Abusive Moderator

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Well-Known Member
I know that the moderator in question will show restraint if someone is trying to outright provoke, but a lot of the stuff is BS. I took a large hit in REP points and got an infraction some time ago for a damn joke. the same moderator will make disparaging comments or remarks about someone and then end it with a smilie, as if it is ok to say such things, because surely he is joking.....

Talk with your other moderators.... I'm sure they are all over hearing about the one...
Are you fuckin kidding me ? ...your crying over points on a scoreboard ?..pfft

AND Talk about the pot calling the kettle black ...... YOU ! ..Serapis do this shit all the time .... I have closed threads and had to bite my tongue after reading your snotty replays to people just asking for help , Your sarcastic comments and elitist manner is a fuckin joke ... And im not the only one to have noticed .

You of all people should keep your head down and your mouth shut !

Rant off /


New Member
Are you fuckin kidding me ? ...your crying over points on a scoreboard ?..pfft

AND Talk about the pot calling the kettle black ...... YOU ! ..Serapis do this shit all the time .... I have closed threads and had to bite my tongue after reading your snotty replays to people just asking for help , Your sarcastic comments and elitist manner is a fuckin joke ... And im not the only one to have noticed .

You of all people should keep your head down and your mouth shut !

Rant off /
First off thanks for changing your advatar lmao....

Second off...I totally agree. Even though Serapis has a good point with this post he's that "over the edge poster who calls every one out and agrees with nothing" type guy...it got old a long time ago.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I think people are getting reputation and infractions mixed up. If you get three infractions you will in all likelihood be banned, neg reps have no more meaning than what you put into them.

A sarcastic comment IS a joke usually.


New Member
I think people are getting reputation and infractions mixed up. If you get three infractions you will in all likelihood be banned, neg reps have no more meaning than what you put into them.

A sarcastic comment IS a joke usually.

Actualyl 3 is a 10 day ban...benthere...done that.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Nah I'm pretty sure the computer server thing is programed that 3 = 10 day ban...that's what PR said to me anyway. Not tryna troll ya jsut saynnn
You aren't :) Don't worry.

But like I said dude, I've been there too. 3 infractions has always = a ban for me.
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