I know im going to get a lot of negative feedback for this...

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Active Member
This is going to sound kind of harsh but have you looked into selling or pawning your computer? It's not going to be much use if you're evicted. :: shrug ::

You might want to try some local churches and see if they can help out. The LDS church is really good about helping strangers. I hope that helps.

what is the LDS church?


Well-Known Member
Alot of churches will help you out,especially the Catholic church. They won't give you money, but they will pay your debtors directly.


Well-Known Member
I am submitting this Thread into Guinness Book of World Records for fastest Thread. Ill split the winnings with you Pony.


Active Member
I'm willing to throw down a couple bucks to help out a fellow stoner in need. If you can link to paypal I'm in. Area conference of churches should be able to help you out with one or two major bills. If you are below the poverty line with child I'd assume you'd be eligible for section 8 housing and title 19 benefits. I know this as my sister was left in a similar situation. You should already be hounding these types of programs..
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