Im looking for a HIGH yeilding auto. Any pointers?


So Im in AK now, used to be in Cali where I could grow anything I wanted outdoors. Im now in the Anchorage area and am looking to do the outdoor thing up here this summer. Thing is we get short summers with LOOONG days, like light out at 2am still! So its obvious if I am to pull this off Ive gota go with autos, or early stains maybe. I plan on doin a lil hoop-house so I can get a good sturdy jump on the season. SO with that said, my biggest issue is looking for a high yeilding auto, I ordered some Sensi Seeds Ruderalis Skunk not too long ago, Theyre supposed to get up to 60" high (90cm) [I thnik?]. Id like to hear some experiences with these ideal plants, and possibly some pointers on Alaska growing in general, Or any northern climates for that matter.


Well-Known Member
I do a LOT of autos....regular autos typically don't have a big yeild, perhaps an oz or a bit more with perfect conditions...but there's some super autos from Flash seeds that yeild more....with a bit more time involved.....


I do a LOT of autos....regular autos typically don't have a big yeild, perhaps an oz or a bit more with perfect conditions...but there's some super autos from Flash seeds that yeild more....with a bit more time involved.....
That would be fine, I dont mind waiting an extra week or two for maybe double... So I do have some Ruderalis Skunk seeds on the way, anybody have any experience with this strain? Im getting them through Attitude. Plus ive got a ton of auto seeds comin in.
And while im at it, what about any early types, yous guys think they would do anygood way up here? theyd veg like crazy, im just currious as to the fact that the dark rolls in kinda quick as winter comes along, kinda iffy on the short photoperiod during flowering.


I do a LOT of autos....regular autos typically don't have a big yeild, perhaps an oz or a bit more with perfect conditions...but there's some super autos from Flash seeds that yeild more....with a bit more time involved.....
Yeah, see I thought about that too, the fact that regular ol autos (lowryders and such) only get big enough to produce an OZ +/- made me think that this could just be a waist of time and $$$, better off doing the indoor thing. But then I realized that everything grown up here gets bigger than it would in the lower 48 due to long and intense photoperiods we get, im talkin BRIGHT sun when there are no clouds (and im from cali). But then again some folks use an indoor setup at a 24/0 photoperiod on these things, but on the other hand, thoes are artificial lights, not the real deal.

I would like to find an very early strain to try too (a non-auto)...


ALSO, A lil info on the one strain I bought already, its the Ruderalis Skunk from Sensi, they claim it to be "the strongest ruderalis type", and its supposed to yeild up to 300 Gs (per plant I assume) and grow to just under 6', it does however seem to be more ruderalis dominant and unstable. they say that on a ratio of 50/50 that the seeds will produce some that auto and some that are early and start the flowering very soon:

THEN I find this one too after more searching (after I made the order for the sensi seeds), these seem to be cutting-edge, its Short Stuff's Super Cali-Haze. Now this one is very appealing to me! if their info is accurate, it is perfectly ideal for my situation. They're supposed to get up to over 2Metres tall and supposedly give you up to 4 O's, sounds a lil like a fantasy, but who knows, they are fairly new to the public from what I gather. Check it out, You might like this one Oldreefer:


Well-Known Member
Me 2 buddy looking for the elusive "high yielding auto", I'm trying auto blueberry, auto widow, looks good so far 3.5 weeks from seed so far and starting to bud now in 19/5 cycle..


Well-Known Member
No ruderalis in this one so it's very potent check those yields indoors, clonable if left on 24/0 lights on.

Iranian Auto Flower- S1
Product Code- IAF (Feminized) ♀
[S1 from an Original Clone NOT from a cross]

Developed to eliminate the
worry of thieves in the Fall
Potency: 4½ out of 5
Taste: Hashy

Indoor Growth
Outdoor Growth
Finished height
12" to 24"þ
Plant height
18" to 24"
Yield (g/m²)
250 to 350 g
100 to 300 g
45 to 55 Days
June, July
August &
Potency Key: Strains like
AK-47 or White Widow would
have a rating of 4 out of 5Frost Resistance -
Frost Resistance -


No ruderalis in this one so it's very potent check those yields indoors, clonable if left on 24/0 lights on.

