XBOX360 or PS3?


Well-Known Member
They are pretty much tied imo.If I was you I would look around for cheap used ones.Cause I bet new consoles will be coming out soon.Not saying this year for sure.But you know what I mean.I think its moreless a preferance then anything.Like im more into games that are for xbox & I find the xbox controlers more comfortable & like the layout beter.I could care less about the live shit.One thing I do like about the ps3 more is you can convert files on divx to the ps3.But im sure you can do the same kind of thing for 360.Cause well it has a media center.But I don't like win media that much,its a bitch geting all the right codecs for different files.
One thing I will say about the 360 slim(new black one).Make sure you have it somewhere where it can't be moved or accidently knocked over while you have it on.If it happens and you got a game in it,you can say byebye to that game.The laser will burn a perfect circle when that happens.But I don't exactly see that as a flaw.Its moreless a careless thing to do to a console.Who goes and moves their consoles around while a game plays?Lol.Noone I know of.
With graphics/performance:imho you will see little to no differance.You got to have a very up to date tv to relly notice any differance(1080p HD (3d)lcd,led,or plasma with a 600hrtz or higher refresh rate.).But still you won't see any HUGE differance.
Plus most games made don't max out the graphics the consoles are capable of.
Again its mainly just preferance that makes one choose a console over the over.


Well-Known Member
Lol.It won't suprise me if the new consoles are actualy pc towers that run a win/mac etc OS.Cause I think the current ones are close enough to a pc.
Your sig is hilarious. I wonder if buddy ever heard of carbon filter/scrubber systems.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it gave me a good laugh & thought I got to sig this lol.It was some dude that was growing outdoors.
I guess that makes sense.....just funny though.

I did that once...came up with a reason my car stunk to high heaven.

Had a trunk full of fresh clipped MJ, and had to stop into my new landlords house to get my keys. She could smell the dank from her front door step, and my car was parked on the road.

"Oh I just hit a skunk"

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
I should 360 still works....just has no DVD ROM drive. I can only play the games I have stored on the HDD. The constant failure of the ROM drives, and the PS3's media capabilities convinced me of trying Sony's console.

I still add downloadable content to my 360 when I find stuff I like. Just can't buy original games.
+1 mine just crapped out too

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Nop ... playing Crysis 2 on my PC ... do it right !!

