amount and type. But mold creates toxins that don't go away if you freeze it and may well be concentrated if you make hash out of it. What ever you do don't give it to someone who uses it as medicine, a person with compromised immune system such as AIDS/HIV could get into some serious trouble with moldy pot.