Just Scared The Ever loving Shit Out Of My Girlfriend.


Well-Known Member
Me and my girl are always pranking each other, so today I decided to scared the shit out of her. She was in the shower, so I waited in the bedroom, with all the lights out.
She came in, soaking wet, wrapped in a towel, and started bitching to herself that the lights were out. She walked to the center of the room, to pull the light switch, with me sitting inches from where she was standing, as she reached up to pull the cord, I aid really loud 'Hellooooooo!!" and she screamed in terror.
I thought this was HILARIOUS. I fell to the floor, laughing and crying.

Anyone else have any hilarious stories like this?
I can appreciate the humor in this as I have done this before to different friends and family members over the years, but it really isn;t funny. I can't stand it when someone jumps around the corner or opens a door and tries that shit on me ....in fact, it has always been my natural reflex to punch someone that tries it....:lol:


Well-Known Member
I can appreciate the humor in this as I have done this before to different friends and family members over the years, but it really isn;t funny. I can't stand it when someone jumps around the corner or opens a door and tries that shit on me ....in fact, it has always been my natural reflex to punch someone that tries it....:lol:
heheh, yup, my poor wife knows now not to do that again, I felt SO bad! lol

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
I used to live on a busy street where people would frequently walk by. I would make myself very upright and hide behind a telephone pole with a foghorn. I got the better of many people, and had a few sketchy encounters. One guy chased me into my house he was so pissed. Ended up puting his foot through my glass coffee table. I retired the prank after that.


Well-Known Member
I used to live on a busy street where people would frequently walk by. I would make myself very upright and hide behind a telephone pole with a foghorn. I got the better of many people, and had a few sketchy encounters. One guy chased me into my house he was so pissed. Ended up puting his foot through my glass coffee table. I retired the prank after that.
He chased you INTO your house? holy crap man, lol, you coulda shot him and prolly got away with it you know, lol

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
Yeah, but if I did, something tells me that would be bad karma. I did kind of provoke him. When the coffee table got broke, I went from trying to calm the dude, to OK it's time for you to get the fuck outta my house.

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
I was chased a few times. Something about me laughing hysterically at them after I just scared the shit out of them might've had something to do with it.


Well-Known Member
My sister had just moved into a house my family owned with her newly wed husband and I got the bright idea to scare the hell out of them after bar one night while kinda buzzing. The house that they moved into was still in the process of being renovated and had a second level but no stairs to get to it. Being familiar with the house and property I remembered there was a ladder in the garage that could reach one of the unlocked windows of the second floor. So at 4 a.m. I grabbed the ladder out of the garage and entered the upper level. Once I was in I started to kick through the walls and stomp around on the floor over their bedroom. I could hear them below freaking out and asking each other what they should do so started kicking the walls and jumping harder, within a few moments they came running out of the house screaming in terror only to find me with my head poked from the window laughing in tears. I still laugh a little when I think about it.


Well-Known Member
I remember when I was about 8 or 10 my dad and I driving thru the Safeway parking lot, and him seeing my step moms car parked. He had a key to her car, so he told me to crawl in the back seat, and wedge into the footwells, and wait for her.

He parked a little ways away, but in full view of her car. She came out a little while later, seemed like forever, and she hopped in the car after putting the groceries in the trunk.

About 5 seconds after she started the car, I jumped up and went "boo" or some shit and grabbed her shoulder.

To this day, my Dad still kills himself when he thinks about it, and we always kid her about it.

Ahhhh.....good times.

Also, don't throw modified screechers at large groups of people or police......or blow up people's garbage cans, and various shit on their property........

Shit can get REAL.....lol


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
its definitely not real..when i saw it the first time i geeked out for about an hour researching it...just an elaborate youtube prank..good one i might add!!

i also think youtube wont allow a video of someone actually dieing.
Ya i did the same thing haha, there was a TON of those things where its a pic of the girl on the video but it turns out its some fucking douche bag faggot talking about a video rather than the video. HATE that shit lol. But ya, alot of the youtube links to that video have been removed, kinda weird, I'm still not convinced it's real, but you never know for absolute certainty


Well-Known Member
MMJ wouldn't last day at my house. It's a constant thing. Any ideas on what i should do to her tonight? I've always loved the idea of taping a scary mask to the underside of the toilet lid, but ours is translucent.


Active Member
Damn I would have peed myself, your poor girlfriend. I'm extremely skittish, i'm like a squirrel sometimes. Goes along with my anxiety.. One time a few years ago my ex was waiting outside my bedroom as I came out and jumped right into my face just SCREAMING bloody murder with his hands out like he was gonna kill me, I screamed at the top of my lungs, sunk to the floor and begun sobbing hysterically hahaha I just couldn't handle it :( That was before I learned to medicate with cannabis, anyways.

the sad part is, he still continued to freak me out. I never cried like that time ever again, but I still always screamed haha.


Well-Known Member
Damn I would have peed myself, your poor girlfriend. I'm extremely skittish, i'm like a squirrel sometimes. Goes along with my anxiety.. One time a few years ago my ex was waiting outside my bedroom as I came out and jumped right into my face just SCREAMING bloody murder with his hands out like he was gonna kill me, I screamed at the top of my lungs, sunk to the floor and begun sobbing hysterically hahaha I just couldn't handle it :( That was before I learned to medicate with cannabis, anyways.

the sad part is, he still continued to freak me out. I never cried like that time ever again, but I still always screamed haha.
I bet in retrospect it's halarious though. Lol


Well-Known Member
heres a good prank, when ur fucin her doggy style pull out your dick before your about to come. spit on her back, then we she turns around with a huge smile , bust one right on her face