Cops just came to the apartment due to a complaint against my bf

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Active Member
didnt waste my time on reading that shit life goes on just turn to the next page no1 likes an emo


Active Member
didnt waste my time on reading that shit life goes on just turn to the next page no1 likes an emo
Haters wanna hate, Lovers wanna love

I dont even want, None of the above I want to PISS ON YOU!

fkn troll.......

no one likes one.


Active Member
girllllll :( Leave NOW

i've come out of abuse, LEAVE NOW!
It started when he threw a coffee cup onto the ground.. it got worse after that. I know you must love him but just stop, take a deep breath, and put yourself in the #1 spot right now. You don't need that.

Good luck <3

kether noir

Well-Known Member
ive only read the first page, so i am unaware of whats been said. but do yourself a favor and end it. people cant change people. it sounds like its going to end regardless, just when?
and hide his steroids. that's not rational behavior. sweet christ, the pinkos my have won.....


Well-Known Member
didnt waste my time on reading that shit life goes on just turn to the next page no1 likes an emo
Come on man, stop being such a dick.

She is barely out of high school. You never went through "phases" when you were young? I really doubt that she will be an "emo" (as you put it) when she is 30 or 40 years old. And even if she is, WHO GIVES A FUCK.

Have you ever heard the expression "live and let live"?

besides, at your level of anger towards the OP it souds like its something else in your life that is pissing you off.


Well-Known Member
ive only read the first page, so i am unaware of whats been said. but do yourself a favor and end it. people cant change people. it sounds like its going to end regardless, just when?
and hide his steroids. that's not rational behavior. sweet christ, the pinkos my have won.....
What's a "Pinko's? I'm old.


Active Member
Lots of us guys would like to be in his place, I'd take the shower and smoke the bong... loose him, stoner chicks rule!


Active Member
Its always gonna be a one sided story so who knows what really happened. I say end it already so we don't have to waste more of our time giving you the same advice. Its getting redonkulous.


Well-Known Member
I would say that the cops showing up is defenitly a deal breaker for me. Thats when shit has gone too far.


Well-Known Member
Sounds to me like that crazy fool needs to smoke a bowl. Wait for when he's still asleep like 4am, then take HUGE bowls and blow it in his mouth, but wait and do it when he inhales... try and do it as many times as you can before they wake up.

Did that to one of my ex's for every match of Call of Duty I won. It was hilarious.

Hardcore mode: Roll a blunt, spark it, turn it around and put the cherry end floating in your mouth. Put the mouth end to his mouth when he's asleep. When he inhales, blow out your mouth through the backwards blunt and gas mask him. He'll wake up immediately because he can't breathe... but holy hell will they be fucking SUPER baked.



Well-Known Member
Sometime neighbor's are really The problem,,,Been thru it now live in the woods. But yea your young,,,He will not save ya.
Pesky neighbors werent the case this time. The cops showed up because He was screaming and beating on the door.

But i hear ya about those bitch ass neigbors who will call the police over ANYTHING.


Well-Known Member
no offense but your boyfriend seems like an immature bitch lol you should get rid of him.


Well-Known Member
pussy cops had to call the cops LOL............Hey instead of leaving him........start haveing friends over and party day and night till he moves out.
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