HELP My wife jacked my lights!

Been lurking here forever, This is the first post i've ever made...or at least that i remember making :bigjoint: anyways ive searched all over the web and this site and i cant find an answer to my specific question: I need some help PLEASE.

I have a wonderfully supportive wife who has been willing to turn the on lights in my microgrow. Unfortunately NEVER at the appropriate time. I have three plants which i started 12/12 from day 3 and they are now 6wks old and in the early stages of flowering. My beautiful wife has been turning the lights on later and later to the point that today (in order for my plants to get 12 hrs of darkness) we are turning the lights ON at 4pm. I have a couple of questions. First, is there a biological reason to turn this back around so the lights come on in the AM ? Second, Is there any way to turn the light cycle around without harming the plants? Third and final what ,if any, damage has been done by the extended dark times when she has forgotten to turn the lights on?

P.S. I had a timer which quit working, and I am purchasing a new one today.

Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you've been lucky, in that the dark period has been extended, rather than the light period. That would be more risky. IMO, get your timer, pick a period, and stick with it. It doesn't matter if it's AM or PM, the plant won't :wink:


Leave it on dark cycle until u want the timer to cut back on then u shouldnt have to much to worry about, i accidently messed mine up did the same thing and they kept a goin


bud bootlegger
yah, like james said.. if you want to switch your on/ off times, just leave them in the dark for an extended period of time till you get to the new time that you want lights on.. at that time, set the timer to go off 12 hours later.. easy cheesey japenesy..
Thanks for all the replies. Just to be clear though, the lights are out now and have been off since 4am. Is it ok to leave them off for 28 hours to get it back to where I want it?