First grow alaskan thunder fuck


Well-Known Member
Haha, thanks, Shwagbag

Here are some tips for your exhaust and air intake, budXL (I can't believe nobody took that name yet, btw). shortening your flex tube as much as possible, and remove as many bends as possible, you can get a lot more air flow. If you can get a solid duct that would be the most effective. and get your filter as high up as possible. Suck air through your filter, never blow out of it. If you can make cuts in your home, consider cutting into the wall into another room that stays cooler, or a room below you. Or if all the other room are warmer around you, try exhausting into those rooms instead of using them as an intake.

I'm a renter, and it's been a while since I've had a landlord who was cool with growing, so I can't cut holes in the walls anymore. But you can always replace an existing door with one you have bought with a vent at the bottom. If you can't find one already with a vent, you can install one. If you can cut holes, you can also do this to your existing door. As long as the room outside stays cooler than my grow room, I'll probably continue doing this for a while. Then you can keep your room closed and keep your temps down, just place your fan behind it. Or install a inline fan on the back of the door with a boot register or something, that would be freaking awesome.


Active Member
yea i have landlord problems too cant change anything or drill any holes anywhere : ( just got word that I will be swapping my current light for the new and improved chameleon light for my next grow(for freeee)!!! super excited!


Well-Known Member
If that is a closet, and you keep your door locked, you can switch the door, and he'll never know. He can't enter a locked bedroom. You can just switch the doors before you leave. A new door is pretty cheap.

And I'm so jealous of the free plasma lights!! Those babies are expensive as all hell! Use one for the canopy, and use one for side lighting, if they can be hung vertically.

"Popcorn nugs? What popcorn nugs!? Never heard of 'em."


Well-Known Member
GD popcorn nugs. I'm done with those sonsabitches... I hope lol.
I haven't seen one of those things in at least 3 grows! Strain, manicuring, and keeping your light ridiculously close at all times, and I'm the envy of all my grow buddy's and their petty 1000w lamps :)


Well-Known Member
I hear you, I think I've got it figured out thanks tot his site. I will find out soon enough, I just put 2 into flower. I Supercropped all the way through a 6 week veg and LST my canopy height to about 4" to start flower. I'm cutting the popcorns right off in the first 20 days, or at least trying and watching lol. I want beef!


Well-Known Member
Lol don't we all? Manicuring the lower nugs in the first 3 weeks is very important. I usually try and get it done in 1-2 if I can do it without stressing my plant.

Oh and Bud XL! In my original directions I told you a flush was 2x volume of medium with water, I must have been drunk! lol. It is 3x as much water as their is medium.
Silly drunk Jozikins.


Well-Known Member
The problem is figuring out what what the lower nugs are, this will be my first time weed whacking early in flower. I was able to reduce my canopy under 6" after a 6 week veg so this round will be a learning curve. Sorry to hijack the thread budxl! Hope your girls are well and the konger is still swellin'.


Active Member
whacha guys talking bout? manicuring leaves early? popcorn nugs?

pics of the conger in the morning :)


Well-Known Member
whacha guys talking bout? manicuring leaves early? popcorn nugs?

pics of the conger in the morning :)
Haha, always thinking about how to keep you on the pro-path. Manicuring leaves early sounds like the perfect solution to popcorn nugs without light, but something I've realized more and more since I started doing outdoor and indoor plants, is that the leaves can only help! Outdoor landrace strands (Mexican Landrace is everywhere here, fucking cartel Panama Red) have crazy leaves, so much they shade the bud from top to bottom, and if you remove it's leaves, it just gives you less weed, and it tastes worse. Although light penetration is extremely important, nutrient uptake and distribution is more important! Your fan leaves and sugar leaves are extremely important, and even a nug that grows under a fan leaf it's entire life will grow fatter than a nug with no fan leaf on it. That fan leaf delivers all the best stuff to your nugs, including what I personally feel are the most important during flowering; Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Sulfer, and Carbohydrates. It delivers other extremely important nutrients, but I know those nutrients are suddenly scarce the second you remove fan leaves. Taste is really effected!

