Nirvana Blue Mystic and Short Ryder Grow!!!


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately we both are pot heads:) The blue mystic weed is the type of weed that will last because a 1/2 of joint gets you very high which means your weed last longer. I don't grow enough to sell any and I could get $80 for a quarter ounce of blue mystic. Your selling method works for me:) I can't wait to get the Short Ryder smoke report.
Yeah my better half does most of the smoking I'm the light weight...I take 4 hits off a joint and I'm stoned...doesn't help that this Bm is a creeper and potent as fuck...I smoked a whole joint the other night and I was tripping balls. Yeah I'm like the worst at selling my stuff...I get whatever I'm going to sell ready and lay it on the table and roll a joint of the stuff up before hand...I sit it there in front of them in a small glass ash tray and I start weighting the stuff after centering the scale with my 5 gram weight...I weigh it all up and pass them the tray for inspection...if everything is to there liking...I put it in a bag for them. "Man here you go"


Well-Known Member
Update!!! My short ryder is looking pretty bad...I trimmed her down so the buds could get more light. She has some frosting on her and real leafy buds. I think next Friday I 'll be happier if she makes it. I'm not mad if she gives up...I put her through hell. Well that's it.




Well-Known Member
Yeah the leaves are toast but the bud leaves are nice and green so I think I'm fine. She wasn't getting enough water so I raised the flood level 2 more it stands I think she will produce a good smoke. I'm shooting for 32oz wet weight total for my grow. I'm hoping she will bulk a little more and fill out in the coming weeks.


Well-Known Member
I've got Blue Mystic lockout...the Short Ryder is smelling good though...I've been looking at your plants though and your going to have some killer bud at the end.


Very nice. Is the blue mystic something you would recommend? I currently have some Nirvana Ice, it has grown just fine, but it smells like pencil shavings. All my other strains smell like dank nug. Anyway, great job, enjoy all the nugs.


Well-Known Member
Well I will say this it's the best tasting and smelling Blueberry I've ever had not even a hint of that skunk smell...but if your a skunk guy then no...I've grown crystal before didn't smell dank at all...still have about a 1/2. I grew it 4 years ago and is still the strongest bud I've ever grown. Makes White widow look like smell isn't everything.


Well-Known Member
Update!!! Well I meet my goal of 32oz wet weight or 938 grams...I don't think that's to bad considering these where autos and less that 2 feet tall...this Short Ryder produced 7.5 oz wet...I guess this concludes this grow...well I'll give the dry weight in a week I think it's going to be close to 16 oz total for my grow. I'm excited that it all turned out well with my first experience with auto's I will grow them again. But next grow is going to be full sized plants. Well good growing and thanks for looking at my grow. ;-)



Well-Known Member
It's great coming back and seeing sure beauty upon my return:) She was a fat ass just like I thought:) Man I have worked like a dog all week and I'm thrilled to see the Short Ryder has been harvested. I knew that main cola was big as hell but realize the side buds were fat too. I think I predicted 3 oz dry for a total of 13 oz dry, so I'm off by 3oz. What a great grow and yield off 4 PLANTS, you are the man! I see what I did wrong when I LSB Joni, I should not removed the tape, I see you didn't on the Short Ryder. I'm trying it again on the 3 clones from Terrie's top. Practice makes perfect:)
Update!!! Well I meet my goal of 32oz wet weight or 938 grams...I don't think that's to bad considering these where autos and less that 2 feet tall...this Short Ryder produced 7.5 oz wet...I guess this concludes this grow...well I'll give the dry weight in a week I think it's going to be close to 16 oz total for my grow. I'm excited that it all turned out well with my first experience with auto's I will grow them again. But next grow is going to be full sized plants. Well good growing and thanks for looking at my grow. ;-)


Well-Known Member
Thanks Taowolf I don't know how impressive it was...I think if I had run cal mag the whole grow I would have netted another 1/2 oz per plant. I wanted to keep it as simple as possible. I think I'm going to kick it up a notch next grow. And those DWC monsters you got going will pull 8 oz dry weight off them under that 600 watt easily...and Chief thanks I know you been busy as fuck so thanks for staying tuned...I'm working on curing everything up so. LSB works for me so I hope you get to try it soon and see what is really possible with it. Good growing guys


Well-Known Member
What's up Icannabis, I was wondering if you were finished with this thread. What was your final dry weight total? I can't wait to try LSB with all 3 clones, I want a dry weight like yours. I use Magical throughout my entire grow. By this time next month, you are going to have some dank ass smoke:) Congrats on a great grow!!
Thanks Taowolf I don't know how impressive it was...I think if I had run cal mag the whole grow I would have netted another 1/2 oz per plant. I wanted to keep it as simple as possible. I think I'm going to kick it up a notch next grow. And those DWC monsters you got going will pull 8 oz dry weight off them under that 600 watt easily...and Chief thanks I know you been busy as fuck so thanks for staying tuned...I'm working on curing everything up so. LSB works for me so I hope you get to try it soon and see what is really possible with it. Good growing guys


Well-Known Member
Damn Icannabis, sorry for coming in late.. Awesome yield man, I'm interested in what the dry weight was as well.


Well-Known Member
The dry weight was right at 16oz give or take an 1/2oz. I sent a package to a friend and smoked about a 1/2 before I weighed anything. I'm waiting on an official smoke report from and independent source. I fear it's going to on the weak side of things. This is not the strongest bud I've grown. But then again I've already got more request for the Blue Mystic. Good growing and this thread will be done as soon as the smoke report comes in Chief.


Active Member
Thanks Taowolf I don't know how impressive it was...I think if I had run cal mag the whole grow I would have netted another 1/2 oz per plant. I wanted to keep it as simple as possible. I think I'm going to kick it up a notch next grow. And those DWC monsters you got going will pull 8 oz dry weight off them under that 600 watt easily...and Chief thanks I know you been busy as fuck so thanks for staying tuned...I'm working on curing everything up so. LSB works for me so I hope you get to try it soon and see what is really possible with it. Good growing guys
I just added in a small amount of CalMag+ to my regimen starting this grow - but like you haven't been adding previously because I use tap water... The CalMag+ was a free sample so might as well give it a go and see if it makes a difference. I also added a beneficial bacteria product (Hydroguard) and a beneficial fungi product (ZHO) this grow and the roots are looking better than my last grow on all the plants.

I think I'll give LSB a try on one of my plants instead of topping her if I need to shorten her up a bit compared to any of the others (likely will have to)...

If I pulled 2oz per plant I'd be ecstatic. But I'm going to be going to 12/12 really soon due to the different strains/sizes I have going - so I'd be happy w/ 1oz dry per plant average and anything above that will be iced cake. It's all good though, I'm more interested in getting some variety as opposed to yielding as much as possible (I have enough to smoke for the time being).

Anyway man, didn't mean to write a book. I'll be sticking around for that smoke report and to get pointed to your next grow.