The Joys of Taking a Shit.

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Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
So I know we all shit (girls shouldn't be allowed) and its awesome. I know I can't start my day without a healthy BM and a bowl.

I tend to read or clean my gun while I shit. I post a lot while crapping as well.

Any weird things you do?

Just wanna proclaim your love for a good dump?

Do it here.

I don't care about your regularity....I care about how much you love dropping the deuce.

Talk about a shitty thread!

P.S. I'm shitting now.


Well-Known Member
Seat down, ass down, plop, wipe, reverse, go back to work.

If you have time to read so much "shit" while shitting, eat a fiber one bar.


Well-Known Member

Droppin a deuce is sa-weet!!!!!

Love the edit comment.

My favorite number is #2......cause I love poopin, and I'm "The Shit"

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
See....girls make it seem almost...dirty.

I don't read fucking moby dick in one sitting...but ill read a few pages of maxim.


Well-Known Member
I've said in other threads, before I drop a deuce, I always toke a bowl before going in the bathroom. Feeling the weed or oil kick in while I'm shitting, is oddly awesome.


Pickle Queen
Why are men proud of their ability to poop but pretend women don't? lmfao
And as beardo previously stated I poop peanut butter cups and smell like gummy bears
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