Abusive Moderator

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New Member
Those are rare, but it happens when someone is what they say, 'explicitly' warned not do something, and told if they do it they will be banned.
Yes i think you are right on that. Or at least thats what my research has come to teach me. We might be onto something here dear Dawson


Well-Known Member
No offense to anyone but arguing over rep points on the internet is just as silly as arguing on the internet...

Unless I can trade in my rep points for a prize or something they're meaningless, IMHO.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
No offense to anyone but arguing over rep points on the internet is just as silly as arguing on the internet...

Unless I can trade in my rep points for a prize or something they're meaningless, IMHO.
People in this thread may be arguing over rep points but it is a very minor part of the discussion.


New Member
Okay since this is dieing down I think theres only one rational thing left to do....



Well-Known Member
People in this thread may be arguing over rep points but it is a very minor part of the discussion.
I saw the infractions thread and since I did not read too much into I'd rather not make an comment. But as far as arguing over rep points taking a hit, IMO, that is just plain silly.


Well-Known Member
First off thanks for changing your advatar lmao....

Second off...I totally agree. Even though Serapis has a good point with this post he's that "over the edge poster who calls every one out and agrees with nothing" type guy...it got old a long time ago.

LOL .. no probs brother :)

Up untill now i have kept my opinion to myself ...but im gonna start calling this guy out everytime i see hime do the exact thing hes here crying about .

To the guy who this is all about ... I see what hes saying .. but he needs to suck it up and move on ... or leave ... its that simple .

The boss said it well , A lot of people here take the piss and get away with a lot ...People need to just get along and the bad apple will soon fall from the tree :)

I just want to point something out before i'm accused of taking sides....My beef is with the hypocrisy of Serapis and its about time he was called out on it .


Well-Known Member
You were infracted for no reason correct?
I can attest to the fact Crypt does not deserve what he got. You may not like me and think I deserve what I got......if not for this, for all the other bullshit. I have since mellowed it out, but seeing a friend of mine get penalized for absolutely no reason, other than Fdd wanting to prevent him from climbing in rep.

Then Whiteberrywidow was neg repped for repping Crypt.

I was infracted for speaking about it (and being a dick)....fine, I accept it, and actually greatful for not being penalized for other stupid shit I have done. But I can't accept him doing what he did to Crypt and WBW, it's just wrong.
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