Gravity / Bushmaster = Roundup


Well-Known Member
I have only used bush master in nft and for 3 grows 2 strains and I will continue to use it. I use 20ml in a 40 gal reservoir w/half strength nutes the second week of flower for 3 days. Has done what it claimed each time. I have been wondering about their other products because the BM has worked so well for me. I run GH by the way.

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
I don't think anything goes right into the plant, like you can't take the plant down and pass it through a metal detector and set it off or recycle it or anything. It doesn't quite work that way. I don't know exactly how it works, but I don't think it's like that.

Lots of people use the products, some have great results and swear by it, some kill their garden and make death threats in a public forum. There are so many factors that you can't blame any one thing without knowing the rest. I know people who have great grows then screw up the next one and blame the moon or the planets or the new additive that they bought.

Sometimes it's just you.
Ive gotting good results w bushmaster when I use soil!! I wont use in hydro!! Should use more CM clones and less veg time if they are growing to tall!


Well-Known Member
I don't think anything goes right into the plant, like you can't take the plant down and pass it through a metal detector and set it off or recycle it or anything. It doesn't quite work that way. I don't know exactly how it works, but I don't think it's like that.

Lots of people use the products, some have great results and swear by it, some kill their garden and make death threats in a public forum. There are so many factors that you can't blame any one thing without knowing the rest. I know people who have great grows then screw up the next one and blame the moon or the planets or the new additive that they bought.

Sometimes it's just you.

a link to the site the explain, that is exactly what hemp does. it acts as a filter or trap for the contaminated metals (heavey metals).. results are speculative, i want 2.5 grams a watt, and i got it.. does that mean good results? that same shit is now carcenagenic, still got good results? remeber the real science shit does not filter its way back to these forums...

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
the product was designed for soil mediums... thats ur problem. I have used gravity with no issues on at least two grows.


Well-Known Member
i have been thinking about using bushmaster on my hydro blueberry haze (which consequently grow like wild fire) and after reading this post, there is no way i'm going to take that chance.... my pops told me one time, that if it ain't broke, don't fix it... i'll go w/o it