Southerners Growing Thread


Active Member
GA, MS, AL, SC, FL, VA, AR and all other southern states. What are you planning on growing this year? Any advice for those growing in the South?
I am growing alot of GDP this year.:leaf:


Active Member
i live in the north but if i was in the south i'd be growin some nice sativa plants for sure..possibly some old school landrace panama red or alcapolco gold...some of the african stuff would work down there i'm sure..


Active Member
Panama Red? I was just looking at a seed broker that sells that landrace stuff. looks like a good strain imo. Id like to try some of it if I could get ahold of it.

Clean genetics are so hard to come across nowadays. Everything seems to be mixed with this or that... Its kinda sad when you think about it. Its like a dog that is a mutt.

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
TN here. Growing since the Carter administration and this year trying out 6 strains including: SL Haze, OG Kush, Purple Maroc, White Widow and 2 autos Big Devil and Fast Bud. No experience with the autos so I'm curious as to how they will turn out. Weather as been good the last few days and helpful in site preparation/scouting for new sites. Last fall was incredibly dry and affected yields so I'm hoping for a less labor intensive grow. Also trying out a new product called "Deer Scram". Appears the active ingredient is garlic much like other critter repellants but, it is granular and supposedly has a longer residual. It's not cheap at $85 for 25lb. but thought it well worth the cost if it saves 1 of my precious girls so I will post a review about mid-summer.


Active Member
TN here. Growing since the Carter administration and this year trying out 6 strains including: SL Haze, OG Kush, Purple Maroc, White Widow and 2 autos Big Devil and Fast Bud. No experience with the autos so I'm curious as to how they will turn out. Weather as been good the last few days and helpful in site preparation/scouting for new sites. Last fall was incredibly dry and affected yields so I'm hoping for a less labor intensive grow. Also trying out a new product called "Deer Scram". Appears the active ingredient is garlic much like other critter repellants but, it is granular and supposedly has a longer residual. It's not cheap at $85 for 25lb. but thought it well worth the cost if it saves 1 of my precious girls so I will post a review about mid-summer.

I hope your grow goes well!


Well-Known Member
I'm indoor's paranoid outside,,,But thinking about try some LowRyder #2,,,for shit's and giggles,,,Would love to toss my Alaskan ice out tho'. Good luck Tho'.


Active Member
My GDP is doing ok. Not what I expected thus far. Last years was alot better as far as speed of growing. Maybe its the weather???

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
... for sure. they sure look and smell good. Plus the seeds were free.

I've done bagseed, outdoor guerilla grows for many years and yes they are invaluable for learning the basics from germination to harvest/curing. While the relative cost of breeders seeds may seem high, in my mind it is actually a good value with the advent of "feminised" seeds. I just figure that if I am going to all the trouble and risk of a grow, I might as well at least increase my chances of sucess by planting and tending as many females as possible. There is nothing more frustrating than carefully tending a crop all summer only to have a bunch of males pop up. I doubt that the local law enforcement or the DEA would make the distinction between girls and boys (or care for that matter.) On the other hand, a lot of bagseed grows go surprisingly well as much of what you might believe as "reggie" or "scwag" is actually quite potent it's just that it was grown under poor conditions or even cured improperly. I got some seeds from a buddy of mine about 10 years ago that was known for his ditchweed. I planted them in a isolated area well away from my other patches as I had little hope they would do much. At harvest, these plants were heavy producing, sativa-dominant with yields averaging 14oz+/plant and was incredibly potent, fire weed. Nothing like what my buddy had aquired.


Active Member
... for sure. they sure look and smell good. Plus the seeds were free.

I've done bagseed, outdoor guerilla grows for many years and yes they are invaluable for learning the basics from germination to harvest/curing. While the relative cost of breeders seeds may seem high, in my mind it is actually a good value with the advent of "feminised" seeds. I just figure that if I am going to all the trouble and risk of a grow, I might as well at least increase my chances of sucess by planting and tending as many females as possible. There is nothing more frustrating than carefully tending a crop all summer only to have a bunch of males pop up. I doubt that the local law enforcement or the DEA would make the distinction between girls and boys (or care for that matter.) On the other hand, a lot of bagseed grows go surprisingly well as much of what you might believe as "reggie" or "scwag" is actually quite potent it's just that it was grown under poor conditions or even cured improperly. I got some seeds from a buddy of mine about 10 years ago that was known for his ditchweed. I planted them in a isolated area well away from my other patches as I had little hope they would do much. At harvest, these plants were heavy producing, sativa-dominant with yields averaging 14oz+/plant and was incredibly potent, fire weed. Nothing like what my buddy had aquired.
Did you do anything different from what the other guy did? How did you grow those bagseed plants?


Active Member
hahahahaha!!! thats funny... well we all know that there is nothing wrong with pot. Its a medicine. But then again who would have thought that it would have gotten as far as it did in the other states?
I must not lie.. if i smoke to much .. i seriously get crazy... about a half a week is the limit or i go crazy

Carl spacker: thanks for sharing.. that makes me happy cause i have alot of bag seeds since this is my 1st grow

I just started my process today.. germinating some seeds.. a good friend i made on here helped me out cause this is my 1st grow season.. I got ak-47, northern lights, and 100 bag seeds.. the 47 and NL are all fem. bag seeds are a toss in the air.. I found a friend of mine whose mom used to grow grass to support the family back in the day.. she has a green house.. were going to start the plants.. keep them in there till about the middle of march.. we should be able to cull all the males by then.. and then everything will be put out across clear cuts/hay fields/ ponds... but the main area will be swamps not many choppers or people there... but this is my 1st grow..


Active Member
I must not lie.. if i smoke to much .. i seriously get crazy... about a half a week is the limit or i go crazy

Carl spacker: thanks for sharing.. that makes me happy cause i have alot of bag seeds since this is my 1st grow

I just started my process today.. germinating some seeds.. a good friend i made on here helped me out cause this is my 1st grow season.. I got ak-47, northern lights, and 100 bag seeds.. the 47 and NL are all fem. bag seeds are a toss in the air.. I found a friend of mine whose mom used to grow grass to support the family back in the day.. she has a green house.. were going to start the plants.. keep them in there till about the middle of march.. we should be able to cull all the males by then.. and then everything will be put out across clear cuts/hay fields/ ponds... but the main area will be swamps not many choppers or people there... but this is my 1st grow..
About the same here. I got a nice swamp that will do really well for my girls. i just hope that it goes as well as I plan. south atlanta doesnt have much to work with as you probably know hahahaha!
About the same here. I got a nice swamp that will do really well for my girls. i just hope that it goes as well as I plan. south atlanta doesnt have much to work with as you probably know hahahaha!
yea lol.. South atlanta is pretty big with alot of people.. you might be able to hit some them farms/wood lots off the interstates and stuff... I hear the root rot/mold is worse in swamps cause the moisture and stuff...


Active Member
The swamp water is pretty good for the plants. But im definately not going to plant them where its constantly sludge. they should be safe as i definately wont be there to often.