I know im going to get a lot of negative feedback for this...

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Well-Known Member
Dunno....but me, my bubba kush and my new Biohazard bong on gonna go play BF:Bad Company 2 on tha 360. . Ironhidemanic Hit me up if you wanna play.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
This is going to sound kind of harsh but have you looked into selling or pawning your computer? It's not going to be much use if you're evicted. :: shrug ::

You might want to try some local churches and see if they can help out. The LDS church is really good about helping strangers. I hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
If you have a paypal account and show us the tatas I will donate 2 bucks. heh
Gotta say RIU and todays date though. heh


Active Member
This is going to sound kind of harsh but have you looked into selling or pawning your computer? It's not going to be much use if you're evicted. :: shrug ::

You might want to try some local churches and see if they can help out. The LDS church is really good about helping strangers. I hope that helps.

what is the LDS church?


Well-Known Member
I'll bet 20 bucks if you put some hot whore on for your avatar, you'd have it in an hour.... plus some.
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