Nirvana Blue Mystic and Short Ryder Grow!!!


Well-Known Member
If you only pull 2oz. dry off those plants I'll kiss my own ass...Dwc with huge root masses and surface area. 8oz dry per plant would be 227 grams per plant you've got 3 so 690 grams or 1.15 grams per watt. Lets say you only pull .75 grams per watt that would be 5.35 oz per plant still damn never 6 oz. per plant dry. I pulled 3.2 oz dry off my 5 plants or 453 grams or .75 grams per watt in my defense I only ran 300 watts for half of flowering to save on electricity. But that was my choice so I live with .75 per watt. But we'll get the smoke report soon. And see if my bud was worth the lose in yield. Good growing everyone and thanks Millyy better late than never.


Well-Known Member
The dry weight was right at 16oz give or take an 1/2oz. I sent a package to a friend and smoked about a 1/2 before I weighed anything. I'm waiting on an official smoke report from and independent source. I fear it's going to on the weak side of things. This is not the strongest bud I've grown. But then again I've already got more request for the Blue Mystic. Good growing and this thread will be done as soon as the smoke report comes in Chief.
Wow 16oz haha I would be lucky to get 10g from mine D:
Did your blue mystic atually auto flower or did you have to switch to 12/12?


Well-Known Member
I've been using photo period so long that I just get a feel for when the plants are ready...I switched to 12/12 after about 3 weeks. So I guess the auto part was a waste. They started budding after about 4 weeks so. I do all of this by feel so I might be wrong if you look through the tread here. Millyy all you need is more light and the right kind. You see what chief is doing and I'm going to try and get him into hydroponics for that matter might look into it soil isn't for me not if I only grew one or two plant Taowolfs setup is solid and cheap. But thanks for stopping in...good growing


Well-Known Member
Hey Icannabis, I did the same thing with Joni, I did 3 weeks of veg and then 12/12 for flowering. My 1st grow would not flower using 18/6 light cycle and when I switched to12/12, the Blue Mystics flowered but by that time they had stretched a lot. They were free seeds so 2 & 1/2 ounces off 2 plants of Blue Mystic was great considering it was free weed:)


Well-Known Member
What's up Icannabis? I got that SMOKE REPORT.......................My man Icannabis gave me the privilege of sampling his Blue Mystic and Short Ryder. First the Short Ryder.......I smoked less than 1/2 of a joint and I'm very high and believe me, I'm no light weight when it comes to weed. I smoke daily:) This weed did not creep upon me, it bomb rushed me:) It's a head high and my eyes got that "oh yeah you are F**ked up" look. I've been working all day and I'm not ready to pass out. I want to do shit, so I decided to give this report. If shit doesn't make sense, blame it on the SR:) It's been 20 minutes and I'm still flying like an eagle. I want to add Short Ryder to my weed pantry:) BIG SHOUT OUT TO ICANNABIS YOUR WEED IS THE BOMB:)

I will give the Blue Mystic smoke report tomorrow because I'm too high tonight to sample it:)



Well-Known Member
Did you cough a little? And the ones in hemp papers are short ryders and the ones in berry are blue mystics...I gave you the Extras for you and the wife. And I know you wanted to try the Short ryder so...


Well-Known Member
I'm glad you tried the short ryder first...because the mystics is really good...and the short ryder is on the weak side of the two...enjoy and thanks chief I'm really happy that you enjoyied my
I'm going to be asking you a few question about stealth grow stuff when your not to high...I'm going to do one.


Well-Known Member
What's up Icannabis? I got that SMOKE REPORT.......................My man Icannabis gave me the privilege of sampling his Blue Mystic and Short Ryder. I gave the Short Ryder report last night. I would definitely recommend this strain as one to have in your weed pantry:) Now for the Blue Mystic........What can I say, I love this strain. I'm growing it right now:) The high is great because you are f**ked up but it's a functioning high:) I love that hint of blueberry you get when you smoke BM. Hey Icannabis, I had a coughing fit with the Blue Mystic, it just intensified the high. Now for those of you who have never tried BM, it's a must for any respectable weed pantry. The quality of both strains is definitely worth a loss in yield Icannabis.

Me and the old ball & chain want to thank you for the samples, YOUR WEED IS THE BOMB!!! Your weed pantry is nicely stocked:)

Chief Puff Puff


Well-Known Member
And now I would like to to close this thread and call it complete...thanks everyone that is following it.


Well-Known Member
Icannabis grats on the 2 grows bro, and I enjoyed reading about the smoke report Chief. Sounds like Icannabis knows what's up :p
Out of curriousity how smelly during flowering was the short ryder? I know i asked chief before what the smell was like with the BM i think he said it wasn't overpowering..



Well-Known Member
I think so...I want to enter the auto's mortal I don't know I'm updating my setup right know to Magnetic Induction Lights and a cabinet. I want to try the the new lights and see what they can do.


Active Member
I think so...I want to enter the auto's mortal I don't know I'm updating my setup right know to Magnetic Induction Lights and a cabinet. I want to try the the new lights and see what they can do.
Hey man - I want to follow the MI lighting project you are doing. Can you link any future journal you do with them here?


Well-Known Member
Sure Taowolf I can do that...I've got 50 things running through my head about what set-up I want and how big I want to go...I think if I can pull 200 grams off this grow it will open up the doors on these lights as a valid solution for lighting. I know there are some others out there doing it as we speak but this will be one more journal towards low heat high yield lighting. I've been thinking of doing 6-8 plants in a 2x4 flood table. I wanted to do a direct compare of all three lights but I don't have the funds to cover three large grow cabinets. I got my light right from the factory that made it...I'll post the information about that when it arrives. And take pictures and post them for all to see. Well I hope that answers your question. Good growing