Cops just came to the apartment due to a complaint against my bf

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Active Member
Cops just came to the house about an hour ago because someone upstairs thought someone in our apartment was being abused.

Hell, I would've thought the same, too.

I woke up, wanted to take a shower, and asked my bf if he'd like to join.
He griped and complained about it all the way to the bathroom to the point where i just looked at him, astonished by his childish demeanor, and told him to just forget about it and I'll take a shower by myself.

He walks out of the bathroom, starts yelling about the apartment not being clean and starts throwing dishes around in the sink while he curses about this and that.

I didn't want to hear his negativity so I said, dude, this is ridiculous...I don't want to hear any of your negative comments. He became so pissed off, he started punching the bathroom door repeatedly and yelling.

I locked the door and that made him even more pissed off and he started yelling again and throwing shit..immediately after that, someone knocks at the door.

I immediately knew it had to be the cops---it was.

I start running around the house soaked and naked while hiding my bong, my bowl, and my stash.

I ran back into the bedroom and started drying off while my boyfriend opened the door to FOUR fucking cops with guns out???

My boyfriend went outside and started talking to the cops and a few minutes later the officer asked to speak with me and I started throwing clothes on...

The officer was actually very nice and told me, hey you know, people fight, just try not to be so loud.

We really were lucky...especially due to the fact that this happened once before AND we just found out TWO cops live RIGHT ABOVE US. fml.

After the cops leave, my bf immediately states I'm going to sell my bong and bowl and my stash or our relationship is over. If I don't quit smoking, he'll be done with me.

I told him if I quit bud, I'll smoke fifty million cigarettes and he said if I did that then we're done as well..

I'm really just lost for words at this time and I haven't been able to smoke ALL FUCKING DAY so I'm really a wreck right now.

I think this is complete and total bull shit and I'm about to fucking end this bullshit relationship and go find someone who will fucking accept me for WHO I AM.



bud bootlegger
you already have your answer g.. dump the dude.. you don't need to run out and get in another relationship.. sometimes its good to just be alone and find out who you are without someone standing over you at all times..
your young and cute and dont need this kinda drama. move on girl....


Well-Known Member
You need to make some life changing decisions soon because you are clearly unhappy with your life right now.


Well-Known Member
The idiot brought the cops to your door because of his own childish antics, then tries to use that as leverage against something you enjoy doing.
Holding that above your head every time you fight using any excuse to be pissed off at you.

Regardless of who did what (I am not so naive to just assume that the women is always innocent), you both are apparently not happy.

You should both move on.

That's just how I see it.

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
fuck him shiz he sounds like an ahole

hang in there your great you will get another bf that treats u like princess :)


Well-Known Member
You need to make some life changing decisions soon because you are clearly unhappy with your life right now.
I agree....Having the cops show up at your house or apartment for any type of domestic incident is a clear indication that something is wrong and some type of changes need to be made.


Active Member
Cops just came to the house about an hour ago because someone upstairs thought someone in our apartment was being abused.

Hell, I would've thought the same, too.

I woke up, wanted to take a shower, and asked my bf if he'd like to join.
He griped and complained about it all the way to the bathroom to the point where i just looked at him, astonished by his childish demeanor, and told him to just forget about it and I'll take a shower by myself.

He walks out of the bathroom, starts yelling about the apartment not being clean and starts throwing dishes around in the sink while he curses about this and that.

I didn't want to hear his negativity so I said, dude, this is ridiculous...I don't want to hear any of your negative comments. He became so pissed off, he started punching the bathroom door repeatedly and yelling.

I locked the door and that made him even more pissed off and he started yelling again and throwing shit..immediately after that, someone knocks at the door.

I immediately knew it had to be the cops---it was.

I start running around the house soaked and naked while hiding my bong, my bowl, and my stash.

I ran back into the bedroom and started drying off while my boyfriend opened the door to FOUR fucking cops with guns out???

My boyfriend went outside and started talking to the cops and a few minutes later the officer asked to speak with me and I started throwing clothes on...

The officer was actually very nice and told me, hey you know, people fight, just try not to be so loud.

We really were lucky...especially due to the fact that this happened once before AND we just found out TWO cops live RIGHT ABOVE US. fml.

After the cops leave, my bf immediately states I'm going to sell my bong and bowl and my stash or our relationship is over. If I don't quit smoking, he'll be done with me.

I told him if I quit bud, I'll smoke fifty million cigarettes and he said if I did that then we're done as well..

I'm really just lost for words at this time and I haven't been able to smoke ALL FUCKING DAY so I'm really a wreck right now.

I think this is complete and total bull shit and I'm about to fucking end this bullshit relationship and go find someone who will fucking accept me for WHO I AM.

weed????related????shut the fuck up


Well-Known Member
Not to be a prick but your BF sounds like a little bitch. A cute girl wants to take a shower together and get it on so instead he throws a temper tantrum. Lame.

(unless youre only telling us 1 side of the story.) ;)

You 2 dont really sound like the best match.


Well-Known Member
Stop dating men with a childish dimeanor and a control complex. Sounds like ur better off without him. /Thread


Active Member
Hey, I just got out of a fucked up relationship......

And I LOVE waking up taking showers with my girl......

And I'm pot friendly (obviously)

I was about to hop in the shower actually.................................................................................................


Well-Known Member
Hey, I just got out of a fucked up relationship......

And I LOVE waking up taking showers with my girl......

And I'm pot friendly (obviously)

I was about to hop in the shower actually.................................................................................................

Uh oh. Sounds like we have a Love Connection! better get Chuck Woolery down here.


Active Member
Uh oh. Sounds like we have a Love Connection! better get Chuck Woolery down here.
Lol, I'm just tryin to cheer the lady up...

Altho I never went thru anything like that....I have been in several bad situations with my ex, and it always came down to weed, and a really good friend of mine that just happened to be a smokin hot blonde.---tho I would have never done anything with that girl, talking to her was the end of the world for my ex.

I say get your bitch ass bf out of your life. Anyone that throws THAT BIG of a temper fit, at 26?, years old....doesnt deserve a a cannabis girlfriend.
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