How much light for rooting clones?

Al Dente

I topped my plants 3 days ago and yesterday put the tops to root in my new veg tent. I read somewhere that you don't want much light until they grow some roots, but not sure how much is not too much, and not too little.

The lamp is actually much closer than the pic shows as I had just put the tent together and moved the lamp down to about 8" above the dome after I took the pic. Lamp is a 26w 6500k CFL. I am planning to add more CFL plus a small LED once they get going, if any survive. TIA!
Do you mean you took clones? If you topped a plant the plant you topped should already be well rooted?? It looks like you took clones, and if thats the case, keep the light at about 8 inches or so, just outside of the light burn range. General rule of thumb with clones is 80 degrees, 90 to100 percent humidity for 14 days, and they should be rooted enough to transplant. If your using root riot or some other grow plug you just wait until there is strong root growth showing on the outside of the plug.

Grow strong


Well-Known Member
Yeah drop the light down. I'm a clone master lol. I do clones for dispensaries and growers here's what I use with great results 7-10 days crazy roots


Al Dente

Ty for the responses. Mikegrowstrong - yes I took clones off the tops. They are on a tray under a dome, in clear plastic cups so I can see when they need repotted. I don't have another humidity meter for the tent yet, but I mist them twice a day, and there is always a little mist on the inside of the dome. Room temp is between 70 lights out and 82 lights on (my first grow is also vegging in that room next to the tent). Looks like they are all surviving but one might not make it. Might be the one I let get an air bubble in the stem before getting the rooting hormone on. No big deal, there are too many to keep and probably half will be males anyway. I'll find out soon since the parents are going 12/12 starting tomorrow night.

Realstyles - nice roots! Someday I might try hydro but want to get a few dirt grows down. It looks like more trouble than I can handle right now. I'll drop the light to a couple inches above the dome which should be close to 8", +rep for the tip. I'll post more pics tomorrow.


Active Member
I use 4 23w cfls, 2 2400k and 2 6500k for 10 cuttings, low heat and cheap. What I want is hydrofarm's jump start t5 set up


Well-Known Member
Has soon has the clones are taken then i put them under a t5,but a single cfl would work just has good.I think that clones need a little light,but you dont have to use a high intence light just a flouresent tube or cfl.Once the clones have roots then they need more light.Clones need to be kept warm,this is why if you are only useing one light and its a cfl make sure its a warm spec daylight.Rather than been a cool day light,has the heat ammited by the light will keep the clones nice and warm.If you are gonna clone a propagator is a must so you can keep the humidity high during the 1st week or so.

Al Dente

Dankshizzle, I hope I have at least one male in there since I'm hoping to get some pollen off the parents and I cloned everything that was big enough. Should know in a week or two, then I will ditch the males from both generations except my pollinator.


New Member
Dankshizzle, I hope I have at least one male in there since I'm hoping to get some pollen off the parents and I cloned everything that was big enough. Should know in a week or two, then I will ditch the males from both generations except my pollinator.
Dude are you for real? Clones will always be what the parent plant are they won't be both male n female it's one or the other for example if the plant you topped is female the clones will be female you CAN stress then out so bad they could turn into hemapgadites but very unlikely and if you have a plant n veg and it's not a feminized strain you can over stress it and actually cause it to be male I'm not an expert but from what I do know 85-95% of the time the plant will be female BUT you as a grower can and usually are the cause of male plant I know this sounds crazy but I have done experiments and research and I proved this is logical! And! Feminizing gel also work a like 99% of the time unless you mess up or something is not right with fert ph it's very crazy how these plants work you want to take what you think you should do and what you think you should add nutrients wise and cut it into 1/3s and you will always be ok as I rule of thumb I use it's always better short nutrients then over do it I mean don't starve them of nutes or water but we as humans always tend to over think and over do it it's just the way we live and the science and oh the more chemicals that say use this product 1 time every 3 days and only use a 1tsp ur plant will grow 2-3 inches a day so your thinking will be it's not working like it should so you think you should use 1-1/2 tsps every other day when n fact the best way is to use a 1/2 tsp ever 3 days lol it's just the world we live in it's a natural and very common mistake among greenhorn farmers!!!

salt flat racer

Active Member
Now it's a six year old post and I'm replying. I don't mind the long gap between replies because it's the first time I've seen the thread.