You Know You're a Stoner if....

You know you're a stoner when you constantly think: "I can definitely make a bong out of that!!!"
you know your a stoner whenever some hands you a paper and at some point you end up rolling that paper up like your bout to smoke it
when you call someone on ur cell and when he or she answers u forgot what u were about to ask

Nah...... you definately are a stoner when you ring someone on the phone and as soon as they say hello' you forget who you just called......then there's that *awkward silence* of nothingness and you gotta admitt that you have no-idea who you called! ..........unless you reckonised their hello voice ;)
You know you are a stoner if...
You could have sworn you bought milk, only to find it three days later, in the pantry, next to the canned goods.
You go to the grocery store and the 4 kids in the car next to yours get out and they reek like the worst, scwaggy ditchweed ever. You casually mention to the driver that they need to find a better supplier...meaning me.
You know you are a stoner if...
You could have sworn you bought milk, only to find it three days later, in the pantry, next to the canned goods.

Ha! Ive done sumin similar... MIxture of fire chronic and Xanax, found my milk 3 days later where the cereal is and the box of cereal in the fridge...
And I needed that milk, nothing better than a bowl of sweet cereal and ice-cold milk to cure the munchies, lol.
No shit... I remember at that time putting hersheys syrup on each spoonfull of cereal lol.... Dam i had the munchies... Havent since like that...
you know your a stoner if you write stupid shit like this tardsky
You didn't add anything to the thread with that statement.
Negativity can be, well, negative which does no one any good.
You don't need to like what he said, but thats no reason to denigrate him.
you know your high, when at a Packer game, you go to take a drink of your beer, and pour it in your lap instead....cause you forgot one important thing....the lift up to your lips....that really happened....what can i say, the beginning of Hell's Bell's by AC/DC was playing, and it put my gerbil mind in a trance.
you know your a stoner if

if your jerking off and realize your jerking off your friend........... OH sHit wrong thread sorry. this aint the gay thread ?
You didn't add anything to the thread with that statement.
Negativity can be, well, negative which does no one any good.
You don't need to like what he said, but thats no reason to denigrate him.
common man no need to get butt hurt. I thought it was funny. You could totally tell this guy was blitzed out of his mind and thought it was the funniest thing on earth.