Newbie with plant troubles


Active Member
The 23 day old seedlings are still having some troubles, There has been no growth for a week now .

Temperatures are 78 to 80 with lights on and 70 when not on .
I watered yesterday , after 3 days , the soil is looking dry again. I have a good amount of air moving , maybe drying them out . Im using MG potting mix with PH -ed water. and 6 CFL lights as starters. No fertilizers, except the MG.
The lower leaves are yellowing, and the general health isn't looking good.

Any input ?



Active Member
I had all 6CFL right on top on them , but moved it up , thinking the higher temps were harming them. The temps were hitting 90 last week.


Well-Known Member
Appears to have been stunted ....heat is killer and overwatering, especially with soil w/nutes like MG, is common....You need to allow those tiny roots "seek" moisture intead of bringing it to'em too often. The greatest assest to growing is "patience"....wishing you good karma.....


Active Member
This may be a dumb question, but do those cups have holes in the bottom?
I took one of the littlest weakest plants out today and the bottom has roots. I wanted to see if the plants were getting roots and how dry the soil was. The soil was semi moist. It will be dry by tommorrow , but I only water every 3 days.
I think I heat shocked them when the grow box temp was running high. How long do you think it will take for them to recover with lower temps.? I lifted the light and lowered the temps 3 day ago. It seems like they have stopped growing all together.