Iranian Auto Flower- S1
Product Code- IAF (Feminized) ♀
[S1 from an Original Clone NOT from a cross]

Developed to eliminate the
worry of thieves in the Fall
Potency: 4½ out of 5
Taste: Hashy

Indoor Growth
Outdoor Growth
Finished height
12" to 24"þ
Plant height
18" to 24"
Yield (g/m²)
250 to 350 g
100 to 300 g
45 to 55 Days
June, July
August &
Potency Key: Strains like
AK-47 or White Widow would
have a rating of 4 out of 5Frost Resistance -
Frost Resistance -
This looks good! Thanks man! Il have to see if I cant through one or two in the mix.


Oh Yeah! I totally forgot about the mat-su thunderfuck! I guess this shits from up here, its Matanuska Thunderfuck, it gets huge and gives a good yeild. The Matanuska Valley is just north of Anchorage, its where Wasilla is (Palin's town)... Says it finishes by Mid-September, The snow didnt even start falling till about a week before november this year! Folks, I MIGHT be growin some Matanuska soon!!!!


Well-Known Member
if you can start them indoors for a month they might do well, size wise.
Doc lists it as having poor fall frost tolerance, so even if doesn't snow you could get wiped out.
I'd make lots of seeds if you do get it, at $20 each you don't want to be rebuying that again.


Well-Known Member
Baddabing, there are several points to consider. First, the only reason anyone would charge more than $80/quarter is if you are a total asshole. Mids are $50/quarter. There was snow in Anchorage in the middle of September last year. The precedent set by Ravin vs. Ak is for IN HOME cultivation. Growing in your yard is illegal.

Stay safe. If you are nice to people, they may share some of the great weed that we have up here. There are nowhere near the choices that you get down south but there is a lot more cultivation that anywhere I've ever lived.

I didn't even know people sold weed by the gram up here. I haven't even seen anyone with 1/8's.

Mindful how you travel.
lol don't go north looking for those prices... 25 a gram 100 quarter and 325 to 400 a oz here.
Iranian auto flower from check it out and thcfarmers post on it as excited about this strain. Veg for 2 months 24 hours a day and put outdoor to increase yeild!! Again goofle irainian auto flower and read thcfarmers that and you will be amazed..yes drgreenthumb is legit ..


Well-Known Member
How are north are you? :)

Talkeetna prices are half-priced from Anchorage area prices. There are some good strains on the peninsula as well, especially in Soldotna and Homer. Z's on the peninsula are normally $240-$250 if purchasing more than 1.
I live in northpole


Baddabing, there are several points to consider. First, the only reason anyone would charge more than $80/quarter is if you are a total asshole. Mids are $50/quarter. There was snow in Anchorage in the middle of September last year. The precedent set by Ravin vs. Ak is for IN HOME cultivation. Growing in your yard is illegal.

Stay safe. If you are nice to people, they may share some of the great weed that we have up here. There are nowhere near the choices that you get down south but there is a lot more cultivation that anywhere I've ever lived.

I didn't even know people sold weed by the gram up here. I haven't even seen anyone with 1/8's.

Mindful how you travel.
FIRST OFF no need to be a dickhead, you asshole. Second, dont try and correct me on things that I didnt say, I said this, THIS winter. I wouldnt have said otherwise because I wasnt even here until Nov 09. Third, Your right, nobody even seems to weigh their shit at all up here, they just eye-ball it, everyone ive gone through! And Cali bud is the best, everyone knows that! Ive smoked shit thats made me see shit, wasnt laced, it was from the clinic. Because we have REAL medical setups in our state we have our shit together you know.