Autoflower not autolflowering...Help noob pls +rep for advice


Active Member
Ok, day 22 and my auto lowryders havent auto'd, or shown any sign of sex. Im going to leave them for another week just incase....but if they havent started to flower by then should i drop the light schedule from 18/6 to 12/12 to try and force it???? I dont want to do this coz ive read that this strain likes 18/6 all the way... but if i have no choice i will.

I have heard of people having trouble with auto strains not autoing.

I got my seeds from

600whps, 160w CFL, Soil/perlite/castings, Organic fertilise, temp 80-90, average RH (i have no humidity meter), tap water


Well-Known Member
I've never had a lowryder strain not auto...males should have shown sex by 21 days with fems a bit behind that............but it won't hurt'em at all to put'em in 12/12......AAMOF...after 3 weeks under T5HO, 24/0, I move all mine to a 12/12 hps system (simply to save on elec)...been doing it a long time and works great ....You need to keep the temps a bit lower...perhaps below 85.....


Active Member
ive been having problems with the temps, untill i get some exhaust fans not much i can do :(.... what about sacrifice yeild in terms of going to 12/12 is that an issue???.... +rep ya! thanx


Well-Known Member
For years I've also "heard" about yeilds under 12/12 for autos....and also about "size" of pot making a difference too....All I will say to all that is that my yeilds for my autos, especially lowryders, have been around an ounce....that's under 550w hps, 12/12 in a 4" pot......being a med user of the herb and always have 10-12 jars of cured various strains, I don't grow for yeild, only quality.
That all being said, I think your a bit impatient right now and anxious for your ladies.....have some patience for a few days, let'em dry out a bit......if not sexed in a few days, then switch.....why worry about yeild when you have nothing to start with..........


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt worry, never heard of lowryders not autoflowering.
All my Lowryders auto flowered, some about a week faster than the others..


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt worry, never heard of lowryders not autoflowering.
All my Lowryders auto flowered, some about a week faster than the others..
I'll second lowryder sttrain grow always were the first (on calendar time) to house autos pretty much last, sweet seeds autos a bit slow.....but typically, you can set yourr watch by any ryder strain


Active Member
hey thanx guys... im gonna wait till the 30th of this month before i think about cuttin gthe lights, ill be honest and say that im gonna be a bit bummed out it i only get an ounce of it, was hoping for closer to 2. i think i rep'd u all.... thnx


Active Member
well 5 days since my last post, and still not a sign of gender..... 27 days total since breaking ground.... is this normal?


Active Member
ok so its now 30 days, and still no sign of sex.

2 things have happened.

I had alot of new growth under the big fan leaves, the leaves underneath the fan leaves looked like they werent getting all the light the wanted, appearing stunted. So, off with the fan leaves, i know its a no no to prune an auto, but since this one hasnt sexed im gonna assume its auto function is broken LOL.

The second thing is, i have given the final ultimatum. If i see no sex within the next 5 days i will cut lights to 12/12. Why 5 days??.... well since i have pruned the fan leaves i would like to give it a chance to grow some more, and since the plant seems like it is vegging still i dont expect it to sex/flower in the mean time.

So.... by the 7th of this month, if there is no sex happening in my grow, lights are getting cut back.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I think i must have blown a fuse or something....either autoflowers work way differently or i must have misread something

to my own i understand it so far while stoned....
your autoflower didn't flower on time under admittedly less than ideal growing conditions
Instead of letting it catch up on it's growth spurt, you then assault it and chop of it's primary photosynthetic factories, temperature regulators, and gaseous toxic waste ports.
forcing it to go nuts in an attempt to fix this bullshit.
meaning growing leaves to balance back out instead of buds like you claim to want.

okay...assuming i got the round about idea here...
is it possible you were simply to aggressive in your growing style for this particular breed?
they need a careful hand and precise conditions to do what they claim.

last i knew most leaves capture around 10 to 15% of light and the rest goes on to the rest of the leaves below....that's why the plant grows them there to begin with.
what mad science has changed this simple fact in the autoflower breeds? I don't understand.
yes the sets of leaves you see reflect all the green light hitting it would look darker below you...not the plant though
humans see green pretty damn's a flaw in us, we just don't get it do we?

i have grown a deep hatred of these hobgobblin plants.
why do people keep buying them at such outrageous prices?
they are cursed i tell you


Active Member
yep pretty much, except for a couple of things.

Yes, i admit growing conditions werent perfect, but these plants are growing like crazy....

Yes i admit there were hickups, stretching at the beggining and higher temps.... but they were sorted. Like i said i have excessive growth, new branches popping out everywhere this doesnt sound like a plant that is struggling. For that matter it doesnt sound like an auto from the feedback i have been getting. Under the fan leaves it looked like flippin circus, growth everywhere.

My most recent issue was with drooping and clawing, i found that they just needed more food and water. Once i upped the nutes, and gave more water the leaves stretched to breaking point, it was nice to see.

Over the last few weeks, temp has been idle at around 85, humidity is average, ph of the run off is 6.4, they are drinking the water fast. And seem to enjoy the nutrients in it. No browning or spotting, yellowing or clawing, drooping etc etc....

Now, i really do value your input. And i mean that, i have had trouble getting any sort of feedback other than one line replies. So feel free to think im crazy, i probably am.

But, i pruned those fan leaves this morning, i gave them a nice soak in a nute bath, and looking at them now they look thankful. The leaves that were lazy looking at covered have stretched out big time.

What ever happens i have another bean which is about 5 inches tall. It looks like a dwarf, not like the current 2 whcih didn't. So im gonna invest all my hope in the little bugger, and what becomes of these two is entirely up to them, from this point on the are on their own.

Thnx dude, its nice to get an opinion. And you are porbably right, i probably shouldnt have done it.


Well-Known Member
sorry for wasn't specifically at you
i am still new to it all, so i'm pretty sure i'm still misunderstanding something...

what happens if you leave it alone and ignore the calendar since that needs ideal conditions to be accurate?
i'm sure once it's get it's footing again, it'll tear right off.
won't even have to change the light schedule.

it just needs tlc


Active Member
check this... the little dwarf showed sex today... its about one third the size of the others and almost a week and a half younger. It is in the same space as the other 2, it looks completely different from the other ones..... i wish the other ones would make up there mind.... their size implies great potential, but alas still nothing....

Im fucked now though coz if i have to drop the lights on the other two i will affect the little dwarf who looks soooo nice....

Might have to rethink cutting the light schedule again.... this is frustrating... in a good way compared to yesterday :).....


Well-Known Member
patience is a required skill in growing stuff....I have DR at 6.5 weeks...just starting to show sex...let the plant tell you...cos you can't tell the plant...good luck!!!!


Active Member
yeah still nothing..... im decided on not cutting the light for the sake of the little one.... gonna stab another bean in the ground and hope. the annoying two broke ground on the 1st of feb. the other little one broke ground on the 11th of feb.


Active Member
yeah still nothing..... im decided on not cutting the light for the sake of the little one.... gonna stab another bean in the ground and hope. the annoying two broke ground on the 1st of feb. the other little one broke ground on the 11th of feb.
Im on day 32 with the current problem 14" tall with new growth all over and no signs of sex. what ever happened?
If you don't have a sex by 35 days with an auto flower lowryder, something is deff wrong. I wouldn't have pruned the big fans all the way back though. I would keep them 18/6 until day 35, after that go 12/12. Check you PH's, general signs of stress, that kind of stuff. Hope you get something in the next few days! Looks great so far.

Grow Strong