Aussie Growers Thread


Active Member
hey guys the don again,
as most of you have seen i have 9 plants in the 3rd week of flowering atm. They were all females, however on one plant now on certain branches its starting to get some male characteristics, i was wondering if there was anything to counter this or it was time to part with this one. Also i have already seperated it from the rest of the crop

Do exactly as youve done and remove it, personally unless its genetics are tough and solid and your going to store the pollen, id part ways, but removing it is a fine start, keep it far away man, that pollen travels like a mofo............would love to see some pics the don. good luck.


Active Member
[420]Haze;5390942 said:
Do exactly as youve done and remove it, personally unless its genetics are tough and solid and your going to store the pollen, id part ways, but removing it is a fine start, keep it far away man, that pollen travels like a mofo............would love to see some pics the don. good luck.
Yeah im with what Hazey said

the don

Active Member
yer sweet the tops are still good and budding so ill just keep it away from the rest and monitor it for a week. ill post a pic asap


Active Member
Hi 420, see the steel grate you're sitting your plants on? Next crop, put the plants underneath it and let them grow up thru the screen... You'll get a better yield and they wont grow as high, and your branches will spread horizontally... Scrogging its also known as... Just a little idea I got from looking at your photos.. :-) Peace...

I originally wanted to do that Laceygirl, however due to the lateness in the season and a massive snail problem ( lol i cant put down snail pellets as i have dogs ), i needed to keep pots of the ground and solid objects, the cheeky ass snails would climb anything i used to raise the pots off the ground, so the only solution was to use the wire panels. I will be doing it next year, we are in the middle of building a property and currently in rental so options, time and nosey neighbours keep us our toes. But Thanks for the great idea & info, i will be sure to be asking yourself for some advice as i have seen some of your Scrog pics. Cheers.


Active Member
yer sweet the tops are still good and budding so ill just keep it away from the rest and monitor it for a week. ill post a pic asap
no rush the don, when you can, just love seeing plant & bud pics......its always a treat to see others lovely ladies.....


Active Member
the don, looking good there man, as the bud gods say "let it swell & be frosty" lol, thanks for the pics. awesome, look forward to watching there progress..thanks again.


Well-Known Member
hey guys im back

doing a 400watt run to waste with soil set up this time with white widow seeds last yr was a major failure thought id try again

anyone from tas some clones would be good

also anyone know a good place to get seeds into aus


Well-Known Member
[420]Haze;5390966 said:
I originally wanted to do that Laceygirl, however due to the lateness in the season and a massive snail problem ( lol i cant put down snail pellets as i have dogs ), i needed to keep pots of the ground and solid objects, the cheeky ass snails would climb anything i used to raise the pots off the ground, so the only solution was to use the wire panels. I will be doing it next year, we are in the middle of building a property and currently in rental so options, time and nosey neighbours keep us our toes. But Thanks for the great idea & info, i will be sure to be asking yourself for some advice as i have seen some of your Scrog pics. Cheers.
Get some rough crusher dust, sawdust, sand, eggshell or other abrasive material it'll stop them dead in their tracks.


Well-Known Member
[420]Haze;5390966 said:
I originally wanted to do that Laceygirl, however due to the lateness in the season and a massive snail problem ( lol i cant put down snail pellets as i have dogs ), i needed to keep pots of the ground and solid objects, the cheeky ass snails would climb anything i used to raise the pots off the ground, so the only solution was to use the wire panels. I will be doing it next year, we are in the middle of building a property and currently in rental so options, time and nosey neighbours keep us our toes. But Thanks for the great idea & info, i will be sure to be asking yourself for some advice as i have seen some of your Scrog pics. Cheers.
If you use pea hay as mulch you dont have to worry about snails. The surface is too rough for them to crawl across. The only thing with pea hay is you have to pick the pea hay plants out after the seeds germinate.


This is Totally hypothetically,

I'm after a few clones and I heard you can find them in park/other places. I was wondering if anyone would be able to pm me a location that they'd seen some. If did pm I know 100% that you didn't put them There just informed me. I'd be very thanks for the the information, maybe a few rounds at the pub haha :) I'm from eastern Melbourne but dont mind traveling.

Anyone heard of the guy having a heart attack on the tram? I got off a stop before he was ment to get on :o


Active Member
This is Totally hypothetically,

I'm after a few clones and I heard you can find them in park/other places. I was wondering if anyone would be able to pm me a location that they'd seen some. If did pm I know 100% that you didn't put them There just informed me. I'd be very thanks for the the information, maybe a few rounds at the pub haha :) I'm from eastern Melbourne but dont mind traveling.

Anyone heard of the guy having a heart attack on the tram? I got off a stop before he was ment to get on :o
What the ????????????? all i can do is LOL


Well-Known Member
hey all found some white widow seeds i got from seedsman bout a yr ago anyway 3 out 5 germinated mite get lucky an 1 more will

anyway im thinking 300mm pots with coco run to waste anythoughts?

under a 400watt light?

any advice for nutes?


Well-Known Member
Cyco Platinum range

This is my White Widow, under 400w hps with these nutes
- im also growing in coco, seems like the perfect combo so far