Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
That's 3 there in the pic all grown from clones, i wish it was just one that big lol but the phenotype i have is a sativa dom it wants to grow tall rather then bushy so it definitely needs to be lst'd supercropped whatever but thats on round 2 ;)


Well-Known Member
yeah im going for 3 in 300mm pots and try an keep an short lsd or super crop work somthing out

im just using femnized seeds dunno if they will be any good never tried em before


Well-Known Member
I swear this time of year in Perth fkn SUCKS for bud. Too fkn hard to get due to nearing end of season. Trying to get hold of a 50 is just as hard as an oz..... FML atm


Active Member
Is it ever good anywhere in Oz ??? lol my experience has been either poorly grown inmature bud or some doosh bag trying to rip you off by selling an oz thats actually 26 grams, thus why i grow for myself :D

I completed my 8 pot system today, its top feed to recycle, 24 pots in total, 8 for stands ( i hate stagnant water sitting in the bottom pots ), 8 for drainage ( return to res ), 8 for pot socks and coco, im running 19mm hosing all the way through except for the feeder rings which are a 13mm hose, total cost is $84 for all pots, hosing, connectors, grommets, res ( 45 ltr ) including lid, i will be running a AquaOne 104 pump ( 2000 litres an hour ). I will post pics once i set up, i may even split it into 2 x 4 pot systems and run diff nutes to do some testing.


Active Member
good stuff Hazey! that should do the lucky i stumbled across someone that grows a lovely WW and that is my regular supply, but yeah im just waiting to crank out my E+F table, still got a few weeks left before i transplant, i run the same size pipe as that and im fine with the flow rates! what strains you plan on growing?


Well-Known Member
Haze I agree, I cannot believe the number of people trying to rip tokkers off with undersized bags. In-fact I'm adamant they just get the same size bags and just partially fill them to increase profits.
I grow in my shed, but due to the constant 35 degree temps this just isn't viable at the moment. Once autumn comes around then I should be right to go.


Well-Known Member
Hoochy, I too suffer from high temps in the summer time, but I combat that with a portable air conditioner... Its the best $400 I've ever spent.... I only have to use it for about 3 months of the year.... I also drop my lights back to 600's in the summer and bump them up to 1000's in the winter time... Its the only time when I could care less about -15 degrees celcius....:-)


Well-Known Member
My hempy's are going well my KC36 are big enough to take clones off but are revegging and still shooting off single leaves so I'll let them get biggerand just take giant clones (6" and above).

Glad this cold weather is about to start I might buy a MH light for my cabinet, though I am not sure whether 175 or 250's are even worth it. We'll see how my mums go under the 10 24w cfl's I currently have afghani, Chrystal KC36, and G13xHaze (my hopes lie with this potent strain) the other half of my order didn't come though it just had my Kc33 and some eldorado, so no biggy I'll just reorder and send elsewhere.

Hope everyone esle is going fine, I'll make more of an effort to take some picture and post them Up of my cabinet and mothers in the coming weeks as they get abit bigger and my bubble cloners, just need a better phone, might stel my sisters old one.

Peace Yall.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I guess your right lacey. The problem is that I'm a huge outdoor grower. If you want to grow a vegie or any form of plant then there isn't much I don't know about it. Hydroponics is something I attempted to a minor degree and failed. It's not that I wouldn't try it again, but more I find it cheaper and more sustainable to use soil under lights. Sure the risk of bugs and so forth are a problem, but this can always be combated with some fantastic natural products.

I don't know whats going on with the weather at the moment, but having lived in the NT, Tassie, and W.A I just find W.A to be too unpredictable regarding weather

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
My hempy's are going well my KC36 are big enough to take clones off but are revegging and still shooting off single leaves so I'll let them get biggerand just take giant clones (6" and above).

Glad this cold weather is about to start I might buy a MH light for my cabinet, though I am not sure whether 175 or 250's are even worth it. We'll see how my mums go under the 10 24w cfl's I currently have afghani, Chrystal KC36, and G13xHaze (my hopes lie with this potent strain) the other half of my order didn't come though it just had my Kc33 and some eldorado, so no biggy I'll just reorder and send elsewhere.

Hope everyone esle is going fine, I'll make more of an effort to take some picture and post them Up of my cabinet and mothers in the coming weeks as they get abit bigger and my bubble cloners, just need a better phone, might stel my sisters old one.

Peace Yall.
So how is the hempy system working out for you Chunky, personally I love it and can't wait for my first hempy scrog to finish up.


Active Member
good stuff Hazey! that should do the lucky i stumbled across someone that grows a lovely WW and that is my regular supply, but yeah im just waiting to crank out my E+F table, still got a few weeks left before i transplant, i run the same size pipe as that and im fine with the flow rates! what strains you plan on growing?
I'm going to do G13 Pineapple Express, I will do a journal, so you can see the progress. I will do 4 in 1 system using Canna nutes and 4 in the other using nutrified nutes. I'm curious to see which out performs.


Well-Known Member
ok i have 4 out of 5 white widow feminized seeds that have germinated. im also after some advice last time i grew my plant grew to high an all of the plant could't get light i want these ones to be short an busy i only have a 400 watt light also can i just veg them for 2 weeks an go straight to flower?


Active Member
tie them down man u could fim/top as well and super croping is good to u have lots of options to keep the height down and make them bushy man just do some research on the things i listed there is guides for all of them on this site


Active Member
Hey guys, i need a little help, i have a bug issue, i have no idea what the bugs are, they are very small, from first glance they actually look like a small spec of dirt, tiny lil things, they arent eating anything however the are stuck to the underside of the leaves in the trichomes, i will goto bunnings and get some spray however, what should i be looking for, has anyone encountered these things before ??? as i said they dont appear to be eating any part of the plant, they just seem to be dead and stuck to the under side of the leaves, heres a pic ;



Active Member
in my opinion man they are eggs of some description
i use multicrop eco pest oil its spray on and totaly organic and seems to work a treat and you get it from bunnings for around 8bucks a bottle if i remember right


Active Member
in my opinion man they are eggs of some description
i use multicrop eco pest oil its spray on and totaly organic and seems to work a treat and you get it from bunnings for around 8bucks a bottle if i remember right
thanks odlaw, advice taken, i will get some and give it a good misting, i dont wanna cause the lady any stress, shes ripening up well, would be a real shame to lose a lilttle yield now due to major stress or bug attack. again thanks man.


Well-Known Member
tie them down man u could fim/top as well and super croping is good to u have lots of options to keep the height down and make them bushy man just do some research on the things i listed there is guides for all of them on this site

ok cheers man done a bit of research not sure of which way to go

anyone got a link for a how to on supercropping can't find this found one thread but did't explain the technique


Active Member
i actually do all of them lol i havent got time now but ill snap my ww clone shes a sativa pheno but from doing all those things she is now as bushy as fuck lol compared to her mum at the same stage

supercroping is basicially pinching the stems i squeeze then i rotate my hand or the plant 90degrees and then squeeze in the same area but you are squeezing the oposite sides then u will end up with a knuckle where u squeezed (after time) and all the branching below that point on that cola will become colas
ytour branches will flop a lil but thats normal once the squeeze heals it will be fine