I know there are a lot of old school growers that have much more experience than me on here. But the problem with old school growers is that they will never change! They think they know what is right and that is law, despite what a scholar with a book might say. And while they make a lot of excellent danks, I know it's the new generation of growers that is going to keep on making this shit more and more dank, until it's a legitimate narcotic. Haha.

And as always, keep on rocking the living shit out of that closet!


Well-Known Member
Haha, always thinking about how to keep you on the pro-path. Manicuring leaves early sounds like the perfect solution to popcorn nugs without light, but something I've realized more and more since I started doing outdoor and indoor plants, is that the leaves can only help! Outdoor landrace strands (Mexican Landrace is everywhere here, fucking cartel Panama Red) have crazy leaves, so much they shade the bud from top to bottom, and if you remove it's leaves, it just gives you less weed, and it tastes worse. Although light penetration is extremely important, nutrient uptake and distribution is more important! Your fan leaves and sugar leaves are extremely important, and even a nug that grows under a fan leaf it's entire life will grow fatter than a nug with no fan leaf on it. That fan leaf delivers all the best stuff to your nugs, including what I personally feel are the most important during flowering; Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Sulfer, and Carbohydrates. It delivers other extremely important nutrients, but I know those nutrients are suddenly scarce the second you remove fan leaves. Taste is really effected!

I know there are a lot of old school growers that have much more experience than me on here. But the problem with old school growers is that they will never change! They think they know what is right and that is law, despite what a scholar with a book might say. And while they make a lot of excellent danks, I know it's the new generation of growers that is going to keep on making this shit more and more dank, until it's a legitimate narcotic. Haha.

And as always, keep on rocking the living shit out of that closet!
Well said and good info holla.


Well-Known Member
Glorious! That is a crazy clipping you got growing there, I think I'm a little envious :) Next round you are going to need a garden net to keep an even profile and keep your nugs off your coat rack! Ahahaha, I love your post modern wooden block and 3" PVC sculpture though, very hip.


Well-Known Member
What spectrum is that plasma light anyways? It appears to be doing the trick!

OMG man I just did some research on these plasma units and they are amazing. I can't wait to see what you can do with one of these when you start your crop from scratch and dial in some canopy control.


Active Member
fuck ya i cant wait!!! lil worried bout postin pics of next time just because i am going much bigger : ) shorter but I am going to try and do one full 30x30 room with chameleon lighting and one full with hID lighting and see which is better. I already believe the chameleon will kick ass but i wanna prove it to the world, I hear the new one i am getting is dialed in and produces some epic shit : ) plus my boy has 4 HID 1000s sittin in storage waiting for me to need them : )


Active Member
you better like those blocks and pvc pipes hahaha since i was a newb my friends told me my shit wouldnt get taller than the top of my shelves about six ft off the ground... well after they fuckin shot up way taller i had to lift the light lol thought one block would do... every two days i had to lean over the plants on a crappy ass tinny ladder.... and add another block (not to mention i am high as balls and very worried about breaking my light). I ran out of blocks so i started using the pvc pipe witch are very fuckin wobbly.. all this was done balancing on one foot holding a very heavey board/light up in the air while i slipped another piece underneith it. and i had to do this two god damn times per one inch of height taller each side.


Well-Known Member
Ahahaha so is the burden of growing alone, my friend! I've been in similar situations many a time. Before you risk your ass on a big grow, think about it... Imagine all the problems you ran into in a closet, now imagine that in a space 12x the size. Holy shit. Lol. Start with a 10x10 or 5x10 first. I know I would blow a gasket trying to run into a 30x30 garden. You need ample air conditioning when using multiple 1000w's, don't pick them up without a 15,000+ btu a/c unit.

Besides... I want to see pictures of your next grow, god damnit! But for real, you should kick me down a 1k light ;)